How To Do An Axel – Figure Skating Axel Jump

The axel is typically regarded as the the most difficult figure skating jump.  The single axel is the first jump that requires more than one full rotation in the air.  The axel takes off from a forward outside edge, rotates in the direction of the take-off edge, and lands on the opposite foot on a back outside edge.  Contrary to popular belief, the axel DOES NOT rotate 1 1/2 times in the air.  Total rotation of the entire element is roughly 1 1/2 revolutions, but some of that is actually accomplished on the ice.

The axel is particularly challenging because few skaters learning the jump have proper control of the forward outside edge needed for take-off.  The double axel is especially challenging for more advanced skaters because it requires significantly more athleticism and control than any other double jump.  In terms of skill, it more closely resembles a triple jump than the other doubles.  Also, skaters learning a double axel often have ingrained bad habits from years of doing single axels incorrectly, making the jump that much harder.  Even now, more than 50 years after they were first landed, the triple axel is a rare accomplishment of only the most athletic and skilled figure skaters.

The videos below share an astonishing amount of information on how to do an axel.  As with nearly everything in figure skating, the mechanics of what actually happens in the jump vary to some extent from skater to skater.  But teaching methods vary even more.  Coaches use a very large variety of descriptions and drills to develop the skills and help their skaters land this amazing and beautiful jump.

The videos below are organized into figure skating axel tips published from most recent to least recent.  Regardless of the date of publication, ALL information below is relevant today for coaches, skaters, and skating parents.

Axel Development – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains and demonstrates how he begins developing the axel. He starts this video by noting that he draws on the ice and has very clear instructions and targets for the skater. Learning an axel… Continue reading
Axel Exercise (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger works with a class of high level skaters on improving their step into double axel. The drills shared here can help skaters improve single axel (and triple!) as well. The purpose of this exercise… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 4 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues an axel development series for young skaters at a camp. In the previous parts of the series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Nick worked with a class on early axel concepts… Continue reading
Waltz Jump (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares some thoughts on how to teach a good waltz jump. Although a waltz jump is a basic and easy jump to learn, Robert says “There’s a few things you want to try to… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues an axel development class for young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts as they relate to waltz jump. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues an axel development class for young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts as they relate to waltz jump. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work… Continue reading
Building Skater Understanding and Confidence (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh discusses how coaches can help build skater confidence and create the desired changes in their skating. He begins by showing a technique that can be used on nearly any edge. By placing the skater’s… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna works with a class of young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts necessary for axel development. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work on the axel,… Continue reading
Double Axel Development – Part 2 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek continues his discussion of the drills and exercises he uses when developing a double or triple axel. In Part 1 he taught a “progression exercise” in detail. This video begins with one of his… Continue reading
Double Axel Development – Part 1 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek begins a series of videos discussing some of the drills and exercises he uses when developing a double or triple axel. There are a ton of insights about the axel (and double and triple)… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 5 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. In Part 1 he discussed the take-off and the need for edge… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 4 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. In Part 1 he discussed the take-off and the need for edge… Continue reading
Relating Jump Take-Off, Air Position, and Landing Movements (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh continues his discussion from the previous video covering insights of the seatbelt air position. He begins this video by analyzing a video of the take-off movements of a double axel of one of his… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 3 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. In Part 1 he discussed the take-off and the need for edge… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 2 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. In Part 1 he discussed the take-off and the need for edge… Continue reading
Single Axel Development – Part 2 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues her axel lesson with a young male skater. In Part 1 of the lesson, the focus was on the take-off itself and the quickness needed to transfer the weight in the air. In… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 1 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen begins a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. He begins by comparing the axel take-off to jumping on a trampoline,… Continue reading
Single Axel Development (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger is giving a young male skater a lesson on single axel. This skater’s axel is not yet fully rotated, and Audrey shares helpful drills for this stage of development. After watching an axel attempt,… Continue reading
Small Group Lesson – Triple Axels (Vincent Restencourt)
Coach and former French competitive skater Vincent Restencourt gives a small “group” lesson to two male skaters who are both working on triple axel. In some parts of the world, this kind of group lesson is very common, while in… Continue reading
Landing Position Ideas and Insights (Rohene Ward)
Coach and choreographer Rohene Ward shares insights and ideas for landing positions. For this presentation he has 4 advanced skaters as demonstrators, all having slightly different body types and jump landing technique. Rohene begins by noting that he chooses a… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson Continued (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues with a double axel lesson. In the previous video, Audrey focused on the single axel, the pivot on take-off, and stand-still double axel attempts. In this lesson, the focus shifts to moving double… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson (Ryan Bradley)
2011 US Men’s Champion Ryan Bradley gives a skater a double axel lesson. The lesson begins with a double axel attempt, and after that Ryan immediately observes that the skater needs to get more energy from the legs (more jump… Continue reading
Using a Balloon for Jump Training – Part 3 (Lorie Charbonneau)
International coach Lorie Charbonneau continues her presentation on using a simple air-filled balloon as a jump training aid. In Part 1 she introduced the concept and had her skaters demonstrate single jumps as well as axel and double salchow with… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a double axel lesson to a skater she hasn’t worked with before. She begins with a double loop exercise as a way to challenge the skater and see the quality of the skater’s… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh gives a double axel lesson. She begins the lesson by having the skater watch a successful double axel example by an elite skater (Carolina Kostner). This provides an opportunity to review characteristics of a… Continue reading
