Advanced Coaching Tips – Mental Changes (Kori Ade)
During a triple toe loop lesson, World and Olympic coach Kori Ade offers insights that will help coaches and skaters with some of the mental aspects of landing difficult jumps. The skater in the video is not yet consistent with… Continue reading
Single Lutz Lesson and Tips (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby gives a young skater a lesson on the single lutz jump. This is a continuation of the lesson where Robert worked with this same skater on the single flip jump. Go back and watch… Continue reading
Basic Spinning Lesson – Upright Forward Scratch Spin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a lesson on the upright forward scratch spin. The young male skater is just learning to control the basics of this spin, and it gives Kim a chance to explain in some detail… Continue reading
Backward Inside Three Turns, Especially for Adults – Part 2 (Karen Olson)
Moves in the field and skating skills expert Karen Olson continues her explanation of some important details about learning the backward inside three turn, with special emphasis on the challenges faced by adult skaters with this skill. As Karen notes,… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. In the first video of this series, he shared drills and concepts to develop the… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte begins a series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. Obviously these methods also work for single axel development (as well as the triple axel).… Continue reading
Butterfly Spin Entrance – Step by Step (Amy Brolsma)
Coach Amy Brolsma shares a process for teaching and learning the butterfly flying spin entrance. This step-by-step guide starts assuming the skater has no knowledge or experience with the butterfly, and by the end a skater should be able to… Continue reading
Jump Technique – Head Anchor and Air Position (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen talks about important jumping principles. He begins by addressing the concept of anchoring the head during a jump take-off. As Jeremy notes, a high percentage of elite skaters anchor the head (to the… Continue reading
Competition Preparation – Part 2 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues her series of videos on the topic of competition preparation. In the first video of the series, Audrey addressed the competition planning process. In this video, she turns her attention to determining “the… Continue reading
Print Left on Ice for Axel (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna explains in detail what the print or tracing looks like for an axel based on how he teaches the jump. A good axel needs to have flow on the jump entry and flow on the landing… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Power – TRX Trainer Suspended Lunge (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on off-ice jump power training. (All of Matthew’s videos on this topic can be found on his biography page here.) In this video, Matthew shares a lunge… Continue reading
Exercise to Build Power (Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue)
Two-time World Ice Dance Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue work with a class of skaters on a single exercise for learning to generate power. In this video, Madison and Zach explore this exercise in detail, and explain the concepts… Continue reading
Combo Spin Tips and Lesson (Sheila Thelen)
Spin specialist Sheila Thelen offers some feedback to a young skater who is working on a combination spin on one foot. The combination spin starts with a bounce spin (technically not an illusion), then transitions into a shotgun sit position,… Continue reading
Spin Tips for Adult Skaters – Part 5, More Camel Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a short series of videos discussing adult skaters and their specific issues in terms of spinning. This is a continuation of the previous video in the series on the camel spin (Part 4). In the… Continue reading
The Walley – Part 1 (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe explains how she teaches a walley. She starts by drawing a tracing on the ice and describing what a walley is. Then she explains the first step of the learning process as simply… Continue reading
Advice for Handling Pressure Situations (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh shares her thoughts on how to help skaters excel under pressure. First and foremost, Michelle recommends having specific, realistic, and achievable goals that are within the skater’s control (winning a competition is almost never… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warm Up Prior to Skating (Kristina Anderson)
Strength and conditioning specialist and figure skating coach Kristina Anderson shares a complete off-ice warm-up sequence that anyone can do, even with little space and no equipment. Kristina uses “painters tape” to create an “agility ladder” as well as a… Continue reading
Single Flip Jump Tips, Stop Scratching (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby gives a young skater a lesson on the single flip jump. For most of the lesson, Robert is focused on helping the skater avoid the toe pick scratching she is doing as she picks… Continue reading
Warming Up (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster teaches a class of skaters a warm-up sequence. He begins with some breathing exercises, followed by a simple relaxation exercise that includes an exhale and bending of the ankles, knees, and hips. Next he does a… Continue reading
Backward Inside Three Turns, Especially for Adults – Part 1 (Karen Olson)
Moves in the field and skating skills expert Karen Olson explains important details about learning the backward inside three turn, with special emphasis on the challenges faced by adult skaters with this skill. As Karen notes, this is a challenging… Continue reading
Learning a Walley – Step by Step (Amy Brolsma)
