Kim Ryan

Kim Ryan

Kim Ryan - Figure Skating Spin SpecialistKim Ryan is been coaching for more than 40 years. She is an acclaimed spin specialist who has been focusing on spin technique for many years. She is a National and International coach and she holds a PSA Rating. She teaches primarily out of 3 different rinks in the Pacific Northwest, and works in collaboration with other coaches, allowing her to focus almost exclusively on spins.

In 2008 Kim launched her “Spinergy” Clinic series, which brings her unique spin specialization to more skaters and coaches. She works with skaters of all ages, including adults, and skill levels from beginner through international competitor. Kim’s teaching philosophy focuses on an energetic and supportive approach to help skaters make maximum progress.




Most recent videos at the top…

Sit to Up Camel – Why? IJS Considerations (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here and Part 3 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). In the… Continue reading
Sit to Up Camel – More Tips (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). In the previous parts of the… Continue reading
Spin Class – Sit to Up Camel Difficult Transition (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). She begins with the basic camel spin, and she shares… Continue reading
Spin Class – Sit Forward, Cannonball (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan begins a spin class with more advanced spinners, with the focus on the sit forward “cannonball” or “Fratianne” position. She begins the class with a basic forward upright scratch spin, going from spin entry to the… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 4 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique, and in Part 2 she taught an exercise… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique, and in Part 2 she taught an exercise… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique. In this video, Kim teaches an exercise that… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a class opposite direction spins. She begins by explaining the new concept of spin gateways in IJS and notes that opposite direction is a gateway. [Editor’s note: We do not in general have videos detailing… Continue reading
Flying Reverse Sit Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches the flying reverse sit spin to a class of advanced skaters. She begins by having the skaters perform the basic movements at the wall. These movements start with a jump and a straight kick through… Continue reading
Death Drop – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues working with an advanced class of skaters on the death drop. In Part 1 Kim taught the class a basic exercise at the wall to learn the necessary movements, as well as an illusion exercise… Continue reading
Death Drop – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches an advanced class of skaters her approach to the death drop. Even though this a class of advanced skaters, Kim teaches the skill “from the beginning,” initially focusing on fundamentals and exercises.  She explains… Continue reading
Flying Camel – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her seminar class on flying camels (see Part 1 here and see Part 2 here). In this video, Kim troubleshoots some specific issues and offers some very helpful tips. After watching some attempts, Kim focuses… Continue reading
Flying Camel – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her seminar class on flying camels (see Part 1 here). She continues with the walk-through at the wall that she introduced briefly in Part 1. This is one of the best ways to learn to… Continue reading
Flying Camel – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches flying camel spin in a class at a seminar. She begins by explaining that a skater really needs to have a good camel spin and a good back camel spin before they’ll create a good… Continue reading
How to Practice Spinning (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan explains how to practice spinning, including how much to practice. Kim recommends training spins 15 minutes during every 45 minute to 1 hour on-ice practice. The 15 minutes should be focused and continuous, and not just… Continue reading
Layback Spin – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a group class on layback spins. In Part 1 the focus was on proper upright spin entrance and spin centering. In Part 2 Kim started teaching the straight leg layback, and she continues with that… Continue reading
Layback Spin – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a group class on layback spins. In Part 1 the focus was on proper upright spin entrance and spin centering. This video starts there and discusses the place on the blade we need to balance… Continue reading
Layback Spin – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan begins a group class on layback spins. Not surprisingly, the focus in this video is entirely on proper entrance and spin centering, so Kim only teaches details of the forward upright spin here. She begins with… Continue reading
Camel Spin – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her detailed explanation of how she teaches camel spins. In Part 1, Kim discussed details of the setup and initial entry edge, with emphasis on hand positions intended to properly open the shoulders and generate… Continue reading
Camel Spin – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her detailed explanation of how she teaches camel spins. In Part 1, Kim discussed details of the setup and initial entry edge, with emphasis on hand positions intended to properly open the shoulders and generate… Continue reading