Some Jump Drills (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna gives a jump lesson, beginning with waltz jump drills. The first drill is a waltz jump, “land forward” on one foot, then snap into twizzle rotation prior to a strong landing position. For… Continue reading
Common Waltz Jump and Axel Issues (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte gives a lesson at a seminar, and this portion of the lesson focuses on the waltz jump and the axel. Chris begins by asking for three waltz jumps in a row with nice… Continue reading
Off Ice Harness Axel Training Continued (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach and inventor Sheila Thelen continues her demonstration of off-ice jump training using an electric spinner and stationary off-ice harness system. This is a continuation of the previous video here. Sheila begins by noting that skaters can… Continue reading
Overlooked Axel Drill (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna teaches a skater a basic axel development drill, referred to as the “axel pivot drill.” As you can see in the previous video, this skater is just starting the axel journey and the… Continue reading
Waltz Jump Game (Debbie Warne-Jacobsen)
National level coach Debbie Warne-Jacobsen shares an exercise that she calls The Waltz Jump Game. The purpose of this game is to help skaters who are working on axel or double axel to jump higher and create more jump distance… Continue reading
Small Group Double Axel Lesson – Part 2 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues her lesson with 3 skaters on double axel drills and attempts. See Part 1 here. Audrey begins this video by letting the skaters attempt some double axels so she can assess what to… Continue reading
Off Ice Harness Axel Training (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach and inventor Sheila Thelen demonstrates off-ice jump training using an electric spinner and stationary off-ice harness system. She begins by spinning an experienced skater on the spinner, who then jumps into the air into an efficient… Continue reading
Common Single Jump Errors (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna begins a lesson with a young skater and works through the single jumps. Every coach in the world who works with skaters at this level regularly sees these errors. Nick starts with a… Continue reading
Pivot Jump Drill Development (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte takes some time during a jump lesson to work on the forward pivot jump drill. He begins by simply having the skater do a forward pivot and then spin in a “forward” h-position.… Continue reading
Valuable Jump Exercises (Denise Myers)
World and Olympic coach Denise Myers shares a number of valuable jump exercises and other insights related to jumping. She begins with one-foot axels as a way to “snap the thighs together” on double axel. Similarly, the one-foot salchow can… Continue reading
Small Group Double Axel Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger works with 3 skaters on double axel drills. She begins by asking the skaters for a single axel in frame with a landing in alignment. All of the skaters struggle with this exercise and… Continue reading
Toe Loop Combination Jumps – Part 3 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen finishes his series of videos discussing in detail all aspects of toe loop combination jumps. In Part 1 he discussed what happens on a good jump landing and how the reset works between… Continue reading
How to Jump Higher (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses how to increase jump air time, which is the same as jumping higher. Sufficient jump height is critical in order to have enough air time to finish the desired rotation prior to landing.… Continue reading
Jump Drills in Lesson – Part 2 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues a jump lesson at a seminar. As noted in Part 1, the skater in this lesson had a double axel at one time in the past and lost it (after an injury), and… Continue reading
Jump Tracings – Part 3 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a video series discussing the tracings left on the ice by the 6 major jumps. By understanding what the tracings should look like, it helps get a clearer picture of proper technique and… Continue reading
Jump Drills in Lesson – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a jump lesson at a seminar. The skater had a double axel at one time in the past and lost it, and the goal of this lesson is to try to get it… Continue reading
Single Jump Lesson – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna gives a lesson to a skater who is working to improve her single jumps. Nick begins the lesson by asking for a backspin, and based on the weakness of the spin he focuses… Continue reading
Jump Tracings – Part 2 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a video series discussing the tracings left on the ice by the 6 major jumps. By understanding what the tracings should look like, it helps get a clearer picture of proper technique and… Continue reading
Double Axel Drills – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues a lesson with a skater who is starting to work on double axel. In Part 1 of this lesson, Nick focused on determining the readiness for this skater to try double axels… Continue reading
Double Axel Drills – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna gives a lesson to a skater who is starting to work on double axel. In the first part of this lesson, Nick is focused on determining the readiness for this skater to try… Continue reading
Double Axel Development Class – Part 2 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a “double axel” class for more advanced skaters who are consistently landing single axels and most if not all of the other double jumps. In the Part 1 Michelle taught take-off details, proper… Continue reading
Two Classic Jump Drills (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a group lesson to 3 skaters at a camp. Audrey has the skaters do 2 classic jump drills. The first drill is an axel drill and starts with the skater in a forward… Continue reading
Double Axel Development (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins a “double axel” class for more advanced skaters who are consistently landing axels and most if not all of the other double jumps. She starts by asking for super fast backspins as a… Continue reading
Double Axel Insights and Exercises (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen discusses the double axel, including common errors and drills for creating a proper take-off. The first mistake he mentions is “going out too much” or extending the arms and free leg (and sometimes… Continue reading
Beginner Axel Class – Part 5 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh finishes with her seminar beginner axel class (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). In this video, Michelle gives the class a “test” which is a summary of the important concepts discussed throughout… Continue reading
Bigger Single Axel, Solve Over-Rotation Problem (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a single axel lesson to a skater at a camp. This skater can already do an axel, so the focus is on making the jump bigger. Unfortunately, after making the jump bigger, the… Continue reading
Edge Drill – How The Legs And Feet Turn (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna shares an edge drill intended to help skaters feel how to properly use their feet and ankles, as well as their legs and hips when creating edges. Historically, edges have typically been taught as sideways leans… Continue reading
Beginner Axel Class – Part 4 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues with her seminar axel class (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). In this video, Michelle again returns to her “one focus” concept for practicing with one primary focus. The idea is to prevent… Continue reading
Exercise to Increase Jump Height and Distance (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna shares a fun and effective exercise to help skaters learn to jump higher and farther. Initially used primarily with waltz jump, this exercise is also good for salchow (and even axel). First Nick draws the take-off… Continue reading
Some Axel Basics
