Strengthening Hips and Glutes (Kristina Anderson)
Figure skating coach and certified strength and conditioning expert Kristina Anderson demonstrates 3 important exercises for strengthening the hips and glutes. The first exercise focuses on hip strength and stability, and starts in a sitting position with one leg forward… Continue reading
Using Video Tools for Small Successes (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe talks about using inexpensive video tools for motivating skaters. Page uses video for “breaking skills down so that skaters can have little successes and little goals.” She continues, “If you don’t have some sort… Continue reading
Sit Change Sit Tips (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch shares some helpful tips for skaters working on sit-change sit combo spins. She begins by focusing on free leg positions and movement of the arms during the entry to maximize rotational energy for the initial… Continue reading
Motivational Games – Part 1 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger begins a series discussing motivational games for skaters. Audrey acknowledges that progress when learning new skating skills can be brutally slow. The grind of training can take a toll, especially on skaters who are… Continue reading
20 Minute Warm-Up Edge Class – Part 7 (Kate Charbonneau)
Figure skating coach Kate Charbonneau finishes a multi-part series where she shows a complete 20 minute warm-up edge class. Kate has her skaters start slow and then she picks up the pace, both with the skating and the music for… Continue reading
Double Toe Loop Development – Part 1 (Karen Olson)
Coach Karen Olson gives a double toe loop lesson to a skater, with the emphasis on developing good combination jumps. In the first part of this lesson, Karen shares two valuable toe loop exercises. The first exercise is similar to… Continue reading
The Hydroblade (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen shares her insights on how to teach and master the hydroblade. Hydroblading is a relatively easy move for advanced skaters, and even skaters at relatively low levels with good edge and body control can… Continue reading
The Grapevine (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna shares a skating drill he calls “The Grapevine.” The exercise gets it’s name from the off-ice grapevine agility exercise, which includes twisting and alternating foot positions. Nick explains that this is a fun exercise that all… Continue reading
Lutz Development – Part 2: Fixing Unwanted Edge Change (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues his lesson on lutz technique and lutz development drills. In Part 1, he discussed details of the picking and foot timing and shared a useful exercise at the wall to teach the outside edge (“game… Continue reading
When to Start Introducing the Axel (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe offers some insights about when a skater is ready to begin working on the axel jump. As a minimum, Page recommends having a strong loop jump and ideally, a backspin or at least the… Continue reading
Teeter Totter Arms – Fun (and Helpful) Spin Exercise (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a fun exercise that is helpful during the development of spinning fundamentals. The goal is to center a basic upright spin, then move the arms up and down such that both arms make… Continue reading
Comparing Salchow Take-Off Techniques (Nick Perna)
Figure skating jump specialist Nick Perna compares 2 common but very different types of take-offs we see for the salchow jump. In the video he is comparing a triple salchow by Olympic Champion Yuna Kim and one by US Ladies… Continue reading
Salchow (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen shares many insights related to the salchow jump and how to teach it effectively. He notes right from the beginning that there are several ways to do a salchow, and coaches will naturally… Continue reading
Importance of Off-Ice Warm-Up and Cool Down (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses the importance and need for setting aside time in a skater’s schedule for a proper off-ice warm-up prior to practice sessions and proper cool downs after practice sessions. Warming up the body and… Continue reading
Butt Wink and Figure Skating (Kristina Anderson)
Figure skating coach and certified strength and conditioning expert Kristina Anderson discusses the concept of “butt wink” as it relates to figure skating. Butt wink is the term for when the tailbone tucks underneath the body on a squat. This… Continue reading
Upright Spin Tips (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch shares some helpful upright spin tips during a spin lesson. The lesson starts with a forward upright spin, and the skater is not waiting long enough on the entrance edge so the spin is traveling. Charyl… Continue reading
Competition Preparation – Part 4 (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues her series of videos on the topic of competition preparation. In the first video of the series, Audrey addressed the competition planning process. In the second video, she focused on determining “the purpose… Continue reading
USFS Junior Straight Line Step Sequence (Karen Olson)
Moves in the field and skating skills expert Karen Olson discusses and demonstrates specific details of the Straight Line Step Sequence from the USFS Junior Moves in the Field test. Karen walks through much of the pattern and discusses what… Continue reading
The Treat Box – Motivation and Acknowledgement (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen explains “The Treat Box” and how she uses it. Because the box is filled with interesting and constantly changing goodies, skaters will often work extra hard for a chance to pick something from the… Continue reading
