Figure Skating – Advanced Spins
Off Ice Spin Class – Part 4, Eggbeater Upright Forward (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a class on off-ice spin training. In Part 1 she explained and demonstrated in detail how to get started spinning off the ice in a repeatable and safe way. In Part 2 the class continued… Continue reading
Layback Spin Variations (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a lesson with an advanced spinner, focusing here on layback variations. (See the earlier parts of this lesson here: Part 1, Part 2, and Part3.) She begins with the standard layback position, and… Continue reading
Sit to Up Camel – Why? IJS Considerations (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here and Part 3 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). In the… Continue reading
Back Spin to Forward Spin Transition (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches the backspin to forward spin change of foot transition. This discussion results from a skater missing this transition on a repeating front sit to back sit to front sit spin.… Continue reading
Sit to Up Camel – More Tips (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). In the previous parts of the… Continue reading
Spin Class – Sit to Up Camel Difficult Transition (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). She begins with the basic camel spin, and she shares… Continue reading
Spin Lesson With Emphasis on Upright Forward Position (Charyl Brusch)
In this short video, figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see earlier part of lesson here) by improving a combination spin which includes an upright forward variation (which Charyl calls a “shotgun” position). After one attempt… Continue reading
Spin Class – Sit Forward, Cannonball (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan begins a spin class with more advanced spinners, with the focus on the sit forward “cannonball” or “Fratianne” position. She begins the class with a basic forward upright scratch spin, going from spin entry to the… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 4 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique, and in Part 2 she taught an exercise… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique, and in Part 2 she taught an exercise… Continue reading
Advanced Skater Spin Lesson – Part 1 (Charyl Brusch)
In this short video, figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch begins a spin lesson with an advanced skater. All of the spins in this video are relatively basic spins which this skater has already mastered so we don’t get too… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique. In this video, Kim teaches an exercise that… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a class opposite direction spins. She begins by explaining the new concept of spin gateways in IJS and notes that opposite direction is a gateway. [Editor’s note: We do not in general have videos detailing… Continue reading
A-Frame Spin or Upright Forward Spin – Part 2 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues her presentation and demonstration of how to perform and teach an A-frame or upright forward spin (see Part 1 here). She begins this video by explaining that the A-frame spin “feels very different than the three… Continue reading
A-Frame Spin or Upright Forward Spin – Part 1 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau explains how she teaches the A-frame or upright forward spin. She begins by noting that she uses a wide variety of entrances, and the primary goal is to choose an entrance where the skater will hold the… Continue reading
Helpful Spin Tips (Charyl Brusch)
In this very short video, figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a lesson with tips on the bullet sit spin (also called cannonball or Fratianne) and overhead arms in upright spins. (See Part 1 of this lesson here.) To… Continue reading
Camel Spin Lesson – Camel Catch Foot (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues her lesson working with a skater on a relatively new camel spin. See the initial part of this camel spin lesson here. In this video, the initial focus is on the camel catch… Continue reading
Layback Spin – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a group class on layback spins. In Part 1 the focus was on proper upright spin entrance and spin centering. In Part 2 Kim started teaching the straight leg layback, and she continues with that… Continue reading
Layback Spin – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a group class on layback spins. In Part 1 the focus was on proper upright spin entrance and spin centering. This video starts there and discusses the place on the blade we need to balance… Continue reading
Various Sit Spin Tips (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a sit spin lesson covering the pancake, bullet (or shotgun), basic sit, and back sit (from sit change sit). They begin with the pancake and Charyl wants the skater to maintain a… Continue reading
Introducing Back Sit and Back Camel (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) and Part 3 here) by introducing a back camel and back sit spin. In the previous parts of the lesson, this skater… Continue reading