In this very short video, World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins an axel class with skaters who are either landing the jump or are very close. The main point of this video is the free leg kick through position.… Continue reading
Beginner Axel Class – Part 2 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her seminar class for skaters just learning the axel. In Part 1, she introduced the jump with an emphasis on head anchoring and proper take-off mechanics with flow. In this video, Michelle explains… Continue reading
Beginner Axel Class – Part 1 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh teaches a seminar class for skaters just learning the axel. She begins the class by focusing on head positioning and anchoring. Many skaters really struggle with turning the head strongly in the direction of… Continue reading
When to Start Introducing the Axel (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe offers some insights about when a skater is ready to begin working on the axel jump. As a minimum, Page recommends having a strong loop jump and ideally, a backspin or at least the… Continue reading
Axel – Part 2 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues his multi-part discussion of the axel jump. In Part 1 he discussed some important basics as well as how he teaches a waltz jump. In this video he goes into more detail… Continue reading
Important Axel Concepts (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe discusses some foundational concepts for the axel jump. To start, Page notes that the take-off foot does not simply point in the direction of the jump, but rather creates additional edge pressure just prior… Continue reading
Waltz Jump, Axel, Etc. – Part 1 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen begins a multi-part discussion of the axel jump, including waltz jump as well as double and triple axel. Jeremy begins by discussing the most common entrance using a back outside edge preparation. From… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 10 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 9 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 8 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 7 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Off-Ice Axel and Double Axel (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains how to correctly perform off-ice axels and off-ice double axels. This video was provided by Robert during the coronavirus pandemic, and it offers lots of examples and insights about this important skill. The… Continue reading
Head Position and Movement on Jump Take-Offs – Part 2 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues his discussion of head anchoring for jump take-offs (see Part 1 here). In particular, he offers more insights about the head with respect to the jump direction, or the momentum of the… Continue reading
IJS Series #2: GOE (The Strategic Method)
Coaches Stephanie Bass and Tiffany McNeil of The Strategic Method continue their discussion of the IJS protocol sheet. In Part 1 of this series, they offered an overview of the IJS protocol sheet. In this video, they talk at length… Continue reading
Coaching Psychology – Getting Skaters to Commit to Change (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade shares some coaching tips that can really help skaters who continue to make the same mistakes or are unwilling for whatever reason to “take a chance” on creating new physical movement patterns. This information… Continue reading
Building an Axel – lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a beginning axel lesson to a young skater. This video is a continuation of a previous video where Audrey and this skater worked on air position issues and back spins (which are also… Continue reading
Program Sections, Choreography, Program Development (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade is working with one of her skaters. She begins the lesson by analyzing the skater’s daily skating diary to identify problems with the program that might need to be fixed. For this kind of… Continue reading
Fixing Upper Body Drop on Jump Landings (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a lesson where she focuses primarily on fixing one bad jump habit. The bad habit for this skater is dropping the body or wiggling with the upper body on landing. This is a… Continue reading
Double Axel – Lesson, Tips, Motivation (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues a double axel lesson. The first part of this lesson is here. In this video, Kori  uses a wide variety of coaching techniques and teaching methods to help this skater. She begins… Continue reading
Alternate Entry for Double Axel Development (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade gives a skater a double axel lesson and begins by having the skater draw the entry and take-off pattern on the ice. Here Kori is using a forward edge where the skater steps directly… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 3 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. In the first video of this series, he shared drills and concepts to develop the… Continue reading
Important Axel Tips (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues his discussion of the axel jump. In a related video, Nick described in detail an axel setup he uses and the print left on the ice from a good axel take-off. In this video,… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. In the first video of this series, he shared drills and concepts to develop the… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte begins a series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. Obviously these methods also work for single axel development (as well as the triple axel).… Continue reading
Print Left on Ice for Axel (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna explains in detail what the print or tracing looks like for an axel based on how he teaches the jump. A good axel needs to have flow on the jump entry and flow on the landing… Continue reading
Technical Analysis of Big Single Axel (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak analyzes an excellent single axel, sharing insights about what makes this jump so good. This axel was performed by Madison Xaphakdy and was entered in the iCoachSkating Axel Contest held in November of 2018. Madison’s axel won the… Continue reading
Skater Development Insights (Chris Conte)
In this video, International coach Chris Conte continues a lesson with a male skater who he had worked with earlier on skating skills. You can watch those videos here Part 1 – Tips on Forward Stroking and here Part 2… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Attitude, Facial Expression, Jump Patterns (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade gives a double axel lesson to one of her skaters. Kori begins by noting that for skaters who have roughly the same technical skills in their programs, details are what separate the competitors in… Continue reading
The U-Turn Drill (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna shares a simple drill or jump concept for properly “turning over” the axel jump. The drill is done at the wall to provide something for the skater to hang on to. Nick explains… Continue reading
T-Rex Waltz Jump Analysis (Chris Conte)
National coach (and entertainment expert) Chris Conte does a nice analysis of a waltz jump performed by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. This is fun stuff, but the information in the video is actually technically outstanding, so please take this video seriously.… Continue reading
Waltz Jump and Axel Drill – 3 Statues, Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues his explanation of the “3 Statues Drill” that he uses to help skaters develop the proper timing necessary for stepping up strongly into a waltz jump or axel. One of the most common errors with… Continue reading
Waltz Jump and Axel Drill – 3 Statues, Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna explains the “3 Statues Drill” he uses to help skaters develop the proper timing necessary for stepping up strongly into a waltz jump or axel. One of the most common errors with the waltz jump or… Continue reading