Camel Spin – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan shares her method of teaching camel spins. She begins by acknowledging there are many ways to do a camel spin entry, such as leading with the skating side arm or leading the non-skating side arm. Neither… Continue reading
Step-By-Step Process for Centering Spins (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a class a lecture and demonstration on centering spins, focusing on the basics of performing an upright front scratch spin. Kim uses a step-by-step process to help skaters learn and center spins, and there are… Continue reading
Sit Spin Basics (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a sit spin class at a seminar. The skaters in the class can all do a sit spin, but many need help getting the position lower so it’s a “real” sit spin. After watching the… Continue reading
Improving a Camel Spin – Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater to improve a camel spin. (Previous parts of this lesson focused on the sit spin, Part 1 and Part 2.) This skater, who can rotate the camel a few revolutions and has… Continue reading
Making a Sit Spin Lower – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
As in the previous part of this lesson, spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater to improve a basic sit spin. In the previous part, the focus was on getting the balance and tension correct to get all the… Continue reading
Making a Sit Spin Lower (Kim Ryan)
In this lesson, spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a lower level skater who is struggling to get down all the way on a sit spin. This is a very common problem at this level, and Kim addresses it first… Continue reading
Lesson: Layback, Side Layback, Haircutter, Biellmann (Kim Ryan)
In this lesson, spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a flexible and talented skater on an advanced upright layback type spin combination. The skater is starting this spin combo with a side layback, but Kim notes that it is still… Continue reading
Sit Spin Class (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches sit spins in a class setting at a recent seminar. Kim begins by explaining the value of spinning in terms of points in competition programs. Not surprisingly for a spin coach, Kim would… Continue reading
Teeter Totter Arms – Fun (and Helpful) Spin Exercise (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a fun exercise that is helpful during the development of spinning fundamentals. The goal is to center a basic upright spin, then move the arms up and down such that both arms make… Continue reading
Spin Class, Part 2 – Centering, Eggbeater (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a spin class at a recent seminar. In Part 1, Kim summarized the basics of her teaching methods. The focus in that video was the basic forward upright spin, and she continues with… Continue reading
Spin Class, Part 1 – Forward Upright Spin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a spin class at a recent seminar. This is a chance for us to learn or review Kim’s main teaching concepts related to spins. The first video focuses on preparing for the forward… Continue reading
Spinboard Training – Camel Spin and Variation (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a process for developing and mastering the off-ice forward camel spin on a spinboard. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. Kim recommends a standard spinboard… Continue reading
Spinboard Training – Forward Sit Spins (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a process to developing and mastering the off-ice forward sit spin on a spinboard. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. Kim recommends a standard spinboard… Continue reading
Spinboard Warm-Up (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan goes through a thorough spinboard warm-up that she recommends to all skaters at the beginning of each spinboard practice session. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim.… Continue reading
Spinboard Tutorial – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a tutorial on how to use her off-ice spinboards. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. This presentation is taken from a Zoom call between Kim… Continue reading
Spinboard Tutorial – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a tutorial on how to use her off-ice spinboards. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. This presentation is taken from a Zoom call between Kim… Continue reading
Spinboard Tutorial – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a tutorial on how to use her off-ice spinboards. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. This presentation is taken from a Zoom call between Kim… Continue reading
Spinboards For Off-Ice Spin Training
iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak encourages all skaters to buy a spinboard from spin specialist Kim Ryan. Kim has pioneered the use of spinboards for off-ice spin training, and she has been using these tools regularly with skaters from all over… Continue reading
Flying Sit Spin Lesson – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a flying sit spin lesson with a skater who is familiar with the element but not proficient. In Part 1, Kim covered the entrance and initial fly, including arms and the leg tuck.… Continue reading
Flying Sit Spin Lesson – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a flying sit spin lesson to a skater who is familiar with the element but not proficient. After having the skater attempt one as a baseline for the lesson, Kim has the skater… Continue reading