Attitude and Hair Cutter Spins (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) with emphasis on an upright attitude position as well as the hair cutter position. In the previous parts of the lesson, this… Continue reading
Spin Tips for Mushroom and Camel (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see Part 1 here) with emphasis on a sit back position or mushroom and the basic camel spin. In the previous part of the lesson, this skater worked on the… Continue reading
Sit Spin Variations – Bullet, Mushroom (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a spin lesson, covering one sit forward variation she calls the bullet and one sit back variation she calls the mushroom. This video is the final part of this lesson, and the previous… Continue reading
Spin Lesson: Camel Sit Change Sit Combo, Pancake (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a spin lesson, covering a combination spin and the pancake. The combo spin is a camel sit change sit, and the focus is on improving the sit and back sit positions. For sit… Continue reading
Lesson: Layback, Side Layback, Haircutter, Biellmann (Kim Ryan)
In this lesson, spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a flexible and talented skater on an advanced upright layback type spin combination. The skater is starting this spin combo with a side layback, but Kim notes that it is still… Continue reading
Layback Spin Development Lesson (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a skater a lesson on the layback spin. Charyl shares a lot of information in this video, and coaches can see how she explains it to a skater and what exercises she uses… Continue reading
I-Spin Tips (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen shares helpful tips for learning and teaching I-spins. Sheila notes that skaters need a very strong upright backspin before working on I-spins. Next she discusses the preferred foot grab, which automatically creates the desired… Continue reading
On-Ice Flexibility Exercises (Kate Charbonneau)
Figure skating coach Kate Charbonneau demonstrates a series of on-ice flexibility exercises. These are all front catch foot positions with different hand grabs. These have obvious application to the I-spin (also called the needle) but also enhance overall flexibility for… Continue reading
Spin Tips During Lesson (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson with a young skater. In the first video from this lesson, Charyl covered upright spins and sit spins and in the second video she focused on the forward camel spin and a… Continue reading
Camel, Catch Foot Camel Tips (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson with a young skater. In the previous videos from this lesson, Charyl covered upright spins and sit spins. In this video, the focus is on the basic forward camel spin and a… Continue reading
Off-Ice Camel Spins (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the final of three videos from Kate Charbonneau on her personal experience with off-ice spinning during the worldwide pandemic. In the first video in this series Kate focused on some general concepts an then on upright off-ice spins.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Upright Spins (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the first of three videos from Kate Charbonneau on her personal experience with off-ice spinning during the worldwide pandemic. Kate is using a Spinergy Spinboard and she emphasizes proper foot placement on the spinboard as critical to success,… Continue reading
Spinboard Training – Camel Spin and Variation (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a process for developing and mastering the off-ice forward camel spin on a spinboard. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. Kim recommends a standard spinboard… Continue reading
Spinboards For Off-Ice Spin Training
iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak encourages all skaters to buy a spinboard from spin specialist Kim Ryan. Kim has pioneered the use of spinboards for off-ice spin training, and she has been using these tools regularly with skaters from all over… Continue reading
IJS Series #2: GOE (The Strategic Method)
Coaches Stephanie Bass and Tiffany McNeil of The Strategic Method continue their discussion of the IJS protocol sheet. In Part 1 of this series, they offered an overview of the IJS protocol sheet. In this video, they talk at length… Continue reading
Combo Spin Tips and Lesson (Sheila Thelen)
Spin specialist Sheila Thelen offers some feedback to a young skater who is working on a combination spin on one foot. The combination spin starts with a bounce spin (technically not an illusion), then transitions into a shotgun sit position,… Continue reading
Backspin Haircutter (Sheila Thelen)
Spin specialist Sheila Thelen continues a layback lesson with a skater. In the first part of the lesson, Sheila worked on improving this skater’s standard haircutter (forward spin). In this video, Sheila helps the skater learn a haircutter from a… Continue reading
Sit Forward (Pancake) and Sit Behind Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a young skater a lesson on some sit spin variations. The first variation is a sit forward which is known as the pancake. After the skater attempts one, Kim takes the skater to sit in… Continue reading