Champion Cords Handcuffs for Axel (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating jump specialist Sheila Thelen works with a skater on her axel take-off. In this short video, Sheila uses Champion Cords in what she calls “handcuffs” to constrain the potential movement of the arms and hands. By using the… Continue reading
Axel Tip: Footwork Drill (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby offers a skating or footwork drill intended to help improve the setup for axel. When you watch the video, you’ll notice that the exercise is not a rigid set of turns and steps, but… Continue reading
Single To Double Axel – Part 1 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating jump specialist Sheila Thelen works with a skater having a solid single axel on building a double axel. To begin the session, she tries to understand the skater’s level of confidence with the double. Early in the lesson,… Continue reading
Learning Double Jumps (Ryan Bradley)
2011 US Men’s Champion Ryan Bradley gives a skater a lesson on axel and double salchow. The value in sharing this video is in seeing how a coach like Ryan patiently demands more control from the skater. There are many… Continue reading
3 Types of Jump Walk-Throughs (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna offers important insights regarding jump walk-throughs. Nick begins by explaining the importance of doing walkthroughs, and cites examples of elite skaters repeatedly doing walkthroughs just before competing. But just doing walkthroughs is not enough. They need… Continue reading
Air Position Exercises and Insights (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna begins a jump lesson with some h-position and d-position drills. The skater in the lesson is a relatively high level skater, and she makes the drills look easy. But for younger and less advanced skaters, there… Continue reading
Drill For Starting Double Axel (Michelle Leigh)
In this figure skating video, World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh is giving a lesson to skater who is just starting to develop the double axel. This short video focuses on one exercise, the “cheated loop.”  This exercise is… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson, Part 2 – Press Up Not Out (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues a double axel lesson. In Part 1, Nick focused on quickness drills and used the double loop to work on quickness, alignment, and air position. In this video, Nick starts with a double axel attempt… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson, Part 1 – Warmup and Quickness Drills (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna gives a double axel lesson. To begin the lesson, he “learns about” the skater by observing a backspin, several waltz jumps, a single axel, and then some double loops. In this first part of the lesson,… Continue reading
Twizzle Warm-up for Jumping (Robert Tebby)
In this short figure skating video, World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares an excellent warm-up drill for jumping. The drill is a series of 4 twizzles, performed in a “box” pattern. Each twizzle rotates in the skaters jump rotation… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Part 3 (Chris Conte)
National figure skating coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues with a double axel lesson for a skater at a camp. In Part 1, Chris analyzed the skater’s jump and talked about how he thinks about the jump, including the “how… Continue reading
Drills to Cross Feet in Jumps (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna is giving a skater a lesson on the double toe loop, and trying to get the skater to cross her feet in the air. This is a common problem, so seeing the process that Nick uses… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
National figure skating coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues with a double axel lesson for a skater at a camp. In Part 1, Chris analyzed the skater’s jump and talked about how he thinks about the jump, including the “how… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
National figure skating coach and choreographer Chris Conte gives a double axel lesson to a skater at a camp. In this first part, Chris shares insights about how he thinks about the jump. Sometimes this simple framework is the… Continue reading
The Stomping Drill (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna talks about “stomping” and how and why to use it in figure skating. He calls these exercises “The Stomping Drill.” Nick says, “If you can hit any edge at any time in a gliding position, whether… Continue reading
Forward Cross Strokes and How They Relate to Axel (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster works with a skater on cross strokes, particularly in terms of edge pressure and power generation.  Doug begins the lessons by explaining and demonstrating what he wants for the forward cross strokes (gather,… Continue reading
Jump Patterns and Setup Tips, Part 1: Axel (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade begins a multi-part series on jump setup patterns.  The demonstrator for this series is Jordan Moeller and his jumps are definitely worth modeling. This series will cover the six main jumps, and… Continue reading
Opposite-Direction Jumping in Harness (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe explains how she often trains opposite-direction jumps with her skaters in an overhead harness.  She uses opposite-direction jumps as a way to help skaters break the monotony of training.  She… Continue reading
Seminar Exercises – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger teaches at one of her Grassroots to Champions seminars several years ago.  The information in this series is as valid and useful today as it was when it was recorded.  These… Continue reading
The Second Up – Part 3 (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade continues her discussion of what she calls the “second up,” particularly as it relates to axel or double axel.  In the first part, she explained the basic concept and why it’s important and began… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 1: Basics and Axel (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins a multi-part series on off-ice jumping.  A large percentage of elite skaters use off-ice jumps as part of their regular training and warm-up.  And top coaches like Michelle often have… Continue reading
The Second Up – Part 2 (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade continues her discussion of what she calls the “second up.”  In the first part, she explained the basic concept and why it’s important and began some exercises to improve the second up on an… Continue reading
The Second Up – Part 1 (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade shares her concept of a “second up” in a good figure skating jump.  The “first up” is the actual movement of jumping up in the air, and Kori explains, the “second up” is the… Continue reading
Axel Head Control – Part 3 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his presentation to a class on waltz jump and axel.  In the first part he focused primarily on the setup and the landing.  In second part, he shared a walk-through… Continue reading
Axel Walk-Through Exercise – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his presentation to a class on waltz jump and axel.  In the first part he focused primarily on the setup and the landing.  In second part, he shared a walk-through… Continue reading
Axel Theory – Pole Vault and Edge Pressure Concepts (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak offers 4 examples of double and triple axels showing how elite skaters use a pole-vaulting method to maximize jump height and create maximum rotational energy for the jump.  This is a follow-up or clarification video… Continue reading
Teaching a Skidded Axel Take-Off – Part 4 (Chris Conte)
Figure skating coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his presentation on how he teaches a skidded axel take-off.  In the first part, Chris introduced the topic and demonstrated how he begins the process with the hockey glide.  In… Continue reading
Teaching a Skidded Axel Take-Off – Part 3 (Chris Conte)
Figure skating coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his presentation on how he teaches a skidded axel take-off.  In the first part, Chris introduced the topic and demonstrated how he begins the process with the hockey glide.  In… Continue reading