Figure skating coach Amy Brolsma shares a process for teaching and learning the walley jump. A walley is a jump from a backward inside edge, with rotation in the non-natural direction, to a standard landing position on the outside edge… Continue reading
Jumping With Arms Up Over Head (Jeremy Allen)
International coach Jeremy Allen discusses the benefits of jumping with one arm up and both arms up, and he also provides details on how to do it effectively. Jeremy states that jumping with one or both arms over the head… Continue reading
Competition Preparation – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger begins a series of videos on the topic of competition preparation. This series covers a lot of ideas and a wide time frame leading up to the competition under consideration. Audrey recommends starting “at… Continue reading
Technical Analysis of Big Single Axel (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak analyzes an excellent single axel, sharing insights about what makes this jump so good. This axel was performed by Madison Xaphakdy and was entered in the iCoachSkating Axel Contest held in November of 2018. Madison’s axel won the… Continue reading
Natural Acceleration (Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue)
2018 World Ice Dance Silver Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue work on acceleration with a class of skaters at a seminar. Zach initially shows an exercise intended to allow skaters to feel acceleration and deceleration while on a flat… Continue reading
Tips For Power and Speed (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna talks about speed and power and offers some tips for developing more speed and power. To begin the video, he stresses the need to encourage skaters to “crunch” the ice on every push. He says, “If… Continue reading
Skater Development Insights (Chris Conte)
In this video, International coach Chris Conte continues a lesson with a male skater who he had worked with earlier on skating skills. You can watch those videos here Part 1 – Tips on Forward Stroking and here Part 2… Continue reading
Backspin Haircutter (Sheila Thelen)
Spin specialist Sheila Thelen continues a layback lesson with a skater. In the first part of the lesson, Sheila worked on improving this skater’s standard haircutter (forward spin). In this video, Sheila helps the skater learn a haircutter from a… Continue reading
Spin Tips for Adult Skaters – Part 4, Camel Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a short series of videos discussing adult skaters and their specific issues in terms of spinning. In the previous 3 videos of the series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) Charyl covered general helpful tips… Continue reading
Double Axel Lesson – Attitude, Facial Expression, Jump Patterns (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade gives a double axel lesson to one of her skaters. Kori begins by noting that for skaters who have roughly the same technical skills in their programs, details are what separate the competitors in… Continue reading
Advice to Skating Parents (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh offers insights and advice to skating parents. Many coaches wish that skating parents would have minimal involvement in the development of a skater, but as you’ll learn in this video, Michelle wants knowledgeable parents… Continue reading
Building Powerful Pushes (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster works with a class on ways to generate more power from basic pushes. Many of these concepts are similar to those Doug has already shared here at iCoachSkating. To begin this class, Doug explains that skaters… Continue reading
Sit Forward (Pancake) and Sit Behind Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a young skater a lesson on some sit spin variations. The first variation is a sit forward which is known as the pancake. After the skater attempts one, Kim takes the skater to sit in… Continue reading
Single Loop Jump Tips, Loop Loop Combo (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby gives a young skater a lesson on the single loop jump and the loop-loop combination. After having the skater perform a single, Robert suggests getting more h-position (knee up) and more arm drive to… Continue reading
Importance of Walleys (Audrey Weisiger)
In this video from a few years ago, World and Olympic figure skating coach Audrey Weisiger talks about walleys during an on-ice lutz class at one of her acclaimed Grassroots to Champions seminars. (The earlier parts of this class are… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Power – Dead Stop Snatch Part 2 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on off-ice jump power training. (All of Matthew’s videos on this topic can be found on his biography page here.) This video is a follow up to… Continue reading
More Partner Skating Drills (Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue)
2018 World Ice Dance Silver Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue teach a class of skaters a couple more partner skating drills. This video builds on the earlier videos in the series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.… Continue reading
The U-Turn Drill (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna shares a simple drill or jump concept for properly “turning over” the axel jump. The drill is done at the wall to provide something for the skater to hang on to. Nick explains… Continue reading
Tips on Forward Crossovers (Chris Conte)
National coach Chris Conte continues a lesson with a male skater that is focused on skating skills. In the previous video, Chris helped him develop long and powerful forward strokes or pushes. In this video, Chris focuses on forward crossovers… Continue reading
Improving the Haircutter Position (Sheila Thelen)
In this video, coach Sheila Thelen is working with a skater on the haircutter layback variation position. The skater has a good start on the position, but Sheila offers some helpful tips regarding where to position the arms and head,… Continue reading