Improving the Haircutter Position (Sheila Thelen)
In this video, coach Sheila Thelen is working with a skater on the haircutter layback variation position. The skater has a good start on the position, but Sheila offers some helpful tips regarding where to position the arms and head,… Continue reading
I-Spin Tips (Sheila Thelen)
Spin specialist Sheila Thelen works with a skater on the upright forward I-spin. In particular, Sheila offers some tips for the foot grab and second arm assist. Also, the discussion about rising up to straighten the skating knee is very… Continue reading
Starting a Haircutter Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her lesson with a skater just learning a layback spin (see part 1 here). In this part of the lesson, Kim challenges the skater to learn the haircutter variation. As you’ll see, Kim uses a… Continue reading
Spin Strategy and Process for Maximizing IJS Points (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch discusses the strategy and processes she uses to help her skaters develop spins to maximize IJS points in competition. This process focuses on quality over quantity, and Charyl builds upon the inherent strengths the skater already… Continue reading
Increasing Layback Speed and Side Layback Tips (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire continues her discussion of the layback spin. During the first part of this video, Bobbe talks at length about how to make a layback spin faster or spin longer. She talks about arm and… Continue reading
Upright Spin Variation – The Y-Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches the upright spin variation called the Y-spin (sometimes also called the “heel stretch spin”). This video contains tons of important observations and insights to help anyone working on this upright… Continue reading
Improving a Layback Spin with Haircutter Variation (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues with a layback spin lesson. You can view part 1 of this lesson here. In this part, Kim works with the skater to integrate a haircutter position into the spin and a stronger exit.… Continue reading
Important Spinning Advice (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire shares some thoughts about spin training. To start the video, she finishes up a discussion of the backspin layback she covered here. She suggests using a running 3-turn sequence to get into the spin.… Continue reading
Front Layover Camel (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains and demonstrates how she would teach a front layover camel to a proficient spinner. Obviously, skaters need a consistent front camel spin before they can really work on this. Charyl describes an initial… Continue reading
Layback Tips, Backspin Layback (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire offers insights about the layback spin and also explains the tricks for learning a layback backspin. One important tip for a forward layback or a backspin layback is to stop the free leg from… Continue reading
Change of Edge Camel Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch shares how she teaches a change edge camel spin. This is a forward camel spin (blade skating backward, technically on an inside edge) that switches edge and skating direction (blade skating forward, technically on… Continue reading
Learning a Layover Camel Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a skater how to do a layover camel spin. Going into this lesson, the skater had never attempted a layover, so we get to see how Kim introduces it and builds it up. We also… Continue reading
Layback Lesson (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating coach Sheila Thelen gives a skater a lesson the layback spin. As you’ll see, this skater’s base layback is actually more like a side layback. She has a very hard time going straight back. Sheila addresses this… Continue reading
Learning a Hamill Camel (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains and demonstrates the process of teaching a Hamill camel to a skater who can already spin well. The move was popularized by 1976 Olympic Champion Dorothy Hamill and it’s not so much a… Continue reading
Drill for Victory Spin or Y-Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a drill she uses to help skaters with the basics of a “victory spin” which is also known as a Y-spin. This spin is an upright spin with the free leg held up to roughly… Continue reading
Illusions – Learning an Illusion Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch teaches an illusion. The illusion falls under the “windmill” type spin in IJS language and is performed as part of a backspin. (A similar-looking spin done using the forward spin is called “bounces.”) Charyl… Continue reading
Tips For Core Change on Back Sit Spin (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating coach Sheila Thelen works with a skater to improve the twist of the shoulders to get the core change on a back sit. The skater is not leveraging the arms and skating side elbow to help create… Continue reading