Axel Walk-Through Exercise (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his presentation to a class on waltz jump and axel.  In the first part he focused primarily on the setup and the landing.  In this part, he begins the axel… Continue reading
The Waltz Jump (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby teaches a class some important details about the waltz jump, particularly as it relates to axel and double axel.  Robert starts with a discussion of the setup and he encourages getting… Continue reading
Teaching a Skidded Axel Take-Off – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
Figure skating coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his presentation on how he begins teaching a skidded axel take-off.  In the first part, Chris introduced the topic and demonstrated how he begins the process with the hockey glide. … Continue reading
Teaching a Skidded Axel Take-Off – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
Figure skating coach and choreographer Chris Conte explains and demonstrates how he begins teaching a skidded axel take-off.  This video follows naturally from the earlier series Chris did on skids and stops (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part… Continue reading
Box Drill – Concept for Weight Transfer Jumps (Page Lipe)
International coach Page Lipe explains and demonstrates the take-offs for the weight transfer jumps, axel, salchow, and toe loop using drawings on the ice.  These drawings help skaters (and coaches) understand how to create a take-off with flow and… Continue reading
Building Combination Jumps – Part 1 (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh works with a skater on developing triple-triple combinations with triple toe as the second jump.  The lesson starts with 2 huge double axels which are used primarily as a warm-up for this skater but they… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson: More Drills – Part 2 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues with a double axel lesson for a skater who has been working on the jump a while, yet has never landed it.  In Part 1, Audrey shared the one-foot axel drill and… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson: Important Drills – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a double axel lesson to a skater who has been working on the jump a while, yet has never landed it.  We join the lesson already underway with Audrey asking for a… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Addressing Common Problems Part 2 (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade continues her lesson on the double axel with a skater at the 2015 G2C Supercamp (see Part 1 here). Here Kori starts by addressing the free leg position and movement.  She wants the free leg… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Addressing Common Problems Part 1 (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade works works with a skater on double axel at the 2015 G2C Supercamp.  Kori begins by watching a single axel and then a double loop.  Kori focuses a lot on the concept of a… Continue reading
The Double Axel (Charlie Tickner)
Figure skating jump specialist Charlie Tickner explains how to do a double axel.  This video is a continuation of Charlie’s presentation on the single axel (Part 1 and Part 2).  In general, Charlie teaches a double axel using… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson Using On-Ice Harness (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade works with a visiting skater on the double axel.  Kori starts the lesson by watching YouTube video of a triple axel.  Sometimes skaters need visual feedback to help them understand what they are trying… Continue reading
Half Axel as a Tool to Improve the Axel – Double Axel Drill (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh talks about using a half-axel to improve the axel and as a drill for double axel.  This video is a continuation of an earlier double axel lesson.  Michelle refers to an under-rotated axel where… Continue reading
How to Do an Axel – Part 2 … Using a Bell Jump (Charlie Tickner)
Figure skating jump specialist Charlie Tickner continues his discussion of how he teaches an axel.  Please watch Part 1 before viewing this page as Charlie references some of the info he covered in that video. In this… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Developing the Jump (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh gives a double axel lesson.  As Michelle notes, the demonstrator in the video has just recently landed the double axel so it is a brand new jump without consistency.  In this video we get… Continue reading
How to Do an Axel – Part 1 (Charlie Tickner)
Figure skating jump specialist Charlie Tickner explains and demonstrates how he teaches an axel.  This is an excellent presentation and epitomizes the “traditional” axel teaching method used in the United States.  Charlie uses the back outside edge preparation… Continue reading
Axel Lesson – Axel Jump Tips (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her lesson with a young male skater in Part 2 of a 3-part series on jumps.  In the first part of the lesson, Michelle focused on the lutz.  In this video, Michelle is… Continue reading
More Edge and Blade Usage Drills Including Secret Double Axel Drill (Nick Perna)
Figure skating coach Nick Perna provides a more advanced version of his Banana Drill on one foot.  The inside edge version of this drill is easier, but skaters should master stopping on both inside and outside edges, and both… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 9 – Axel, Double Toe, Double Salchow (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 9 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises.  In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Analysis of Mirai Nagasu Triple Axel Attempt – Part 3 (Trevor Laak)
In this follow-up video, figure skating jump specialist Trevor Laak continues his analysis of a triple axel attempt by Mirai Nagasu at the 2014 Grassroots to Champions Supercamp in Lansing, MI on July 9, 2014.   To see the… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 8 – Salchow and Ball Drill (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 8 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises.  In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Knee Bend Focus (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh works with a skater in a 3-part series on jumps leading to triple salchow and triple toe.  This is the second part of this lesson.  In this first part, Michelle worked on 3-jump combinations… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 7 – Building the Axel (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 6 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises.  In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Analysis of Mirai Nagasu Triple Axel Attempt – Part 2 (Trevor Laak)
In this follow-up video, figure skating jump specialist Trevor Laak continues his analysis of a triple axel attempt by Mirai Nagasu at the 2014 Grassroots to Champions Supercamp in Lansing, MI on July 9, 2014.   To see the… Continue reading
Analysis of Triple Axel Attempt – Mirai Nagasu 3A (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak analyzes a triple axel attempt by Mirai Nagasu at the 2014 Grassroots to Champions Supercamp in Lansing, MI on July 9, 2014.  This jump was performed during G2C’s “Just Jump” contest which is a contest… Continue reading
Jump Lesson – Importance of Patterns (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade gives a young skater a lesson aimed at improving the single axel.  The lesson begins with a backspin and progresses to a waltz jump and then a single flip.  Notice the focus Kori places… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a double axel lesson at a Grassroots to Champions seminar. The skater in the lesson is working on a new double axel.  Audrey starts by observing a double axel attempt and then… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps – Video Axel Lesson with Young Skaters (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her lesson with two young skaters.  The first part of the lesson focused on a series of warm-up drills prior to jump training.  In the second video, Michelle had the skaters do waltz… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 6 – Inside Axels (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 6 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises.  In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Jason Brown Learning Triple Axel (Kori Ade)