Trampoline Training for Figure Skaters, Part 6 (Kori Ade)
This video is the final installment in this series of an off-ice training class for figure skaters at an indoor trampoline park. The skaters shown are at varying levels, and they were training at the time with World and Olympic… Continue reading
Trampoline Training for Figure Skaters, Part 5 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of an off-ice training class for figure skaters at an indoor trampoline park. The skaters shown are at varying levels, and they were training at the time with World and Olympic coach Kori Ade. Some… Continue reading
Spin Tips for Adult Skaters – Part 3, Backspins (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a short series of videos discussing adult skaters and their specific issues in terms of spinning. She offers many tips for working with adult skaters to help them improve their spins. See Part 1 here… Continue reading
When Is a Skater Ready? (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh talks about the process of determining whether a skater is ready to move on and learn a new jump. This discussion is similar to that of Audrey Weisiger here, and coaches who struggle with… Continue reading
Broken Leg Sit Spin Lesson (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a young skater a lesson on her broken leg sit spin. Kim starts the lesson by analyzing and improving the skater’s forward sit spin before working on the broken leg transition and position. To improve… Continue reading
Learning to Handle Pressure Situations (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby offers sage advice regarding learning to skate and perform under pressure. In the video, Robert is teaching a class on the double toe loop at a local seminar. One of the skaters was asked… Continue reading
The Lutz Class – Part 2 (Audrey Weisiger)
In this video from a few years ago, World and Olympic figure skating coach Audrey Weisiger continues with an on-ice lutz class at one of her acclaimed Grassroots to Champions seminars. In part 1 of the lutz class, Audrey shared… Continue reading
The Lutz Class – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger)
In this video from a few years ago, World and Olympic figure skating coach Audrey Weisiger teaches an on-ice class at one of her acclaimed Grassroots to Champions seminars. The topic in the class is the lutz jump, and as… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Power – Dead Stop Snatch With Kettlebell (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on off-ice jump power training. In the first video of the series, he demonstrated a fancy setup for gathering detailed data for monitoring a skater’s progress and… Continue reading
Backward Crossovers With a Partner (Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue)
2018 World Ice Dance Silver Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue teach a class of skaters backward crossovers with a partner. The video builds on a repeating series of back inside edges in the previous video and another video discussing… Continue reading
Jump Air Position – The Knuckle Drill (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna shares a drill he calls the “knuckle drill” to help skaters work on their jump air position for multi-rotation jumps. The drill can also be effective as a training tool for the backspin. To do the… Continue reading
T-Rex Waltz Jump Analysis (Chris Conte)
National coach (and entertainment expert) Chris Conte does a nice analysis of a waltz jump performed by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. This is fun stuff, but the information in the video is actually technically outstanding, so please take this video seriously.… Continue reading
Drills and Concepts for Improving Basic Skating (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster teaches a class of young skaters some basic skills concepts and drills. He starts by stating “always bend before you push” and he makes it clear that skaters need to bend from their ankles, knees and… Continue reading
Spin Tips for Adult Skaters – Part 2 (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a short series of videos discussing adult skaters and their specific issues in terms of spinning. She offers many tips for working with adult skaters to help them improve their spins. See Part 1 here.… Continue reading
Fixing Pike Air Position – Off-Ice Core Strength Drill (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh shows a simple but very effective off-ice drill for helping with weak air positions. Many skaters suffer from a “pike” air position where the body is forward and the hips are pressed back in… Continue reading
Beginner Backspin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a young skater a lesson on the beginner backspin. The real value in this video is not only the process that Kim uses, but the coaching along the way. This skater is struggling… Continue reading
Triple Salchow: Tips and Fixes (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby talks about the triple salchow and offers helpful tips that apply to all skaters, as well as individual feedback for each of the skaters in the class he’s teaching. This video is a continuation… Continue reading
Coaching Advice: When Is a Skater Ready? (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic figure skating coach Audrey Weisiger discusses at length the issues associated with determining when a skater is ready to try new elements, particularly new jumps. One factor to take into account is jump air time. If a… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Power Exercise – More (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on jump power training. In the first video of the series, he demonstrated a fancy setup for gathering detailed data for monitoring a skater’s progress and providing… Continue reading
I-Spin Tips (Sheila Thelen)
Spin specialist Sheila Thelen works with a skater on the upright forward I-spin. In particular, Sheila offers some tips for the foot grab and second arm assist. Also, the discussion about rising up to straighten the skating knee is very… Continue reading