Tips for Side Layback (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater on her side layback. In the desired position for this spin, the shoulders should be vertically stacked. But even many skaters who have good flexibility to the side may have problems getting… Continue reading
Improving an Advanced Spin – Part 1 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating coach Sheila Thelen works with a skater on an advanced spin that the skater wants to get Level 4, but it’s getting called as Level 3. In this first part of the lesson, Sheila talks about the… Continue reading
Tips for Change Edge Camel Spin (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire explains how she teaches a change edge camel. She begins by teaching the change edge using a forward upright spin. She explains that the hook on the original forward spin entry has a three… Continue reading
Side Layback and Transition to Square Layback (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch offers insights regarding the side layback, and how to properly transition to the square or back layback position. She has the help of two talented advanced level skaters so we can observe how different skaters create… Continue reading
Improving a Layback Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a layback spin lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, Kim focuses on improving the skater’s upright position before switching to the layback. This position is critical, especially during the learning process, because it… Continue reading
The Upright Straight Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches the upright straight spin. This spin goes by many names including the heel stretch, Y-spin, and shotgun. This is an advanced spin requiring significant flexibility. As Charyl explains, the key… Continue reading
Lesson on Bounces or Forward Illusions (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating coach Sheila Thelen teaches bounces to a skater who has never done them before. Sheila refers to bounces as “forward illusions,” and many coaches and skaters use this same terminology, even though it is not strictly correct.… Continue reading
Introducing an Illusion (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating coach Sheila Thelen teaches an illusion to a skater who has never done one before. An illusion is a windmill-type spin performed from a backspin or a back camel (unlike “bounces” which are performed from a… Continue reading
Advanced Layback Lesson (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch works with a skater on her layback and layback variations (side layback spin, haircutter spin, and Biellmann spin). Notice how even with an advanced spinner, Charyl has the skater warm-up the back at the… Continue reading
Combination Spin Lesson (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating coach Sheila Thelen offers a series of tips to improve a combination spin. The combination spin in question is a back camel, back sit, twisted back sit, upright, change foot to haircutter. Sheila begins… Continue reading
Advanced Spin Lesson (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a spin lesson to a skater with advanced spinning skills. Notice how even with her advanced skaters, Charyl starts the lesson with a basic upright back spin and works toward improvements (in this case,… Continue reading
Case Study: Turtle Spin – Follow Up (Kim Ryan)
This short video by figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan is a follow-up to the lesson she gave a skater on a sit spin that transitions from a regular forward sit spin (sit front) to what the skater calls… Continue reading
Case Study: Turtle Spin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a lesson on a sit spin that transitions from a regular forward sit spin (sit front) to what the skater calls a turtle spin (also called a clam), which is a forward… Continue reading
Advanced Layback, Haircutter, Biellmann Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a long-time student on her layback spins. There are some nice tips in this video, but one of the main benefits you’ll get from watching this video is to see… Continue reading
Shoulder Flexibility for Some Catch Foot Spins (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire shares some helpful information related to testing for shoulder flexibility for Biellmann spins, haircutters, and donut spins. It’s a little hard to see in the video what Bobbe is talking about when… Continue reading
Pancake Sit Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater on her pancake spin. We join this lesson in progress after initial work on entry and the basic sit spin. The skater performs a pancake where she… Continue reading
Layback Spin Lesson & Starting Biellmann Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives one of her skaters a layhback spin lesson, which includes the skater’s first attempts at a Beillmann spin. Throughout the video, Charyl shares tips and tricks for laybacks, side laybacks, the haircutter variation, and… Continue reading
Mushroom Spin Tips (Charyl Brusch)
In this short video, spin specialist Charyl Brusch offers some insights and tips for the sit spin variation commonly known as the mushroom or “sit back.” This video is basically a continuation of the Charyl’s pancake video. She… Continue reading