In this figure skating video, we sit in as Olympic coach Kori Ade gives Jason Brown a triple axel lesson.  At the time this video was taken, Jason had not yet started to land the triple axel.  A… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a triple salchow lesson at a Grassroots to Champions seminar. The skater in the lesson has a relatively new and inconsistent triple salchow.  Audrey starts with some double salchows using two important… Continue reading
Axel Edge Pressure – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
Figure skating coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his discussion of the axel take-off edge.  In Part 1, Nick shared the wall kick drill. In this video, he starts with a discussion of the hockey glide or hockey… Continue reading
Axel Edge Pressure – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
Figure skating coach Nick Perna offers tips for skaters to improve their axel take-off edge.  The take-off edge on the axel jump is probably one of the most misunderstood aspects of figure skating.  Nick explains that many skaters… Continue reading
Double Axel Commentary – Mirai Nagasu’s Double Axel Part 2 (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak continues his comments (see Part 1 here) on a monster double axel performed by Mirai Nagasu at the 2014 Grassroots to Champions Supercamp in Lansing, MI on July 9, 2014.  The jump was performed during… Continue reading
Double Axel Commentary – Mirai Nagasu’s Double Axel Part 1 (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak comments on a monster double axel performed by Mirai Nagasu at the 2014 Grassroots to Champions Supercamp in Lansing, MI on July 9, 2014.  This jump was performed during G2C’s “Just Jump” contest which is… Continue reading
“Just Stay In!” – Another Perspective on Opening Jumps Early (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak offers a short computer video analysis. Historically these analysis videos have become known as Dartfish analysis, but with the prevalence of inexpensive apps for mobile phones and tablets, expensive PC software like Dartfish is no longer required. This… Continue reading
Adult Figure Skating – Adult Leg Syndrome (Nick Perna)
World coach and adult figure skating advocate Nick Perna addresses a common jump problem for adults that figure skate.  He calls it “adult leg syndrome” and it’s characterized by landing with the free foot to the side or behind… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps – Minimum Air Times (Trevor Laak)
With so many coaches now using smartphones and tablet computers, air time measurements are easy for everyone to make.  As discussed in the article below, minimum jump air time estimates are incredibly important.  But it is necessary to… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 3 – Flow and Landing Drill (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 3 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises.  The series focuses on a set of warm-up exercises with important drills embedded in them.  The purpose of each drill is to improve the… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps – Waltz Jump and Single Salchow (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her lesson with two young skaters.  The first part of the lesson focused on a series of warm-up drills prior to jump training.  In this video, Michelle has the skaters do waltz jumps… Continue reading
On-Ice Figure Skating Jump Warm-Up (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh guides two skaters through a series of warm-up drills prior to jump training.  These exercises help skaters get used to jump movements while focusing on air position and alignment details that will be important skills… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jump Drill – The Cheat Exercise (Page Lipe)
Coach Page Lipe shares an important figure skating tip for jumps.  Page calls this the “Cheat Exercise” and notes that it’s very helpful for skaters who are afraid to rotate multi-rotation jumps.  It can be especially helpful as… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps: On-Ice Air Turns – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
This video is the third and final part in a series with Nick Perna teaching an on-ice air turn class. In the previous two videos in the series Nick showed several very helpful jumping exercises for skaters (see Part 1… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps: On-Ice Air Turns – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
The figure skating video below is the second in a series of videos covering on-ice air turns with Nick Perna.  In part 1 Nick taught several air turn drills down a line to help skaters move jumps across the… Continue reading
Jump Principles – Speed and Pre-Rotation (Frank Carroll)
Olympic Coach Frank Carroll talks about the realities of jumps in figure skating, and how this knowledge pertains to coaching methods of double and triple jumps. Frank starts by discussing the difference between speed over, or on the ice and… Continue reading
Setup Pattern for Axel Jump Development (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh shares a simple but valuable  setup pattern for single and double axel development.  Michelle utilizes the hockey circles on the end of the rink to help the skater keep a consistent entrance pattern to… Continue reading
Double Axel Insights (Frank Carroll)
Olympic Coach Frank Carroll talks about the double axel.  The double axel is the key jump separating the rest of the doubles and the triple jumps.  It is a major hurdle for most skaters, and especially for young… Continue reading
Axel Walk-Throughs and Extension at Take-Off (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her work with a skater on double axel.  The first video of the series was focused on axel exercises at the wall where Michelle emphasized the sideways nature of the take-off and the pivot… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Off ice jump class – Part 5 (Kori Ade)
This off-ice training video is a continuation of a multi-part off-ice jump class by Kori Ade.   In Part 1, Kori had the class do heel clicks and air turn variations. In Part 2, Kori has the class… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Off ice class – Part 4 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of a multi-part off-ice jump class by Kori Ade.  In Part 1, Kori had the class do heel clicks and air turn variations. In Part 2, Kori has the class do exercises for… Continue reading
Axel and Double Axel: The Step (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her work with a skater on double axel.  The previous video was focused on axel exercises at the wall where Michelle emphasized the sideways nature of the take-off and the pivot before the skater… Continue reading
Figure Skating Axel Jump: How to Axel Part 7 (Tom Zakrajsek)
Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek teaches an axel class at the Grassroots to Champions Supercamp held in Faribault, MN in July/August 2013.  This video is the seventh and final video in a multi-part series by Tom sharing the information he… Continue reading
Figure Skating Axel Jump: More Axel Tips Part 6 (Tom Zakrajsek)
Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek teaches an axel class at the Grassroots to Champions Supercamp held in Faribault, MN in July/August 2013.  This video is the fifth in a multi-part series by Tom sharing the information he covered in his… Continue reading
How To Do An Axel – Axel Class Part 5 (Tom Zakrajsek)
Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek teaches an axel class at the Grassroots to Champions Supercamp held in Faribault, MN in July/August 2013.  This video is the fifth in a multi-part series by Tom sharing the information he covered in his… Continue reading
How To Do An Axel – Axel Class Part 4 (Tom Zakrajsek)
Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek teaches an axel class at the Grassroots to Champions Supercamp held in Faribault, MN in July/August 2013.  This video is the third in a multi-part series by Tom sharing the information he covered in his… Continue reading