Trampoline Training for Figure Skaters, Part 4 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of an off-ice training class for figure skaters at an indoor trampoline park. The skaters shown are at varying levels, and they were training at the time with World and Olympic coach Kori Ade. Some… Continue reading
Waltz Jump and Axel Drill – 3 Statues, Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues his explanation of the “3 Statues Drill” that he uses to help skaters develop the proper timing necessary for stepping up strongly into a waltz jump or axel. One of the most common errors with… Continue reading
Tips on Forward Stroking (Chris Conte)
National coach Chris Conte begins a lesson with a skater that is focused on skating skills. In this video, Chris is helping a skater develop long and powerful forward strokes or pushes. He describes what he wants as a “push… Continue reading
Backward Crossovers With Power (Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue)
2018 World Ice Dance Silver Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue teach a class of skaters backward crossovers, and particularly, how to do them with power. The video builds on a repeating series of back inside edges in the previous… Continue reading
Spin Tips for Adult Skaters – Part 1 (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch begins a short series of videos discussing adult skaters and their specific issues in terms of spinning. She offers many tips for working with adult skaters to help them improve their spins. Charyl notes that in… Continue reading
Advanced Concepts For Improving Expression (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster continues his step sequence lesson with a skater. In the first part of the lesson, Doug focused on the mechanics of the step sequence itself, and in this part, he shares insights about performing and improving… Continue reading
Important Jumping Tip: Excessive Tension (Michelle Leigh)
In this short video, World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh talks about one of the most important but commonly-ignored topics for good jumping. Good jumps simply cannot happen if the skater has excessive body tension during the execution of the… Continue reading
Starting a Haircutter Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her lesson with a skater just learning a layback spin (see part 1 here). In this part of the lesson, Kim challenges the skater to learn the haircutter variation. As you’ll see, Kim uses a… Continue reading
Salchow Concepts (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares some ideas regarding position and timing for the salchow jump. He begins on two feet with the axis arm up and to the side and the non-axis arm in front. The movement begins… Continue reading
Simple Motivation Technique (Audrey Weisiger)
In this very short video, World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger shares a very simple but powerful method for motivating skaters and for addressing one of the most common issues facing skaters who train regularly. Day-to-day progress can be brutally… Continue reading
Another Off-Ice Jump Power Exercise (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on jump power training. In the first video of the series, he demonstrated a fancy setup for gathering detailed data for monitoring a skater’s progress and providing… Continue reading
Waltz Jump and Axel Drill – 3 Statues, Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna explains the “3 Statues Drill” he uses to help skaters develop the proper timing necessary for stepping up strongly into a waltz jump or axel. One of the most common errors with the waltz jump or… Continue reading
Fixing a Flying Sit Spin Take-Off and Tuck (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire shares insights about how to fix a flying sit spin that spins too much at take-off so the skater cannot get proper lift. It is very common for skaters to either create too much… Continue reading
Champion Cords Handcuffs for Axel (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating jump specialist Sheila Thelen works with a skater on her axel take-off. In this short video, Sheila uses Champion Cords in what she calls “handcuffs” to constrain the potential movement of the arms and hands. By using the… Continue reading
Triple Loop Lesson – Part 3, Changing Habits (Chris Conte)
National coach Chris Conte continues his triple loop lesson with a skater who is building a triple loop from the double. In the first part, he observed that this skater’s jump lacks quickness, particularly in the hook. In the second… Continue reading
Trampoline Training for Figure Skaters, Part 3 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of an off-ice training class for figure skaters at an indoor trampoline park. The skaters shown are at varying levels, and they were training at the time with World and Olympic coach Kori Ade. Some… Continue reading
Inside Edge Weight Shift Exercise (Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue)
2018 World Ice Dance Silver Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue teach a class of skaters a repeating series of back inside edges. This exercise is performed on two feet, although the skater’s weight is nearly 100% on the inside… Continue reading
Spin Strategy and Process for Maximizing IJS Points (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch discusses the strategy and processes she uses to help her skaters develop spins to maximize IJS points in competition. This process focuses on quality over quantity, and Charyl builds upon the inherent strengths the skater already… Continue reading
Skating Fundamentals: One Foot Balance (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna talks about the importance of learning to balance at a standstill on one foot. To help skaters master the control of the exit edges of turns, Nick uses a drill he calls the hitchy coo which… Continue reading
Deep Edges in Steps and Footwork (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster works with a skater to improve the step sequence in her program. The focus is on deepening her edges, generating more power, moving smoothly from one movement to the next, improving the look of turns, and… Continue reading
Fixing Simultaneous 2-Foot Take-Off on Toe Loop (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh explains how to fix a 2-foot toe loop take-off. First, she draws a tracing for the toe loop on the ice and explains what’s supposed to happen on a correct toe loop. As she… Continue reading
Beginning Layback (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan works with a skater on the basics of the layback spin. She says, “The number one most important thing about a layback spin is you have to find your balance, and you have to find the… Continue reading
Axel Tip: Footwork Drill (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby offers a skating or footwork drill intended to help improve the setup for axel. When you watch the video, you’ll notice that the exercise is not a rigid set of turns and steps, but… Continue reading
Increasing Layback Speed and Side Layback Tips (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire continues her discussion of the layback spin. During the first part of this video, Bobbe talks at length about how to make a layback spin faster or spin longer. She talks about arm and… Continue reading
Triple Loop Lesson – Part 2, Drills (Chris Conte)
National coach Chris Conte continues his triple loop lesson with a skater who is building a triple loop from the double. In the first part, he observed that this skater’s jump lacks quickness, particularly in the hook. In this video,… Continue reading
Comparing Lutz Take-Off Techniques (Nick Perna)
Figure skating jump specialist Nick Perna compares the 2 different types of take-offs we see for the lutz jump. In the video he is comparing a triple lutz take-off by 1998 Olympic Champion Ilia Kulik and a triple lutz take-off… Continue reading
Trampoline Training For Figure Skaters, Part 2 (Kori Ade, Vincent Restencourt)
This video is a continuation of an off-ice training class for figure skaters at an indoor trampoline park. The skaters shown are at varying levels, and they were training at the time with World and Olympic coach Kori Ade. Coach… Continue reading
Creating Power In Turns (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster gives a lesson where he explains exactly how to generate power during a turn in skating. In this case, the turn is a 3-turn, but the concept applies to any turn (3-turns, brackets, rockers, and counters).… Continue reading
Single To Double Axel – Part 1 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating jump specialist Sheila Thelen works with a skater having a solid single axel on building a double axel. To begin the session, she tries to understand the skater’s level of confidence with the double. Early in the lesson,… Continue reading
Partner Exercise for Gaining Speed and Momentum (Madison Hubbell and Zachary Donohue)
2018 World Ice Dance Silver Medalists Madison Hubbell and Zach Donohue teach a fun exercise for generating momentum with a partner. This exercise is a simplification of the always-fun “slingshot” pass-by and it teaches important partnering skills in a very… Continue reading
Upright Spin Variation – The Y-Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches the upright spin variation called the Y-spin (sometimes also called the “heel stretch spin”). This video contains tons of important observations and insights to help anyone working on this upright… Continue reading
Turning Double Salchow Into Triple – Part 2 (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak continues his lesson with a skater who is working on the triple salchow. The skater has a solid double but lacks consistently high enough air times to land the triple. In the first part of this… Continue reading
Turning Double Salchow Into Triple – More Air Time (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak gives a lesson to a skater who is working on the triple salchow. The skater has a solid double but lacks consistently high enough air times to land the triple. This video is closely related to… Continue reading
Salchow Theory – Creating Rotational Energy and Height (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh explains one of the most important concepts related to doing good salchows. To create the rotational energy and jump height necessary to do triples and quads, skaters must generate large rotational and vertical forces… Continue reading
Improving a Layback Spin with Haircutter Variation (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues with a layback spin lesson. You can view part 1 of this lesson here.  In this part, Kim works with the skater to integrate a haircutter position into the spin and a stronger exit.… Continue reading
Motivating Skaters at Home (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger shares some of her tried and true motivational methods she uses to constantly push her skaters to train harder and to break through training plateaus.
Learning Double Jumps (Ryan Bradley)
2011 US Men’s Champion Ryan Bradley gives a skater a lesson on axel and double salchow. The value in sharing this video is in seeing how a coach like Ryan patiently demands more control from the skater. There are many… Continue reading
More Off-Ice Jump Power Training (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on jump power training. In the first video of the series, he demonstrated a fancy setup for gathering detailed data for monitoring a skater’s progress and providing… Continue reading
Traditional Lutz Drills (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains how he teaches a lutz jump. This presentation is very similar to Robert’s previous presentation on the lutz, but those who use this technique will find even more helpful information in this video.… Continue reading