Outside Edge Camel Spin – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her spin class presentation on the forward outside edge camel spin. You can see Part 1 here. Here she describes a drill she has the skaters do on the hockey circle. It… Continue reading
Pancake Spin Tips (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch offers some insights and tips for the sit spin variation commonly known as the pancake. She begins by helping the skater get into the position while providing support. Notice the detail of grabbing the… Continue reading
Sit Spin Variation – Cannonball, Bullet, Fratianne (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch shares some fantastic tips for doing the sit spin variation with the leg in front and the body forward and down. This sit spin is known by many names including the bullet spin, the cannonball… Continue reading
Outside Edge Camel Spin – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a spin class how to do a forward outside edge camel spin. Kim begins by acknowledging that there are many ways to achieve the goal, but she likes to start with the camel “base… Continue reading
Back Camel Spin – Part 3 – Running Three Turn Entry (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire continues her description of the back camel. In Part 1, she talked at length about the back camel spin entrance and in Part 2 she discussed the back camel position in detail. … Continue reading
Back Camel Spin – Part 2 (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire continues her description of the back camel. In Part 1, she talked at length about the back camel spin entrance. In this video, she begins by working on the back camel position… Continue reading
Back Sit Spin With A Core Change (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch teaches a back sit with a body core change. Beginning at a standstill on two feet, Charyl has the skater work on the position which requires a strong forward body lean, placing the chest on… Continue reading
Back Camel Entrance – Figure Skating Spins (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire explains how she teaches the back camel entrance. Right from the start, Bobbe notes that she does not like the common two foot entrance where the skater drags the free foot into the… Continue reading
Cross-Foot Spins: Learning a Cross Foot Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she introduces the cross-foot spin. As she describes, the cross foot spin is a spin on two feet with the feet crossed. Just like any two foot spin, one foot is spinning… Continue reading
Bounces and Illusions More Details – Part 2 (Bobbe Shire)
Spin specialist Bobbe Shire continues her discussion of bounces and illusions. She introduced these spins in Part 1 and offers more details here, focused primarily on common problems. First Bobbe discusses the common error she calls “jack knifing” where… Continue reading
Bounce Spin – Not an Illusion Spin (Bobbe Shire)
Spin specialist Bobbe Shire explains how she teaches what she calls “bounces.” She notes that this falls under the “windmill spin” family in IJS language. But she also notes that bounces are not the same as an illusion… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins – Sit Spin Differences and Clam (Bobbe Shire)
Spin specialist Bobbe Shire talks about the sit spin and the sit spin variation she calls the clam (sit back on forward foot). On the clam she likes to have the skaters turn their heads to the side because… Continue reading
Corkscrew Spin, Spaghetti Spin – Figure Skating Spins (Bobbe Shire)
Spin specialist Bobbe Shire talks about the corkscrew spin, which she likes to call the spaghetti spin. This is somewhat similar to the crossfoot spin but unlike the crossfoot, the skater is only spinning on one foot in the… Continue reading
Crossfoot Spin – Figure Skating Spins – Part 2 (Bobbe Shire)
In this figure skating video, spin specialist Bobbe Shire continues her explanation of how she teaches a crossfoot spin. In the first video (Part 1), Bobbe explained why the crossfoot spin is important and how she prefers to develop it.… Continue reading
Crossfoot Spin – Figure Skating Spins – Part 1 (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire explains how she teaches a crossfoot spin. This spin is generally misunderstood by skaters and coaches and few coaches know how to teach this spin properly. A crossfoot spin is a spin… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spin – Broken Leg Sit Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches a broken leg sit spin. This sit spin has gained new popularity recently with the recent rule changes that give credit for a “sit side difficult variation.” The… Continue reading
Layback Spin Development Process – Figure Skating Spins (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade shows the process she uses to develop the layback spin. She begins by having the skater master a simple upright spin that remains open. Kori calls this spin a “prep spin.” This foundational skill is… Continue reading