Advanced Salchow Concepts – Part 3 (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues her advanced salchow concepts class for high level skaters during a seminar/workshop. In Part 1, Kori focused almost entirely on the idea of using a “guiding foot” for salchow. In Part 2, the… Continue reading
20 Minute Warm-Up Edge Class – Part 6 (Kate Charbonneau)
Figure skating coach Kate Charbonneau continues a multi-part series where she shows a complete 20 minute warm-up edge class. Kate has her skaters start slow and then she picks up the pace, both with the skating and the music for… Continue reading
Double and Triple Lutz Prints and Theory (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his series of videos discussing and explaining the prints left on the ice for various jumps. In this video he discusses the double and triple lutz print. Other videos in this series:… Continue reading
Lutz Development – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte discusses and demonstrates lutz technique and lutz development drills to create proper timing and edge usage. Chris encourages skaters to keep the arms narrow on lutz, or as he says, “think soldiery thoughts.” He does a… Continue reading
General Thoughts on Off-Ice Training (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh talks about the various aspects of off-ice training, sharing her insights and preferences. Michelle begins by noting, “First of all, I think it’s very, very important that you start off-ice training at a very… Continue reading
4 Year Old in Off-Ice Stationary Harness (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen works briefly with a 4 year old skater in the off-ice stationary harness. For skaters this age, the harness is mostly about “fun” which can translate into more enthusiasm for skating in general. … Continue reading
Spin Class, Part 2 – Centering, Eggbeater (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a spin class at a recent seminar. In Part 1, Kim summarized the basics of her teaching methods. The focus in that video was the basic forward upright spin, and she continues with… Continue reading
Axel – Part 2 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues his multi-part discussion of the axel jump. In Part 1 he discussed some important basics as well as how he teaches a waltz jump. In this video he goes into more detail… Continue reading
Foot and Ankle Mobility (Kristina Anderson)
Figure skating coach and certified strength and conditioning expert Kristina Anderson continues where she left off with her previous discussion of strengthening the feet. In this video, she focuses on foot and ankle mobility. Improving this mobility is important for… Continue reading
Important Axel Concepts (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe discusses some foundational concepts for the axel jump. To start, Page notes that the take-off foot does not simply point in the direction of the jump, but rather creates additional edge pressure just prior… Continue reading
Spin Tips During Lesson (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson with a young skater. In the first video from this lesson, Charyl covered upright spins and sit spins and in the second video she focused on the forward camel spin and a… Continue reading
IJS Update: Difficult Spin Entrances and/or Exits (The Strategic Method)
Coaches Stephanie Bass and Tiffany McNeil of The Strategic Method offer some timely information regarding difficult spin entrances and exits. This video addresses spin entrances and exits as covered in the July 20, 2020 publication/update of the ISU Technical Panel… Continue reading
Improving Beginner Crossovers (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues her lesson with a young (about 8 years old) male skater. The first part of this lesson focused mostly on the backspin, and this part focuses on forward and backward crossovers. Skaters at… Continue reading
Advanced Salchow Concepts – Part 2 (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues her advanced salchow concepts class for high level skaters during a seminar/workshop. In Part 1, Kori focused almost entirely on the idea of using a “guiding foot” for salchow. In this video, the… Continue reading
20 Minute Warm-Up Edge Class – Part 5 (Kate Charbonneau)
Figure skating coach Kate Charbonneau continues a multi-part series where she shows a complete 20 minute warm-up edge class. Kate has her skaters start slow and then she picks up the pace, both with the skating and the music for… Continue reading
Double and Triple Flip Jump Prints and Theory (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his series of videos discussing and explaining the prints left on the ice for various jumps. In this video he discusses the double and triple flip jump print. Other videos in this… Continue reading
Another Approach to Jump Air Position Training (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte works with a young male skater on exercises meant to improve jump air position and rotational control for improved landings. This video is a continuation of a double salchow lesson. To start, Chris teaches a version… Continue reading
Helping Skaters Train Outside Their Comfort Zone (Michelle Leigh)
In this short video, World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses the importance of skaters training in a way that gets them out of their comfort zone. This discussion is primarily in the context of competition preparation, but the concepts… Continue reading
Strengthening the Feet (Kristina Anderson)