Double Axel Exercises At the Wall (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh shows a double axel exercise at the barrier to develop the proper take-off movement.  One of the primary challenges for skaters learning a double axel is creating enough rotational energy so that the jump spins… Continue reading
How To Do An Axel – Axel Class Part 3 (Tom Zakrajsek)
Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek teaches an axel class at the Grassroots to Champions Supercamp held in Faribault, MN in July/August 2013.  This video is the third in a multi-part series by Tom sharing the information he covered in his… Continue reading
Learning an Axel Jump – Axel Class Part 2 (Tom Zakrajsek)
Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek teaches an axel class at the Grassroots to Champions Supercamp held in Faribault, MN in July/August 2013.  This video is the second in a multi-part series by Tom sharing the information he covered in his… Continue reading
Learning an Axel Jump – Axel Class Part 1 (Tom Zakrajsek)
Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek teaches an axel class at the Grassroots to Champions Supercamp held in Faribault, MN in July/August 2013.  This video is the first in a multi-part series by Tom sharing the information he covered in his… Continue reading
Some Basics of Jumping – Waltz Jump Example (Frank Carroll)
Olympic Coach Frank Carroll discusses the basics of jumping, including the way he approaches jumps as a way to progress to higher level jumping.  In this presentation, he uses the waltz jump as a way to explain some of… Continue reading
Figure Skating Stops and Skids – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
In the video below, Nick Perna begins a discussion of stops and skids.  Nick starts by noting the importance of learning a variety of stops and skids.  But he also acknowledges that beyond the very basic stops taught… Continue reading
Learn Better Figure Skating Edges – Passive Edges and Active Edges (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of passive edges and active edges.  He initially defines what each is and offers a demonstration of each type.  As Nick notes, a passive edge “is just coasting on… Continue reading
Axel Jump In Slow Motion Tips (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak analyzes a double axel as a way to identify key aspects for single axel instruction.  You can see a full video of the jump being analyzed below in real time and slow motion on Trevor’s… Continue reading
Axel Jump Video Tips: Checklist (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak offers a checklist of insights for axel.  This page shows an axel attempt in real time, once as the original video and once zoomed in.  The video is then shown again in slow motion for… Continue reading
Axel Jump Slow Motion Details (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak responds to an email sent by a coach with questions about the recent survey of subscribers on the details at the moment of take-off for the axel, salchow, and toe loop jumps.  Here… Continue reading
Tips for Figure Skating Jumps Moment Of Take-Off: Axel – Salchow – Toe Loop – Part 2 (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak shares the results of the second part of a survey of subscribers on the details at the moment of take-off for the axel, salchow, and toe loop jumps.  Here are the survey questions covered in… Continue reading
Tips for Figure Skating Jumps Moment Of Take-Off: Axel – Salchow – Toe Loop – Part 1 (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak shares the results of the first part of a survey of subscribers on the details at the moment of take-off for the axel, salchow, and toe loop jumps.  Here is a copy of the quiz… Continue reading
Tips For Axel Jump For Young Skater (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade gives an axel lesson. Even though Kori’s skater has an axel and is working on double jumps, Kori wants the skater to have a good axel kick through, as she believes this feeling translates to the double salchow… Continue reading
Axel Jump Preparation – Part 2 (Joan Orvis)
Joan Orvis continues her explanation of how she introduces the axel jump.  Joan uses a common drill that is known by many names such as half-axel, once-around, and bell-jump.  Notice the details of how Joan teaches this pre-axel… Continue reading
Axel Jump Preparation – Part 1 (Joan Orvis)
Joan Orvis explains how she introduces the axel jump.  First Joan notes that the basic axel is similar to the basic waltz jump.  Then she teaches an exercise on the line “where everything goes left to right” for… Continue reading
Axel Jump Preparation – With Loop Jump (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade uses triple loop as a preparation for triple axel work.  NOTE:  This concept applies to single loop for single axel, or double loop for double axel.  In this video, Kori covers important details of improving… Continue reading
Axel Jump In Figure Skating – Alternate Entrance (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila Thelen suggests an alternate axel entrance for skaters that tend to hook their axel take-off edges.  This method can be very effective at straightening out the take-off edge for some skaters.  It is also an effective tool… Continue reading
Axel Jump Tips: How To Fix A Swingy Axel – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna finishes his lesson with Annalise to improve her axel, particularly the jump’s distance.  Part 1 focused on control of the step position and the hip and leg movement, all on a straight line, and Part 2 focused… Continue reading
Axel Jump Tips: How To Fix A Swingy Axel – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his lesson with Annalise to improve her axel, particularly the jump’s distance.  Part 1 focused on control of the step position and the hip and leg movement, all on a straight line. In this video, Nick… Continue reading
Axel Jump Tips: How To Fix A Swingy Axel – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna gives a lesson to help a skater (Annalise) straighten out a “swingy” axel.  This is the first part of a three part series.  Axels that tend to “go around” rather than going through tend to spin… Continue reading
Triple Axel Figure Skating 1957
This YouTube video shows David Jenkins performing a triple axel in 1957. That’s incredible considering the jump wasn’t officially performed in competition until 1978...
Figure Skating Survey: Double Axel Experience (Trevor Laak)
How many different female skaters have you taught to do a double axel? These survey results suggest it's pretty rare to have much success with this.
Figure Skating Jumps: Axel Class – Part 5 (Audrey Weisiger & Nick Perna)
This is the final part of the on-ice axel class taught by Nick Perna and Audrey Weisiger at the 2010 G2C Extreme Supercamp.
Figure Skating Jumps: Axel Class – Part 4 (Audrey Weisiger & Nick Perna)
Nick Perna and Audrey Weisiger continue their on-ice axel class at the 2010 G2C Extreme Supercamp. In the first part of the class, they covered the proper setup and in the second part they covered the step forward.
Axel Jump Help: Compare Wtih Fall (Trevor Laak)
Click the video below to watch an analysis of a successful and unsuccessful axel by the same skater. Analysis by Trevor Laak.
Dartfish Video Ice Skating Tips: Axel – For Double Axel (Trevor Laak)
Then play the second video to the see the analysis by Trevor Laak.
Figure Skating Slow Motion Video: Double Axel-Double Toe Combination (Page Lipe) (Trevor Laak)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Ice Skating Jumps: Take Off Drills (Tom Hickey)
Tom Hickey describes some basic on-ice take-off drills he uses with his skaters for axel, toe loop, and flip. These exercises are aimed at developing balance, strength and control.
Off Ice Jump Training: Axel And Double Axel Drills (Tom Hickey)
Tom describes and Taylor demonstrate off-ice jump drills that build to axel and double axel.
Waltz Jump Tips For Beginners (Tom Hickey)
Tom Hickey has help from his daughter Maddie showing how to introduce a young beginner skater to the waltz jump.
Figure Skating Jump Exercises: Bell Jump (Tom Hickey)
Tom explains the "bell jump" drill he uses to develop quickness. Summer and Taylor demonstrate the bell and the "cross-over jump" with the waltz jump.