Back Camel Spin – Developing the Back Camel (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila Thelen provides a process for improving a back camel spin. The back camel spin is a difficult skill to learn for a number of reasons. First, nothing really “swings around” to help create rotational energy for the… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins Tip – Back To Front Change Foot Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how to change feet in a spin, from a backspin to a regular “front” spin. Charyl shows how to do this without changing centers or traveling. The basic concept is to… Continue reading
IJS Spin Levels And Points (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire discusses some of the issues surrounding maximizing IJS points for spins. She addresses this by discussing a few Level 4 spin examples by her skaters. Bobbe notes at the beginning how everyone is focused on having Level… Continue reading
Camel Spin Variations And Upright Spin (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire teaches variations on upright and camel spins. As Bobbe notes, these spins all require excellent flexibility. The spins discussed and demonstrated include the “Y-spin,” the “split-spin” or “Sasha Cohen spin,” the Biellmann spin, and the “donut”… Continue reading
Sit Spin Variations: With Twist (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire discusses how to achieve the core change feature in the sit spin. She calls this a twisted sit spin. The video starts with two demonstrations and then Bobbe explains how to think about the core change… Continue reading
Lay Back Spin Improvements With Champion Cords (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila Thelen offers some tips to improve layback spins. She initially explains what she’s looking for in the layback including free foot position and free knee position. Sheila then shows how to use Champion Cords to help the… Continue reading
Sit Spin Figure Skating Variations: The Clam – Back Sit Position (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire continues after her explanation of the pancake spin with a spin she calls the clam or reverse pancake.
Sit Spin Figure Skating Variations: Pancake (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire discusses the details of a pancake sit spin feature. As Bobbe explains, this feature is not overly difficult to get as most reasonably flexible skaters can eventually get into the position.
Sit Spin Figure Skating Variations: Cannonball (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire shares some tips on learning the cannonball sit spin variation. According to Bobbe, the best cannonball position has the free leg completely parallel to the ice.
Figure Skating Camel Spin Tips: Outside Edge Change (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire offers some excellent tips for change edge camels. This is a continuation of her initial discussion of the change edge camel.
Figure Skating Sit Spin Variations: Edge Change (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire discusses change of edge sit spins. (This is a continuation of Bobbe’s discussion of change edge upright spins and change edge camel spins.)
IJS Figure Skating Spins: Change Of Edge Camel Spin (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire talks at length about change edge camel. As with all spins, Bobbe wants her skaters to spin at the ball of the foot, even for the forward outside edge.
IJS Figure Skating Spins: Change Of Edge Upright Spin (Bobbe Shire)
One of Bobbe's main concepts for change of edge spins is revolutionary, but it is now growing in popularity.
Biellmann Spin Tip Figure Skating (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire offers her opinions and thoughts on teaching and learning the Biellmann spin.
Layback Spin Technique Video: Features-Variations (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire discusses additional positions for the layback spin. Her demonstrator shows a version of the spin that can gain rotational speed as well as the haircutter.
Layback Spin Technique Video: Part 2 (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire continues her explanation of the layback spin. Make sure you watch Part 1 of the layback presentation here.
Layback Spin Technique Video: Part 1 (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire explains how she introduces the layback spin. Notice that Bobbe starts her presentation with a discussion of potential back injuries and how to prevent them.
Figure Skating Spins Video: Stars Spin (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire explains how she teaches "stars." Stars is one of those spin entrances that's been slowly disappearing.
Figure Skating Camel Spin Tips For Edge Change (Audrey Weisiger)
Audrey Weisiger describes how to teach change of edge camel spins.
Figure Skating Spins: Edge Change Development (Audrey Weisiger)
Audrey Weisiger describes how to teach change of edge spins. Many coaches asked for information about this and Audrey came through in a big way.
Figure Skating Spins: Finding The Sweet Spot (Nick Perna)
In this video of a lower level spin class, Nick Perna discusses the “sweet spot” or the “slippery spot” for spinning.
Figure Skating Spins: Advanced Spins (Nick Perna and Sheila Thelen)
Nick Perna and Sheila Thelen conduct a spin class for advanced skaters. This is a long video and it's filled with many tidbits of helpful information.