Hamstring Stretching for Camel Spins and Back Issues (Kim Ryan)
During a camel spin lesson with spin specialist Kim Ryan, the skater complained of a tight or painful low back. As Kim demonstrates, this is often a result of tight hamstring muscles. Kim shares several stretches that can improve back… Continue reading
Developing the Camel Spin – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a camel spin lesson with a young male skater. In the previous videos of this lesson, Kim worked on a forward upright scratch spin and the basics of the camel spin. There is not a… Continue reading
Developing the Camel Spin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a camel spin lesson to a young male skater. In a previous video, Kim worked with this same skater on upright forward scratch spin. We begin this video with a camel spin attempt… Continue reading
Basic Spinning Lesson – Upright Forward Scratch Spin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a lesson on the upright forward scratch spin. The young male skater is just learning to control the basics of this spin, and it gives Kim a chance to explain in some detail… Continue reading
Sit Forward (Pancake) and Sit Behind Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a young skater a lesson on some sit spin variations. The first variation is a sit forward which is known as the pancake. After the skater attempts one, Kim takes the skater to sit in… Continue reading
Broken Leg Sit Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a young skater a lesson on her broken leg sit spin. Kim starts the lesson by analyzing and improving the skater’s forward sit spin before working on the broken leg transition and position. To improve… Continue reading
Beginner Backspin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a young skater a lesson on the beginner backspin. The real value in this video is not only the process that Kim uses, but the coaching along the way. This skater is struggling… Continue reading
Starting a Haircutter Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her lesson with a skater just learning a layback spin (see part 1 here). In this part of the lesson, Kim challenges the skater to learn the haircutter variation. As you’ll see, Kim uses a… Continue reading
Beginning Layback (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater on the basics of the layback spin. She says, “The number one most important thing about a layback spin is you have to find your balance, and you have to find the… Continue reading
Improving a Layback Spin with Haircutter Variation (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues with a layback spin lesson. You can view part 1 of this lesson here.  In this part, Kim works with the skater to integrate a haircutter position into the spin and a stronger exit.… Continue reading
Basic Layback Spin Tips (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater to improve a layback spin. Kim starts the lesson by discussing the details of centering the upright spin before entering the layback position. This provides a great summary of Kim’s basic spin… Continue reading
Learning a Layover Camel Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a skater how to do a layover camel spin. Going into this lesson, the skater had never attempted a layover, so we get to see how Kim introduces it and builds it up. We also… Continue reading
Drill for Victory Spin or Y-Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a drill she uses to help skaters with the basics of a “victory spin” which is also known as a Y-spin. This spin is an upright spin with the free leg held up to roughly… Continue reading
Tips for Side Layback (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater on her side layback. In the desired position for this spin, the shoulders should be vertically stacked. But even many skaters who have good flexibility to the side may have problems getting… Continue reading
Centering an Upright Forward Scratch Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater who is struggling to center a forward upright scratch spin. There are many reasons that skaters may struggle with centering, and throughout this lesson the skater exhibits a variety of problems. This… Continue reading
Tips for Co-Centering a Change Foot Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan shares important tips for skaters who are working on change foot spins but have problems maintaining the same center for both spins. It is ideal to push into the second spin and spin in the same… Continue reading
Improving a Layback Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a layback spin lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, Kim focuses on improving the skater’s upright position before switching to the layback. This position is critical, especially during the learning process, because it… Continue reading
How to Improve a Flying Camel (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a flying camel lesson.  She begins by sharing a standstill drill that helps a skater develop an understanding of the proper movement of the hips and legs.  She starts by having the… Continue reading
Hydroblade Exit Tips (Kim Ryan)
In this very short video, spin specialist Kim Ryan offers tips for exiting a hydroblade position.  As she notes, if you can glide in a position, you should be able to get into that position and spin in it… Continue reading
