Figure Skating – Flip Jump
Power Angle Concept for Jumps – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna begins an important discussion of the concept of power angle and how it relates to good jumping. Power angle as a concept is closely tied to need to “vault” properly up into each… Continue reading
Good Jumps are Actually Vaults – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his important and overlooked discussion that good figure skating jumps are actually vaults. In Part 1 he introduced the basic concept of vaulting and explained how a good loop jump vaults up… Continue reading
Good Jumps are Actually Vaults – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his important and overlooked discussion that good figure skating jumps are actually vaults. In Part 1 he introduced the basic concept of vaulting and explained how a good loop jump vaults up… Continue reading
Drill for More Height on Loop, Flip, Lutz (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna shares a drill he uses to help skaters properly lift into the air on the loop, flip, and lutz jumps. He begins by noting that many skaters struggle to achieve an h-position or… Continue reading
Jump Landings (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains and demonstrates important fundamental concepts for jump landings. He begins by noting that our understanding of jump landings continues to evolve, which means our teaching methods also need to change and improve. As… Continue reading
Fixing Edge Change on Flip (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger works with a skater who is struggling with achieving the correct edge on a double and triple flip jump take-off. The primary solutions that Audrey is using here include a back inside edge skid… Continue reading
All About Eulers – Part 2 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues her presentation on the Euler or “half loop.” In Part 1 she introduced the topic and offered a number of exercises she uses to teach the skill. She begins Part 2 by emphasizing the need to… Continue reading
Small Group Lesson – Triple Axels (Vincent Restencourt)
Coach and former French competitive skater Vincent Restencourt gives a small “group” lesson to two male skaters who are both working on triple axel. In some parts of the world, this kind of group lesson is very common, while in… Continue reading
Fixing Flip Jump Edge (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen discusses the potential edge change issue with the flip jump, and how to fix it. Historically, edge change has been more concerning with the lutz jump (and it continues to be), but as… Continue reading
Split Lutz vs H-Position Lutz (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen compares split lutz and h-position lutz take-offs and offers opinions on which to teach. This is a continuation of his presentations on beginning lutz, 3 helpful lutz drills, different lutz entrances and reach… Continue reading
Lutz – Entry Steps and Pick Placement (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna teaches a double/triple lutz class to advanced skaters at a seminar. Rather than starting immediately with the lutz, Nick begins by discussing the edge for the flip jump. For those struggling with the… Continue reading
Triple Flip Triple Toe Loop Combination Lesson (Rohene Ward)
Coach and choreographer Rohene Ward gives a jump lesson to eventual 2022 US Ladies Champion Mariah Bell (this video was taken several years before she won her national title). This lesson focuses entirely on the triple flip triple toe combination… Continue reading
Using a Balloon for Jump Training – Part 3 (Lorie Charbonneau)
International coach Lorie Charbonneau continues her presentation on using a simple air-filled balloon as a jump training aid. In Part 1 she introduced the concept and had her skaters demonstrate single jumps as well as axel and double salchow with… Continue reading
A Few Double Jumps in Lesson (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues a jump lesson. In the first part of this lesson Nick taught axel and double salchow drills. In this video, they work on double toe loop, double loop, and double flip. On… Continue reading
Double Flip Development Ideas (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte works with a skater on double flip development. This skater suffers from common issues, and Chris offers some helpful insights and drills. When initially learning the double flip, many skaters lack air time… Continue reading
Using a Balloon for Jump Training – Part 2 (Lorie Charbonneau)
International coach Lorie Charbonneau continues her presentation on using a simple air-filled balloon as a jump training aid. In Part 1 she introduced the concept and had her skaters demonstrate single jumps as well as axel and double salchow with… Continue reading
Creating Ankle Flex in Flip Jumps (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh works with a skater to improve the flip jump take-off with improved ankle flex in the air. (In previous videos, Michelle worked with this skater to get ankle flex on double loop jump and… Continue reading
Improving Beginner Skills – Part 3 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues a general lesson with a beginner level skater, using program elements as a roadmap for the lesson. Part 1 focused on footwork and spins, and Part 2 focused on some jumps. In this video, Kate has… Continue reading
Single Flip Head Anchoring (Chris Conte)