Figure skating coach and certified strength and conditioning expert Kristina Anderson offers two methods for strengthening the feet. Many skaters suffer from weak foot muscles, sometimes as a result of the extra support provided by the skating boot itself. Kristina… Continue reading
Spin Class, Part 1 – Forward Upright Spin (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a spin class at a recent seminar. This is a chance for us to learn or review Kim’s main teaching concepts related to spins. The first video focuses on preparing for the forward… Continue reading
Waltz Jump, Axel, Etc. – Part 1 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen begins a multi-part discussion of the axel jump, including waltz jump as well as double and triple axel. Jeremy begins by discussing the most common entrance using a back outside edge preparation. From… Continue reading
On-Ice Core Exercises and Position Work (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe offers 3 on-ice drills that are particularly helpful for developing core strength and stability, as well as leg strength. The first exercise is a spiral, shoot-the-duck, spiral sequence down the ice in a straight… Continue reading
Camel, Catch Foot Camel Tips (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson with a young skater. In the previous videos from this lesson, Charyl covered upright spins and sit spins. In this video, the focus is on the basic forward camel spin and a… Continue reading
Strength and Conditioning – Making a Plan, Part 5 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his presentation on the fundamentals of creating an off-ice training program for skaters. In Part 1, Matthew shared his background and talked at length about strengthening a skater’s core… Continue reading
Split Jumps – Basics and Variations (Amy Brolsma)
Coach Amy Brolsma explains how she teaches split jumps. This includes the standard split jump, the Russian split jump, the stag jump, the double stag jump, and the tuck jump. Amy notes that skaters can begin learning split jumps as… Continue reading
Strength and Conditioning – Making a Plan, Part 4 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his presentation on the fundamentals of creating an off-ice training program for skaters. In Part 1, Matthew shared his background and talked at length about strengthening a skater’s core… Continue reading
USFS Junior Rocker Patterns (Karen Olson)
Moves in the field and skating skills expert Karen Olson begins a discussion of rockers, and especially how she teaches rockers leading up to and including the USFS Junior Rocker moves in the field tests (Forward and Backward Outside Rockers,… Continue reading
Strength and Conditioning – Making a Plan, Part 3 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his presentation on the fundamentals of creating an off-ice training program for skaters. In Part 1, Matthew shared his background and talked at length about strengthening a skater’s core… Continue reading
Backspin Teaching Tips (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a young (about 8 years old) male skater a lesson, and this part of the lesson focuses mostly on the backspin. The lesson begins with introductions and the skater running his program. Audrey… Continue reading
Teaching a Bigger Reach on Backward Crossovers (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe shares a trick for getting beginner skaters to create more “reach” on backward crossovers. The concept is simple, and involves the coach gliding along inside the skater’s circle, and asking the skater to reach… Continue reading
Strength and Conditioning – Making a Plan, Part 2 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his presentation on the fundamentals of creating an off-ice training program for skaters. In Part 1, Matthew shared his background and talked at length about strengthening a skater’s core… Continue reading
Strength and Conditioning – Making a Plan, Part 1 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis begins a presentation on the fundamentals of creating an off-ice training program for skaters. Much of the strength training done by skaters lacks skating-specific training concepts. Matthew has not only… Continue reading
Air Balance vs. Ground Balance (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen offers insights about training with a stationary off-ice harness. Sheila has the skater demonstrate rotation in d-position, starfish position, and some “fast axels.” Notice the level of mastery this skater demonstrates regarding axis and… Continue reading
Advanced Salchow Concepts – Part 1 (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade teaches advanced salchow concepts to a class of high level skaters during a seminar/workshop. Kori begins by discussing the concept of using a “guiding foot into salchow.” This is when the skater sets the… Continue reading
Important Jump Basics (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a jump lesson. To start the lesson, Audrey wants a backspin and she follows this with a backspin in multiple free foot positions: h-position, d-position, and “2-toes.” The 2-toes position has the skater… Continue reading
IJS Series #3: Jumps – Special Characters (The Strategic Method)
Coaches Stephanie Bass and Tiffany McNeil of The Strategic Method continue their discussion of the IJS protocol sheet. In Part 1 of this series, they offered an overview of the IJS protocol sheet. In Part 2, they talked at length… Continue reading
Off-Ice Camel Spins (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the final of three videos from Kate Charbonneau on her personal experience with off-ice spinning during the worldwide pandemic. In the first video in this series Kate focused on some general concepts an then on upright off-ice spins.… Continue reading
