Flying Camel Spin Video Tip (Charyl Brusch)

Spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches a flying camel.  She always has the skater start on the wall in a T-position.  The wall drill she shows is a pretty common way of introducing the flying camel but Charyl notes that the skater absolutely must stay on an outside edge and then pivot on the toe pick.  A three turn is not allowed (lifting from the inside edge).  She also notes that the free leg remains behind on the entrance edge.  Charyl offers a great tip regarding where the skater should have their weight.  This tip helps prevent the skater from jumping down rather than around.

Next, Charyl moves to a two-foot drill on the line.  This “step over” drill helps a skater get used to the timing and overall movement of the flying camel.  Charyl notes that she uses the arms differently on a flying camel than in other spins.

Charyl takes some time to draw the correct tracing on the ice as well as a common error (flying salchow).  Notice the position of the landing with respect to the take-off edge.  Finally at the end of the video, you’ll see some flying camel demonstrations.


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