25 Most Recent
Figure Skating Videos
Published by iCoachSkating.com

The 25 most recent posts are presented on this page for your convenience. The posts are listed from most recent to least recent. The website contains hundreds of videos that are not posted on this page. Please use the Archive section, the Coaches section, or the Search function to access all the videos not listed on this page. Enjoy!

Lutz Edge Class – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte gives a lutz edge class at a seminar. After breaking the class up into smaller groups, he watches the class perform single lutz jumps. He then relates a story about a skater who… Continue reading
Exercise and Insights for Double and Triple Loop – Part 2 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek continues his discussion of the double and triple loop, including more detail on the exercise and movements discussed in Part 1. Here he begins by addressing probably the most common problem skaters face on… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues an axel development class for young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts as they relate to waltz jump. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work… Continue reading
Spin Lesson With Emphasis on Upright Forward Position (Charyl Brusch)
In this short video, figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see earlier part of lesson here) by improving a combination spin which includes an upright forward variation (which Charyl calls a “shotgun” position). After one attempt… Continue reading
Building Skater Understanding and Confidence (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh discusses how coaches can help build skater confidence and create the desired changes in their skating. He begins by showing a technique that can be used on nearly any edge. By placing the skater’s… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warmup – Part 2: Range of Motion Exercises (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues a series of videos explaining and demonstrating how skaters can and should warm up off the ice for an upcoming on-ice session. (See part 1 here.) This video focuses on range of motion exercises from head… Continue reading
Triple Toe Loop in Combination Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a lesson to a skater who is working on triple triple jump combinations, and in particular, triple toe loop as the second jump. Audrey begins the lesson with a double toe loop “with… Continue reading
Exercise and Insights for Double and Triple Loop (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek shares an exercise intended to help skaters “understand the hairpin turn moment on a triple loop.” Tom notes that the exercise is also helpful for double loop combos too. The speed and timing of… Continue reading
Spin Class – Sit Forward, Cannonball (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan begins a spin class with more advanced spinners, with the focus on the sit forward “cannonball” or “Fratianne” position. She begins the class with a basic forward upright scratch spin, going from spin entry to the… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Lesson – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby is giving a lesson on the triple salchow. He begins by asking for a double salchow and filling us in on the work they’ve been doing prior to this video. He notes that many… Continue reading
Boots and Lacing Reminders (Chris Conte)
Before an on-ice seminar class International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte checks the skates of the skaters in the class. This video is a reminder to coaches to periodically check their skater’s boots and blades, and make sure… Continue reading
Arms Up Over the Head for Jumps (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen teaches and demonstrates how to jump with the arms up over the head. This is a follow-up and clarification video to Jeremy’s very first video on iCoachSkating which you should also watch to… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna works with a class of young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts necessary for axel development. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work on the axel,… Continue reading
Spin Lesson – Basic Positions With Emphasis on Camel (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch begins a new spin lesson with a skater. This video focuses on “warm-up” spins for this skater which are the basic positions including upright forward and back spins, forward and backward sit spins, and… Continue reading
Coaching Philosophy – Bubble Edges to Quads (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh offers insights into his philosophy of coaching. He discusses quite a few things in this video, but it all boils down to starting with solid fundamentals and being a good person and mentor. To… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warmup – Part 1: 5 minute low level (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau begins a series of videos explaining and demonstrating how skaters can and should warm up off the ice for an upcoming on-ice session. She begins by acknowledging that some skaters have as little as 4-5 minutes to… Continue reading
Double Lutz Follow-Up and Drills (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak provides a follow-up analysis video to a double lutz video published previously discussing details related to jump timing and rhythm, the active take-off edge, toe pick placement, arm and shoulder timing, and more. This video shows the skater’s… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a skater a lesson on triple salchow. The lesson begins with a double salchow Euler (half loop) double salchow  sequence, and Audrey explains the purpose is to feel the rhythm of repeatedly… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 4 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique, and in Part 2 she taught an exercise… Continue reading
More Insights on Jump Landings (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his discussion of jump landings (see previous video here). Robert says this about landings, “We want to separate what’s technically correct and what’s going to help us actually land a jump, and then… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 7 Pirouette (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Double Axel Development – Part 2 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek continues his discussion of the drills and exercises he uses when developing a double or triple axel. In Part 1 he taught a “progression exercise” in detail. This video begins with one of his… Continue reading
Euler Demonstrations and Insights (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen demonstrates the two primary ways of performing an Euler and he discusses the differences as well as insights about under-rotations. He begins by noting that an Euler is also called a half loop.… Continue reading
Drill for More Height on Loop, Flip, Lutz (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna shares a drill he uses to help skaters properly lift into the air on the loop, flip, and lutz jumps. He begins by noting that many skaters struggle to achieve an h-position or… Continue reading
Advanced Skater Spin Lesson – Part 2 (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson with an advanced skater. In Part 1 the focus was on foundational spins in preparation for the more advanced spins in this video. The video starts with the skater performing… Continue reading
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