4 Statues Balance Drill (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna shares an off-ice drill whose purpose is to improve balance and control of the 4 main skating positions. The demonstrating skater has a large asterisk on the floor to help with visualizing… Continue reading
Off-Ice Lutz Exercises – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby finishes his discussion and demonstration of off-ice lutz training exercises. In Part 1 he noted the importance of mastering the “left” outside edge (lutz and axel take-offs) and shared 2 foundational off-ice jump exercises.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Sit Spins (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the second of three videos from Kate Charbonneau on her personal experience with off-ice spinning during the worldwide pandemic. In the first video in this series Kate focuses on some general concepts an then on upright off-ice spins.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Lutz Exercises – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
In this 2-part series, World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares some excellent off-ice lutz exercises. He begins by noting that the two most valuable jumps take off from the left outside edge (for CCW jumpers), the axel (forward, edge)… Continue reading
Similarity of Skating Jumps to the Golf Swing – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues his discussion of his “infamous golf swing video” and describes how the golf swing is similar to figure skating jumps. In Part 1, Chris gave the history of the video and concept, and compared a… Continue reading
Similarity of Skating Jumps to the Golf Swing – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte walks us through the history of the “infamous golf swing video” and describes how the golf swing is similar to figure skating jumps. Obviously both sports rely on rotational energy and power, and Chris discovered some… Continue reading
Issues With Returning to the Ice After Pandemic – Part 2 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis finishes his presentation specifically for iCoachSkating subscribers highlighting issues that skaters and coaches may face after this long period of time off the ice, particularly for those skaters who have… Continue reading
Off-Ice Upright Spins (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the first of three videos from Kate Charbonneau on her personal experience with off-ice spinning during the worldwide pandemic. Kate is using a Spinergy Spinboard and she emphasizes proper foot placement on the spinboard as critical to success,… Continue reading
Issues With Returning to the Ice After Pandemic – Part 1 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis gives a presentation specifically for iCoachSkating subscribers highlighting issues that skaters and coaches may face after this long period of time off the ice, particularly for those skaters who have… Continue reading
Some Skaters Need More Supervision (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh talks about a very common problem for both skaters and coaches in figure skating. Some skaters really struggle with effective practice and self-analysis, and this typically causes slow progress due to wasted efforts and… Continue reading
Spinboard Training – Camel Spin and Variation (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a process for developing and mastering the off-ice forward camel spin on a spinboard. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. Kim recommends a standard spinboard… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 10 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Spinboard Training – Forward Sit Spins (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a process to developing and mastering the off-ice forward sit spin on a spinboard. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. Kim recommends a standard spinboard… Continue reading
Short Story About Overcoming Adversity (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby tells a short story about Steven Cousins, a British figure skater in the 1990’s who trained at Mariposa in Barrie, ON (Canada). Steven was an 8-time British national champion, and a 3-time Olympian, earning… Continue reading
Spinboard Warm-Up (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan goes through a thorough spinboard warm-up that she recommends to all skaters at the beginning of each spinboard practice session. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Training: Warm-Up – Part 5 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a comprehensive discussion and demonstration of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This series is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 9 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Spinboard Tutorial – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a tutorial on how to use her off-ice spinboards. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. This presentation is taken from a Zoom call between Kim… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Training: Warm-Up – Part 4 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a comprehensive discussion and demonstration of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This series is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau… Continue reading