In this short video, International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte helps a young skater understand and perform proper head anchoring on single flip jump. He initially describes it as, “Everything comes under the chin before the head turns.” In… Continue reading
Combination Jump “Game” – Part 4, Euler Flip Combos (Lorie Charbonneau)
International coach Lorie Charbonneau continues an exercise/game she uses for encouraging skaters to efficiently work through all of their combination jumps. In Part 1 the game focused on double toe loop combinations while Part 2 focused on double loop combinations.… Continue reading
Common Single Jump Errors (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna begins a lesson with a young skater and works through the single jumps. Every coach in the world who works with skaters at this level regularly sees these errors. Nick starts with a… Continue reading
Valuable Jump Exercises (Denise Myers)
World and Olympic coach Denise Myers shares a number of valuable jump exercises and other insights related to jumping. She begins with one-foot axels as a way to “snap the thighs together” on double axel. Similarly, the one-foot salchow can… Continue reading
How to Jump Higher (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses how to increase jump air time, which is the same as jumping higher. Sufficient jump height is critical in order to have enough air time to finish the desired rotation prior to landing.… Continue reading
Flip Jump Lesson – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte works with a skater to improve a single flip jump. (See previous part of this lesson focusing on loop jump here and Part 1 of the flip portion of the lesson here.) A… Continue reading
Jump Tracings – Part 3 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a video series discussing the tracings left on the ice by the 6 major jumps. By understanding what the tracings should look like, it helps get a clearer picture of proper technique and… Continue reading
Flip Jump Lesson (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte works with a skater to improve a single flip jump. (See previous part of this lesson focusing on loop jump here.) Chris begins by noting that a flip is basically a “loop jump… Continue reading
Toe Loop Combination Jumps – Part 2 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues his series of videos where he discusses in detail all aspects of toe loop combination jumps. In Part 1 he discussed what happens on a good jump landing and how the reset… Continue reading
Jump Tracings – Part 1 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins a video series discussing the tracings left on the ice by the 6 major jumps. By understanding what the tracings should look like, it helps get a clearer picture of proper technique and… Continue reading
Double and Triple Flip Common Errors (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues his description of the physical processes of jumping, especially for toe jumps (although the concepts also apply to edge jumps). In the previous videos, Chris discussed the theory of how skaters create lift and how… Continue reading
Jump Theory: Creating Triples and Quads (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues his description of the physical processes of jumping, especially for toe jumps (although the concepts also apply to edge jumps). In the previous videos, Chris discussed the theory of how skaters create lift and how… Continue reading
Two Classic Jump Drills (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a group lesson to 3 skaters at a camp. Audrey has the skaters do 2 classic jump drills. The first drill is an axel drill and starts with the skater in a forward… Continue reading
Jump Theory: Creating Proper Alignment for Flip (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues his description of the physical processes of jumping, especially for toe jumps (although the concepts also apply to edge jumps). In the previous videos, Chris discussed the theory of how skaters create lift and how… Continue reading
Jump Theory: How Elite Skaters Create Rotation (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues his description of the physical processes of jumping, especially for toe jumps (although the concepts also apply to edge jumps). In the previous video, Chris discussed the theory of how skaters create lift. In this… Continue reading
Jump Theory: How Elite Skaters Create Lift (Chris Conte)
In this important video, International coach Chris Conte describes the physical process of jumping, especially for toe jumps (although the concepts also apply to edge jumps). Chris uses imagery of a car hitting a speed bump as a way to… Continue reading
Champion Cords for Improved Landings (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach and Champion Cords inventor Sheila Thelen explains and demonstrates how to use the cords to create improved landing positions. By connecting the cord to same-side hand and foot, a nice stretch can be created on landings… Continue reading
More Flip Jump Insights (Chris Conte)
In a class setting at a seminar, International coach Chris Conte offers helpful insights about the flip jump. He begins by addressing the position after the 3-turn or mohawk and just before the reach and pick. Chris wants the “toe… Continue reading
Flip Jump (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen discusses the flip jump. As Jeremy notes, entry edge issues are more common with the lutz jump, but many skaters struggle with performing a flip jump off of a clear inside edge. Unfortunately,… Continue reading
Naming the Jumps: Flip (Chris Conte)