Back Sit Spin Tips (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a number of valuable tips for improving a back sit spin.  Some of the tips will help improve any backspin entry.  Kim says, “The trouble with most people’s back spins are their… Continue reading
Butterfly Flying Spin Lesson – Common Problem (Kim Ryan)
In this figure skating spin video, spin specialist Kim Ryan is working with a skater to improve her butterfly.  If you are looking for information about the basics of a butterfly, check out these two videos:  … Continue reading
Case Study: Turtle Spin – Follow Up (Kim Ryan)
This short video by figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan is a follow-up to the lesson she gave a skater on a sit spin that transitions from a regular forward sit spin (sit front) to what the skater calls… Continue reading
Case Study: Turtle Spin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a lesson on a sit spin that transitions from a regular forward sit spin (sit front) to what the skater calls a turtle spin (also called a clam), which is a forward… Continue reading
Layback Spin Lesson – Fixing the Basics, Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her layback lesson with a skater during a spin seminar.  In the first part of the lesson, Kim talked about all of the main problems with the spin.  In this… Continue reading
Layback Spin Lesson – Fixing the Basics, Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a layback lesson to a skater as part of a spin seminar.  The skater does a layback with many fundamental errors which Kim identifies and then offers solutions for. A layback… Continue reading
Advanced Layback, Haircutter, Biellmann Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a long-time student on her layback spins.  There are some nice tips in this video, but one of the main benefits you’ll get from watching this video is to see… Continue reading
Pancake Sit Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater on her pancake spin.  We join this lesson in progress after initial work on entry and the basic sit spin.  The skater performs a pancake where she… Continue reading
Create a Spin (Kim Ryan)
During a spin clinic, figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan asks a low level class to create their own spins.  So much of figure skating is dominated by coaches telling skaters what to do, leaving little or no room… Continue reading
Camel Spin for Low Level Skaters (Kim Ryan)
During a spin clinic, figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a low level class on camel spins.  Some of the information presented in this video is similar to her presentation to high level skaters here (Part 1)… Continue reading
Outside Edge Camel Spin – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her spin class presentation on the forward outside edge camel spin.  You can see Part 1 here.  Here she describes a drill she has the skaters do on the hockey circle.  It… Continue reading
Outside Edge Camel Spin – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a spin class how to do a forward outside edge camel spin.  Kim begins by acknowledging that there are many ways to achieve the goal, but she likes to start with the camel “base… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins – Sit Spin Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her spin class introduction to the sit spin.  In Part 1 Kim focused on the very basics, building from basic stationary dips.  In Part 2, she focuses primarily on the arms and proper… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins – Sit Spin Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her spin class introduction to the sit spin.  This video reinforces and clarifies some of the things covered in Part 1 of this series.  In a discussion with the class, Kim asks if… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins – Sit Spin Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan explains to a spin class how she introduces the sit spin.  To help skaters who are just learning the sit spin get low enough, Kim has the class do stationary dips on two feet. … Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins – Upright Spin Variation (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a class an upright forward spin variation she calls the “egg beater.”  We are not sure if this spin has a formal name and Kim makes it clear at the beginning that many skating… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins – Camel Spin Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues with her class on camel spin.  In the first camel spin video, Kim focused on the entry and positions of the camel without actually winding up and doing a spin.  In this video,… Continue reading
Figure Skating Spins – Camel Spin Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
During a spin clinic, figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan works with the class on camel spins.  To start, Kim mentions and demonstrates that she wants the lower back down and the body forward on the entry of the… Continue reading
How to Center a Spin – Tips to Prevent Traveling (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan explains the need to ride and deepen the entrance edge of any spin.  In this case, she is discussing the forward scratch spin (see Part 1) but she notes that this applies to… Continue reading
Spin Class – Scratch Spin Introduction (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a spin class.  In this first part of the class, Kim explains how she teaches a forward upright scratch spin.  As is the case with most spin coaches, Kim likes to… Continue reading
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