Waltz Jump Tips – Part 4 (Joan Orvis)
Joan Orvis finishes her four part description of the waltz jump.
Waltz Jump Tips – Part 3 (Joan Orvis)
Joan Orvis continues her multi-part description of the waltz jump.
Waltz Jump Tips – Part 2 (Joan Orvis)
Joan Orvis continues her description of the waltz jump.
Waltz Jump Tips – Part 1 (Joan Orvis)
Joan Orvis explains how she introduces the waltz jump. Notice the emphasis on the proper use of edges and ankle pressure.
Axel Figure Skating: Dartfish With Slow Motion (Page Lipe)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Axel Jump Figure Skating Tip (Page Lipe)
Page Lipe shows how she develops the axel. In this video she focuses mainly on the half axel (also known as a "once around" or sometimes a "bell jump").
Ice Skating Jumps: Axel and Double Flip-Double Loop Combination (Chris Conte)
This is another lesson that Chris Conte gave at the 2009 G2C Extreme Super Camp.
Grassroots To Champions Skating Camp: Private Lesson – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
In this video taken at the 2009 G2C Extreme Super Camp, Chris Conte gives a lesson to one of his own skaters in preparation for an exhibition performance.
Figure Skating Video Analysis: Single Axel (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see two axel attempts that are being analyzed.
Figure Skating Rotation Training Video: Pole Harness – Cat And Mouse – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte gives a pole harness lesson on double axel. This video is a continuation of Chris's "Cat and Mouse" method video here at
Figure Skating Harness: Double Axel (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte gives a double axel lesson in the stationary harness. There are so many gems of wisdom in this video!
Dartfish Video Analysis Figure Skating Jumps: Double Axel (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Video Analysis Of Figure Skating Jump: Double Axel (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Dartfish Video Analysis For Figure Skating: Double Axel (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Learn To Ice Skate For Kids: Basic Jumping – Part 2 (Sheila Thelen)
This is the second in a series of videos of Sheila Thelen teaching a young skater in a private lesson.
Figure Skating Tips For Axels With Champion Cords (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila offers a tip for using a Champion Cord with the axel. This tip is particularly helpful for skaters that don't naturally kick their knee through at take-off.
Champion Cords Figure Skating Training Aids – Starting Axel (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila discusses an axel drill for young skaters. She also shares some tips that make the drill more effective (using a Champion Cord and a toy).
Ice Skating Tips For Beginners Video – Starting Axel (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila talks about how she teaches the axel. She offers some tips to help young skaters understand the concept of the axel but not be too intimidated by it.
Figure Skating Jumps: Axel Class – Part 3 (Audrey Weisiger & Nick Perna)
Nick Perna and Audrey Weisiger continue their on-ice axel class at the 2010 G2C Extreme Supercamp.  In the first part of the class, they covered the proper setup and in the second part they… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps: Axel Class – Part 2 (Audrey Weisiger & Nick Perna)
Nick Perna and Audrey Weisiger continue their on-ice axel class at the 2010 G2C Extreme Supercamp. In the first part of the class, Nick Perna covered the proper setup.
Figure Skating Jumps: Axel Class – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger & Nick Perna)
Nick Perna and Audrey Weisiger teach an on-ice axel class at the 2010 G2C Extreme Supercamp. In this first part, Nick explains the desired setup for axel.
Axel Jump Lesson Part 6 – Axel From Back Crossovers (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna finishes his axel lesson with Kayla. This is part 6 of this half-hour lesson.
Axel Jump Lesson Part 5 – Axel on Pole Harness (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his axel lesson with Kayla.
Axel Jump Lesson Part 4 – Waltz Jump Back Spin (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his axel lesson with Kayla. This is part 4 of this half-hour lesson. In the first part Nick focused on Kayla's backspin.
Axel Jump Lesson Part 3 – Entry Continued (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his axel lesson with Kayla. This is part 3 of this half-hour lesson. In the first part Nick focused on Kayla's backspin.
Axel Jump Lesson Part 2 – Four Step Backwards Entry (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his axel lesson with Kayla.
Axel Jump Lesson Part 1 – Back Spin And Landing (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna gives an axel lesson to Kayla. Kayla is a low level skater currently learning an axel. This video is the first in a series of videos covering the entire half-hour lesson.
Figure Skating Jumps Video: Waltz Jump – Axel – Double Axel – Triple Axel (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh finisher her discussion of the axel.
Online Figure Skating Video: Axel Edge Preparation (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses the back preparation edge for axel. This video is a continuation of Michelle's discussions of the axel.
Online Figure Skating Lesson: Axel Jump – Part 2 (Michelle Leigh)
This video is a continuation of the axel lesson video with Olympic coach Michelle Leigh. In this video, Michelle is working towards double axel with her skater.
Online Figure Skating Lesson: Axel Jump – Part 1 (Michelle Leigh)
In this video, we sit in on an axel lesson with Olympic coach Michelle Leigh. This is a great follow-up the Michelle Leigh axel video.
Online Figure Skating Lesson: Axel Jump (Michelle Leigh)
Michelle Leigh discusses how she develops the axel from the waltz jump.
Learn To Ice Skate Video: Waltz Jump – Part 2 (Michelle Leigh)
Michelle Leigh continues her discussion of the waltz jump. In this video, she talks about the step.
Learn To Ice Skate Video: Waltz Jump – Part 1 (Michelle Leigh)
Michelle Leigh talks about how she introduces the waltz jump and she continues the discussion through some helpful exercises that also apply to axel and double axel.
Figure Skating Tips for Advanced Skater Part 4 – Triple Loop (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his lesson with Isabelle.
Figure Skating Tips for Advanced Skater Part 3 – Double Axel (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his lesson with Isabelle.
Dartfish Figure Skating Analysis: Double Axel (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Figure Skating Video Shows Double Axel In Harness (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila demonstrates how to use a harness for double axel. She also gives a few tips regarding the double axel and she talks briefly about the skid/no-skid on take-off issue.
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