In this short video, International coach Chris Conte quizzes a class of skaters on jump names. All of the skaters in this class can do all of the jumps discussed, but notice how challenging it is for the skaters to… Continue reading
Common Flip Jump Errors and Fixes (Chris Conte)
In a class setting, International coach Chris Conte offers insights about common flip jump errors and how to fix them. He begins by demonstrating a single flip with a massive head turn problem. This is often caused by skaters attempting… Continue reading
Double and Triple Flip Jump Prints and Theory (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his series of videos discussing and explaining the prints left on the ice for various jumps. In this video he discusses the double and triple flip jump print. Other videos in this… Continue reading
Double Flip Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a fast-paced double flip lesson to a skater who can land the jump but is having problems with consistency and air position. Audrey covers a lot of ground and touches on jump direction,… Continue reading
Single Flip Jump Tips, Stop Scratching (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby gives a young skater a lesson on the single flip jump. For most of the lesson, Robert is focused on helping the skater avoid the toe pick scratching she is doing as she picks… Continue reading
The Lutz Class – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger)
In this video from a few years ago, World and Olympic figure skating coach Audrey Weisiger teaches an on-ice class at one of her acclaimed Grassroots to Champions seminars. The topic in the class is the lutz jump, and as… Continue reading
Air Position Exercises and Insights (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna begins a jump lesson with some h-position and d-position drills. The skater in the lesson is a relatively high level skater, and she makes the drills look easy. But for younger and less advanced skaters, there… Continue reading
Triple Flip and Triple Loop Lesson (Michelle Leigh)
In this figure skating video, World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh gives an advanced skater a lesson on the triple flip and triple loop. The skater is clearly an excellent athlete as can be seen from the air time on… Continue reading
Tips for Building a Double Flip (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh is working with a male skater on building a double flip from a solid single. This skater has not yet landed the double at the time this video was recorded, and Michelle covers some… Continue reading
Split Flip and Split Lutz (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade uses the split jump as a teaching tool for developing flow and rotation and proper jump/pick timing on flip and lutz jumps. She uses the split flip and split lutz all the time with… Continue reading
Jump Patterns and Setup Tips, Part 4: Loop, Flip, Lutz (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues a multi-part series on jump setup patterns and jump teaching tips.  In Part 1, Kori discussed patterns and setups for the axel and in Part 2 she tackled the salchow. In… Continue reading
Flip Jump Insights – Part 3 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his discussion of the flip jump. This video is a continuation of the class Robert is teaching in this video (Part 1) and this video (Part 2). Here he shares a drill at… Continue reading
The Stomping Drill, Part 2: The Jumps (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues his discussion of the stomping drill. In Part 1, he introduced the drill and showed how to use it with a variety of skating elements. In this video, he focuses on the jumps and how… Continue reading
Cleaning Up Single Jumps (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins a lesson with a young male skater by reviewing his single jumps. This is a great chance to see what an elite coach like Michelle looks for on single jumps after a skater… Continue reading
Developmental Jump Drill for Young Skaters (Laurent Depouilly)
World and Olympic coach Laurent Depouilly offers a great jump setup drill for young skaters that allows for many repetitions in a short time and small space.  The drill consists of a forward outside three turn with a back… Continue reading
Flip Jump Drill – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his discussion of the flip jump. This video is a continuation of the class Robert is teaching in this video. Here he covers the same information in more detail and he also clarifies… Continue reading
Seminar Exercises – Part 3 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger teaches at one of her Grassroots to Champions seminars several years ago.  The information in this series is as valid and useful today as it was when it was recorded.  These… Continue reading
Dragon Tail Exercise – Setup for Jumps (Laurent Depouilly)
World and Olympic coach Laurent Depouilly shares a jump setup drill he calls the “dragon tail” that he uses for all the major jumps except waltz jump/axel (but it can be used for that too). He primarily uses the exercise… Continue reading
Flip Jump Drill and Insights (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby teaches a flip jump drill and offers important insights about the flip jump.  He references his earlier discussion of the toe loop here.  The first critical aspect of the drill is… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 4: Loop, Flip, and Lutz (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a multi-part series on off-ice jumping.  In Part 1 she focused on some basics and the axel.  In Part 2, she discussed the salchow and some drills to improve landings.… Continue reading
The Russian Twist, Part 5 – Various Jump Take-Offs (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues his multi-part series on air turns or the Russian Twist. In Part 1, he introduced the overall concept. In Part 2 he explained the first turn and discussed how it relates to snizzles and… Continue reading
h-Position Clap Drill (Page Lipe)
In this short video, International coach Page Lipe explains the h-position clap drill.  She uses this drill with skaters on loop, flip, and lutz jumps and she explains it doesn’t work very well on salchow (and toe loop… Continue reading
Triple Flip and Loop Lesson (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a lesson with a skater.  The first part of the lesson focused on toe loop combination jumps (triple-triple but concepts also apply to double).  In this video, Michelle and her student leave… Continue reading
Using Split Jump for Double Flip Development – Split Flip (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist and video analyst Trevor Laak discusses how and why he uses the split jump and split flip as a development tool for double flip.  This is the second follow-up to the analysis video Trevor recorded on a… Continue reading
Solutions for Better Jump Timing and More Flow (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist and video analyst Trevor Laak shares 2 drills for improving the timing and flow of the flip jump.  This is a follow-up to the analysis video Trevor recorded on a single flip with excessive shoulder rotation (see… Continue reading
Analysis of Single Flip for Double Flip Development (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak analyzes a single flip for a skater interested in working on the double.  Trevor provides a full analysis of the jump, but focuses on the “rotational jerkiness” caused by excessive shoulder pre-rotation.  This is… Continue reading
Triple Flip Lesson (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade works with one of her skaters learning a triple flip.  This skater lacks the necessary air time for the triple but Kori shows the process of building the jump from the double. In this lesson… Continue reading
Using the Split Jump for Standard Toe Jump Development (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues her discussion of the split jump (see Part 1 and Part 2).  In this video she focuses on the split toe loop, the split flip, and the split lutz.  Audrey spends… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 11 – Prepping for Triples (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 11 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises.  In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Correcting the Edge on Flip – Fixing a “Lip” (Audrey Weisiger)
This is a very important video by World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger.  In this video, Audrey is working with a skater who has a change of edge problem on the flip jump.  In other words, rather than… Continue reading
Working on 3 Jump Combinations (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh works with a skater in a 3-part series on jumps leading to triple salchow.  In this first part, Michelle works on 3-jump combinations with the skater.  Before beginning the lesson, Michelle explains the issues… Continue reading
Jump Lesson – Importance of Patterns (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade gives a young skater a lesson aimed at improving the single axel.  The lesson begins with a backspin and progresses to a waltz jump and then a single flip.  Notice the focus Kori places… Continue reading
Edge Quality of Flip Jump – Jump Drills for Flip (Page Lipe)
Page Lipe discusses the challenge associated with getting flip jumps to come off a back inside edge.  Teaching the correct edge early on in jump development saves tremendous time and frustration later on. In this video, Page starts with… Continue reading
Adult Figure Skating – Adult Leg Syndrome (Nick Perna)
World coach and adult figure skating advocate Nick Perna addresses a common jump problem for adults that figure skate.  He calls it “adult leg syndrome” and it’s characterized by landing with the free foot to the side or behind… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps – Minimum Air Times (Trevor Laak)
With so many coaches now using smartphones and tablet computers, air time measurements are easy for everyone to make.  As discussed in the article below, minimum jump air time estimates are incredibly important.  But it is necessary to… Continue reading
Loop Jump Development – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
Figure skating coach Nick Perna continues his discussion about the process and drills he uses to develop the loop jump.  In Part 1, he covered a quite a few drills including the Bread Drill, Backward Power Pulls with the… Continue reading
Using Video Technology as a Coaching Tool (Page Lipe)
Page Lipe works with a skater on drills intended to fix an edge change problem on a double flip.  Little coaching information is shared in the video.  Instead, this video shows how a coach like Page uses a… Continue reading
Flip Jump – Correct Inside Take-off Edge (Page Lipe)
In the figure skating video below, national and international coach Page Lipe shows exercises to help skaters use the correct edge when entering a flip jump. Although the lutz jump is typically more of a problem for skaters in terms… Continue reading
Flip Jump for Beginners (Page Lipe)
In this figure skating lesson, Page Lipe explains and demonstrates how she teaches a flip jump to a beginner skater.  She typically starts by teaching a half-flip from a mohawk.  Notice that Page wants a full stretch but… Continue reading
The Flip Jump – Part 4 (Nick Perna)
In the figure skating video below, Nick Perna finishes his discussion of the flip jump.  This is the fourth part of a four-part series.  In the first video, Nick introduced the flip jump and discussed the active edge… Continue reading
The Flip Jump – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his discussion of the flip jump.  This is the third part of a multi-part video series.  In the first video, Nick introduced the flip jump and discussed the active edge as well as edge change… Continue reading
The Flip Jump – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna continues his discussion of the flip jump.  This is the second part of a multi-part video series.  In the first video, Nick introduced the flip jump and discussed the active edge as well as edge change… Continue reading
Edge Class – Part 7 Power Pulls With Hockey Puck (Chris Conte)
Choreographer Chris Conte continues with his class on edges and power generation. As noted in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6 this class was in Korea on one of Chris’s visits and you’ll… Continue reading
Compulsory Figures – Threes to Center (Page Lipe)
Page Lipe continues her discussion of compulsory figures (also called school figures).  In the previous videos in this series, Page laid out a set of circles without using a scribe , discussed the forward outside 8, briefly demonstrated the… Continue reading
The Flip Jump – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna discusses the flip jump.  This is the first part of a multi-part video series on the flip jump by Nick.  The flip is probably the most overlooked of the 6 primary jumps in figure skating, largely… Continue reading
Figure Skating Lesson: Developing a Triple Flip (Kori Ade)
In this video, we sit in as Kori Ade gives one of her skaters a lesson on triple flip.  This skater is not yet ready to land this jump, and this video highlights teaching techniques and ideas that will… Continue reading
Double Flip Jump In Figure Skating (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade offers some thoughts about teaching double flip in this lesson video.  At the beginning of the lesson she shares some insights about what physical characteristics give a skater an advantage with rotation in the air. … Continue reading
Figure Skating Flip Jump Reach And Toe Placement (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak shares some video to demonstrate the reach and toe pick placement on a flip jump.  This video is a follow-up to a flip jump video by Audrey Weisiger and is intended to clarify the important concepts. Using… Continue reading
Ice Skating Jumps: Flip Jump Reach And Pick Placement (Audrey Weisiger)
Audrey Weisiger talks about one of the most misunderstood aspects of flip jumps.  This is a short video but the topic is very important. Almost every top coach teaches a “strong reach” on the flip jump.  This reach… Continue reading
Figure Skating Flip Jump Entrance Options (Audrey Weisiger)
Audrey Weisiger discusses the flip jump and offers some insights about the jump and two entrances that almost guarantee the inside edge prior to take-off.  To help skaters to develop the proper feeling of coming off an inside edge,… Continue reading
Ice Skating Jumps: Take Off Drills (Tom Hickey)
Tom Hickey describes some basic on-ice take-off drills he uses with his skaters for axel, toe loop, and flip. These exercises are aimed at developing balance, strength and control.
Off Ice Jump Training: Walkthroughs (Tom Hickey)
Tom describes and Taylor demonstrates off-ice drills and walkthroughs for lutz/flip, toe loop, and salchow. Tom is a strong advocate for off-ice jump drills and these drills have helped make his skaters successful. Notice how precisely the walkthroughs should be executed.
Figure Skating Jump Combinations: Dartfish Double Flip-Double Toe (Page Lipe)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Ice Skating Jumps: Axel and Double Flip-Double Loop Combination (Chris Conte)
This is another lesson that Chris Conte gave at the 2009 G2C Extreme Super Camp.
Grassroots To Champions Skating Camp: Private Lesson – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
This is the second of three videos of a Chris Conte lesson at the 2009 G2C Extreme Super Camp. In thefirst part, Chris discussed flow and important body positions.
Figure Skating: Triple Jump Technique (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh offers some jump drills and exercises to improve control and efficiency, particularly related to building double jumps into triple jumps.
Ice Skating: Flip Jump Video (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh provides a thorough explanation of how she teaches the flip jump. There are some extremely important key point in this presentation.
Figure Skating Jump Technique For Arms (Michelle Leigh)
Michelle Leigh discusses some very helpful information regarding arm motions and positions throughout jumps, and particularly loop, flip and lutz.
How To Figure Skate: Learn a Flip Jump (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna shows how he introduces a skater to the flip jump. This is a follow-up video to Nick's presentation of the loop jump for beginners.
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