International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues his series of videos where he discusses in detail all aspects of toe loop combination jumps. In Part 1 he discussed what happens on a good jump landing and how the reset works between the two jumps. In this video, he offers more details and addresses common problems.
He begins by having his skater do a double lutz double toe combination where the skater incorrectly curves the landing of the first jump too much. It’s a little hard to see on the video, but as the skater resets after a relatively straight lutz landing, she allows the edge to curve. It then curves even more as a result of the reach around behind. The landing of the second jump is also affected and lacks flow. As a correction, Jeremy wants a more focused position when reseting over the right foot. Another way to describe this is alignment, or pressure directly over the skating foot. He says, “When you reset, you need to find the pressure back over your foot, and then you can go.” This is accomplished by focusing on the balance and pressure, and not just swinging the free leg around wildly.
Next, Jeremy talks about toe combination jumps that immediately curve on the landing of the first jump, killing the flow. A common cause of this is “checking too long and checking to the [axis side] too much” when landing the first jump. He explains the need to get the hips and shoulders “facing forward” when landing the first jump, before reseting (winding up) the shoulders back to the axis side while the free leg resets to the non-axis side (natural counter-rotation). Jeremy briefly mentions another common issue causing this problem, which is the first jump simply being off axis. (Correction is to fix the first jump focusing on creating proper axis.)
In terms of pick timing, a common error is picking too early. As Jeremy explains it, “You have to feel your reset, and then you have to start your momentum [rotating to] forward, and then tap.” He then demonstrates this error where he picks while he’s still reaching back and going down. He says, “You have to start your body through before the tap.”
Another common error is trying to tap as far back as possible. Jeremy explains that, “Of course there’s a stretch before you tap, but in any toe jump you want to try to get your toe to go into the ice as much under your hip as possible.” By placing the picking foot into the ice more underneath the hip, it allows for more vertical acceleration and more efficient use of the ankle on the picking foot for actual jumping.
He uses a flip jump to demonstrate these concepts before switching to demonstrating with the toe loop. He reiterates, “You have to get your toe more under your hip exactly when you tap.” To finish the video, Jeremy offers an important final tip. He says, “I really try to emphasize the importance of jumping from your ankles more than you legs. It’s more important. It’s quicker. And… it works for rotation so much better.”
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