Spinboard Tutorial – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a tutorial on how to use her off-ice spinboards. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. This presentation is taken from a Zoom call between Kim… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 8 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Spinboard Tutorial – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan shares a tutorial on how to use her off-ice spinboards. You can learn more about spinboards here and purchase a spinboard directly from Kim. This presentation is taken from a Zoom call between Kim… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Training: Warm-Up – Part 3 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a comprehensive discussion and demonstration of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This series is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 7 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Middle Split Mobility and Flexibility Progression (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis shares an at-home off-ice mobility and flexibility workout that everyone can do in their homes during the coronavirus lockdown. He is joined in the video by his daughter who demonstrates… Continue reading
Off-Ice Musical Movement for Skaters – Part 3 (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the second in a series of videos by coach Kate Charbonneau that are intended to provide a way for skaters to develop or maintain musicality and musical movements during this period without ice. The focus for this series… Continue reading
Off-Ice Training During Pandemic – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a comprehensive discussion of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This series is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau regarding ramping… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 6 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Jump Rope for Warm-Up and Cardio (Tugba Karademir)
Guest International coach Tugba Karademir shares a great rope jumping routine to be used as part of a warm-up or cardio workout. Tugba coaches at the Mariposa School of Skating in Barrie, ON Canada and is a former International medalist… Continue reading
Front Split Mobility and Flexibility Progression (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis shares an at-home off-ice mobility and flexibility workout that everyone can do in their homes during the coronavirus lockdown. He is joined in the video by his daughter who demonstrates… Continue reading
Off-Ice Musical Movement for Skaters – Part 2 (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the second in a series of videos by coach Kate Charbonneau that are intended to provide a way for skaters to develop or maintain musicality and musical movements during this period without ice. The focus for this series… Continue reading
Off-Ice Training During Pandemic – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte begins a comprehensive discussion of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau regarding ramping up… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 5 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Back Mobility Progression to Learn Bridge Walkover (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis shares an at-home off-ice mobility and flexibility workout that everyone can do in their homes during the coronavirus lockdown. He is joined in the video by his daughter who demonstrates… Continue reading
Pandemic Insights for Coaches Interview – Part 3 (Michelle Leigh)
In this video series, iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak interviews World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh regarding her thoughts and recommendations during the coronavirus lockdown. Michelle works with competitive skaters at many levels, and her ideas and approaches to a variety… Continue reading
Off-Ice Axel and Double Axel (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains how to correctly perform off-ice axels and off-ice double axels. This video was provided by Robert during the coronavirus pandemic, and it offers lots of examples and insights about this important skill. The… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 4 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Pandemic Insights for Coaches Interview – Part 2 (Michelle Leigh)
In this video series, iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak interviews World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh regarding her thoughts and recommendations during the coronavirus lockdown. Michelle works with competitive skaters at many levels, and her ideas and approaches to a variety… Continue reading
Off-Ice Musical Movement for Skaters – Part 1 (Kate Charbonneau)
This is the first in a series of videos by coach Kate Charbonneau that are intended to provide a way for skaters to develop or maintain musicality and musical movements during this period without ice. The focus for this series… Continue reading
Pandemic Insights for Coaches Interview – Part 1 (Michelle Leigh)
In this video series, iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak interviews World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh regarding her thoughts and recommendations during the coronavirus lockdown. Michelle works with competitive skaters at many levels, and her ideas and approaches to a variety… Continue reading
At Home Off-Ice Mobility Workout – Part 3 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis shares an at-home off-ice mobility and flexibility workout that everyone can do in their homes during the coronavirus lockdown. He is joined in the video by his daughter who demonstrates… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading