Figure Skating – Off-Ice Jumps
Off-Ice Loop and Double Loop – Part 3 (Mirai Nagasu)
Olympic Team medalist and coach Mirai Nagasu continues an off-ice seminar jump class focusing on the loop and double loop. In Part 1 she discussed alignment over the axis side and taught a hopping and rotating exercise to develop position… Continue reading
Good Jumps are Actually Vaults – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his important and overlooked discussion that good figure skating jumps are actually vaults. In Part 1 he introduced the basic concept of vaulting and explained how a good loop jump vaults up… Continue reading
Off-Ice Loop and Double Loop – Part 2 (Mirai Nagasu)
Olympic Team medalist and coach Mirai Nagasu continues an off-ice seminar jump class focusing on the loop and double loop. In Part 1 she discussed alignment over the axis side and taught a hopping and rotating exercise to develop position… Continue reading
Off-Ice Loop and Double Loop – Part 1 (Mirai Nagasu)
Olympic Team medalist and coach Mirai Nagasu teaches an off-ice seminar jump class focusing on the loop and double loop. She starts by observing the class attempting off-ice double loops and then shows the class a video of a triple… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warmup – Part 3: Jumps (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues a series of videos explaining and demonstrating how skaters can and should warm up off the ice for an upcoming on-ice session. (See part 1 here and see part 2 here.) This video focuses off-ice jumps… Continue reading
Arms Up Over the Head for Jumps (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen teaches and demonstrates how to jump with the arms up over the head. This is a follow-up and clarification video to Jeremy’s very first video on iCoachSkating which you should also watch to… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 7 Pirouette (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 6 Jump Landings (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 5 Jump Landings (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 5 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. In Part 1 he discussed the take-off and the need for edge… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 4 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 3 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte teaches and off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. He begins with a series of moving exercises to warm up the skaters, and this process also allows him to see their natural… Continue reading
Jumping Fundamentals – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues a presentation on the fundamentals of good jumping and good jump technique. In Part 1 he discussed the idea of less complicated movements and he introduced the “sideways moment” concept. In this… Continue reading
Why Train With an Electric Spinner? (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach and inventor Sheila Thelen discusses how an electric spinner is helpful as a training aid for figure skaters. She explains she was initially skeptical of the electric spinner, but she changed her mind after trying one.… Continue reading
Off Ice Harness Axel Training (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach and inventor Sheila Thelen demonstrates off-ice jump training using an electric spinner and stationary off-ice harness system. She begins by spinning an experienced skater on the spinner, who then jumps into the air into an efficient… Continue reading
How The Body Jumps (Karen Olson)
In this video, Karen Olson discusses the importance of the entire kinetic chain of joint and muscle usage for powerful jumping. As she notes, it is common, especially for lower level skaters, to struggle with properly engaging the glutes and… Continue reading
Head Position and Control on Jumps (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh talks about head control on jump take-offs. As she notes, it seems that head anchoring is ideal, where the head remains fixed with respect to the rink and the whole body turns under it… Continue reading
Importance of Off-Ice Warm-Up and Cool Down (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses the importance and need for setting aside time in a skater’s schedule for a proper off-ice warm-up prior to practice sessions and proper cool downs after practice sessions. Warming up the body and… Continue reading
General Thoughts on Off-Ice Training (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh talks about the various aspects of off-ice training, sharing her insights and preferences. Michelle begins by noting, “First of all, I think it’s very, very important that you start off-ice training at a very… Continue reading
Double and Triple Flip Jump Prints and Theory (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his series of videos discussing and explaining the prints left on the ice for various jumps. In this video he discusses the double and triple flip jump print. Other videos in this… Continue reading
Split Jumps – Basics and Variations (Amy Brolsma)
Coach Amy Brolsma explains how she teaches split jumps. This includes the standard split jump, the Russian split jump, the stag jump, the double stag jump, and the tuck jump. Amy notes that skaters can begin learning split jumps as… Continue reading
Strength and Conditioning – Making a Plan, Part 3 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his presentation on the fundamentals of creating an off-ice training program for skaters. In Part 1, Matthew shared his background and talked at length about strengthening a skater’s core… Continue reading
Air Balance vs. Ground Balance (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen offers insights about training with a stationary off-ice harness. Sheila has the skater demonstrate rotation in d-position, starfish position, and some “fast axels.” Notice the level of mastery this skater demonstrates regarding axis and… Continue reading
Off-Ice Lutz Exercises – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby finishes his discussion and demonstration of off-ice lutz training exercises. In Part 1 he noted the importance of mastering the “left” outside edge (lutz and axel take-offs) and shared 2 foundational off-ice jump exercises.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Lutz Exercises – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
In this 2-part series, World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares some excellent off-ice lutz exercises. He begins by noting that the two most valuable jumps take off from the left outside edge (for CCW jumpers), the axel (forward, edge)… Continue reading
Similarity of Skating Jumps to the Golf Swing – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues his discussion of his “infamous golf swing video” and describes how the golf swing is similar to figure skating jumps. In Part 1, Chris gave the history of the video and concept, and compared a… Continue reading
Similarity of Skating Jumps to the Golf Swing – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte walks us through the history of the “infamous golf swing video” and describes how the golf swing is similar to figure skating jumps. Obviously both sports rely on rotational energy and power, and Chris discovered some… Continue reading
Issues With Returning to the Ice After Pandemic – Part 1 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis gives a presentation specifically for iCoachSkating subscribers highlighting issues that skaters and coaches may face after this long period of time off the ice, particularly for those skaters who have… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 10 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Training: Warm-Up – Part 5 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a comprehensive discussion and demonstration of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This series is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 9 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Training: Warm-Up – Part 4 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a comprehensive discussion and demonstration of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This series is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 8 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 7 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Off-Ice Training During Pandemic – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a comprehensive discussion of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This series is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau regarding ramping… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 6 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Jump Rope for Warm-Up and Cardio (Tugba Karademir)
Guest International coach Tugba Karademir shares a great rope jumping routine to be used as part of a warm-up or cardio workout. Tugba coaches at the Mariposa School of Skating in Barrie, ON Canada and is a former International medalist… Continue reading
Off-Ice Training During Pandemic – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte begins a comprehensive discussion of his approach to remote off-ice teaching during the coronavirus lockdown. This is a continuation of the previous 3 part discussion with Chris and International head coach Lorie Charbonneau regarding ramping up… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 5 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Off-Ice Axel and Double Axel (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains how to correctly perform off-ice axels and off-ice double axels. This video was provided by Robert during the coronavirus pandemic, and it offers lots of examples and insights about this important skill. The… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 4 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Pandemic Insights for Coaches Interview – Part 2 (Michelle Leigh)
In this video series, iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak interviews World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh regarding her thoughts and recommendations during the coronavirus lockdown. Michelle works with competitive skaters at many levels, and her ideas and approaches to a variety… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Running a Remote Off-Ice Program – Part 2 (Lorie Charbonneau)
This is Part 2 of iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak’s interview with International coach Lorie Charbonneau about the remote off-ice program she has set up for her skaters and coaches during the coronavirus lockdown. International coach Chris Conte who is part… Continue reading
Running a Remote Off-Ice Program – Part 1 (Lorie Charbonneau)
In this video, iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak interviews International coach Lorie Charbonneau about the remote off-ice program she has set up for her skaters and coaches during the coronavirus lockdown. International coach Chris Conte who is part of Lorie’s team… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Remote Off-Ice Video Jump Lesson – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna walks us through a remote off-ice video jump lesson. We can’t hear what Nick is saying to his skater, but he talks over the entire lesson with detailed information about what is going… Continue reading
Stationary Off-Ice Harness for Jump Training – Part 6 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen continues her series on using a stationary off-ice harness for air position and rotation training for figure skating jumps. In Part 1, Sheila discussed basic setup and safety issues. In Part 2, Sheila explained… Continue reading
Jump Landings – Theory and Drills, Part 3 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues his description and demonstration of what actually happens on a jump landing. In Part 1 he provided a detailed analysis of double, triple, and quad jump landings. In Part 2 he provided… Continue reading
Stationary Off-Ice Harness for Jump Training – Part 4 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen continues her series on using a stationary off-ice harness for air position and rotation training for figure skating jumps. In Part 1, Sheila discussed basic setup and safety issues. In Part 2, Sheila explained… Continue reading
Stationary Off-Ice Harness for Jump Training – Part 3 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen continues her series on using a stationary off-ice harness for air position and rotation training for figure skating jumps. In Part 1, Sheila discussed basic setup and safety issues. In Part 2, Sheila explains… Continue reading
Stationary Off-Ice Harness for Jump Training – Part 2 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen continues her series on using a stationary off-ice harness for air position and rotation training for figure skating jumps. In Part 1, Sheila discussed basic setup and safety issues. [NOTE: Sheila is the President… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 3 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. In the first video of this series, he shared drills and concepts to develop the… Continue reading
Stationary Off-Ice Harness for Jump Training – Part 1 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach Sheila Thelen begins a series of videos on using a stationary off-ice harness for air position and rotation training for figure skating jumps. Sheila is the President of Champion Skating Harness which offers some of the… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte continues his series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. In the first video of this series, he shared drills and concepts to develop the… Continue reading
Double Axel Off-Ice Training – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach and choreographer Chris Conte begins a series of videos where he shares a process of off-ice training techniques for developing the double axel. Obviously these methods also work for single axel development (as well as the triple axel).… Continue reading
Trampoline Training for Figure Skaters, Part 5 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of an off-ice training class for figure skaters at an indoor trampoline park. The skaters shown are at varying levels, and they were training at the time with World and Olympic coach Kori Ade. Some… Continue reading
Fixing Pike Air Position – Off-Ice Core Strength Drill (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh shows a simple but very effective off-ice drill for helping with weak air positions. Many skaters suffer from a “pike” air position where the body is forward and the hips are pressed back in… Continue reading
Another Off-Ice Jump Power Exercise (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on jump power training. In the first video of the series, he demonstrated a fancy setup for gathering detailed data for monitoring a skater’s progress and providing… Continue reading
Trampoline Training for Figure Skaters, Part 3 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of an off-ice training class for figure skaters at an indoor trampoline park. The skaters shown are at varying levels, and they were training at the time with World and Olympic coach Kori Ade. Some… Continue reading
More Off-Ice Jump Power Training (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his series on jump power training. In the first video of the series, he demonstrated a fancy setup for gathering detailed data for monitoring a skater’s progress and providing… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jump Power Training With Feedback (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis talks about one of the methods he uses to train his skaters for jump power. In the video, Matthew has his skater standing on a jump mat and she is… Continue reading
Developmental Spins and Using a Trampoline for Jumps (Laurent Depouilly)
World and Olympic coach Laurent Depouilly offers some helpful coaching ideas related to beginner spins and using a trampoline for jump training. At the beginning of the video, Laurent has the skater do a sit spin and then a camel… Continue reading
Off-Ice Core Strength Training – Part 3 (Matthew Blair Davis)
Figure skating strength and conditioning expert Matthew Blair Davis continues his discussion of core strength training for figure skaters. In Part 1 of the series, Matthew explains how to properly use a TRX Rip Trainer. In Part 2, he… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 5: Strong Air Positions (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a multi-part series on off-ice jumping. In Part 1 she focused on some basics and the axel. In Part 2, she discussed the salchow and some drills to improve landings.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 4: Loop, Flip, and Lutz (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a multi-part series on off-ice jumping. In Part 1 she focused on some basics and the axel. In Part 2, she discussed the salchow and some drills to improve landings.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 3: Toe Loops (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a multi-part series on off-ice jumping. In Part 1 she focused on some basics and the axel. In Part 2, she discussed the salchow and some drills to improve landings.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 2: Salchow and Landing Tips (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a multi-part series on off-ice jumping. In Part 1 she focused on some basics and the axel. In this video, she discusses the salchow and some drills to improve landings.… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 1: Basics and Axel (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins a multi-part series on off-ice jumping. A large percentage of elite skaters use off-ice jumps as part of their regular training and warm-up. And top coaches like Michelle often have… Continue reading
The Russian Twist, Part 1 – Introduction (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte begins a multi-part series on air turns or what he refers to as the Russian twist. This is a very common jump drill, but oftentimes the details are missing. In this series, Chris provides enough information… Continue reading
Stationary Off-Ice Harness, Jump Air Position Training – Part 2 (Sheila Thelen)
Coach Sheila Thelen continues her short series showing how to properly use a stationary off-ice (or on-ice) harness for developing jump air position. In Part 1 she discussed the desired fundamental h- and d-positions. In this video,… Continue reading
Stationary Off-Ice Harness, Jump Air Position Training – Part 1 (Sheila Thelen)
Coach Sheila Thelen begins a short series showing how to properly use a stationary off-ice (or on-ice) harness for developing jump air position. Most skaters simply learn this position as a backspin and then do their best when… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 6 – Inside Axels (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 6 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises. In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-Ice Training – Skipping (Kristina Anderson)
In this off-ice training video, strength and conditioning specialist and figure skating coach Kristina Anderson discusses skipping. Skipping is an overlooked training tool for figure skaters. This is probably because it’s simple and everyone already knows how to… Continue reading
Using Video Technology as a Coaching Tool (Page Lipe)
Page Lipe works with a skater on drills intended to fix an edge change problem on a double flip. Little coaching information is shared in the video. Instead, this video shows how a coach like Page uses a… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jump Development Exercises – The Snizzle (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte begins a multi-part series on jump development exercises. As Chris explains, the series focuses on a series of warm-up exercises with important drills embedded in them. The purpose of each drill is to improve the skills… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Off ice jump class – Part 6 (Kori Ade)
This off-ice training video is the final part of a multi-part off-ice jump class by Kori Ade. In Part 1, Kori had the class do heel clicks and air turn variations. In Part 2, Kori has the… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Off ice jump class – Part 5 (Kori Ade)
This off-ice training video is a continuation of a multi-part off-ice jump class by Kori Ade. In Part 1, Kori had the class do heel clicks and air turn variations. In Part 2, Kori has the class… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-Ice Training: Jump Higher – Part 1 (Kristina Anderson)
In the figure skating video below, figure skating strength and conditioning coach Kristina Anderson shows some exercises to help a skater increase vertical jump height. Jump height on the ice is a critical factor for successfully completing double jumps,… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Off ice class – Part 4 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of a multi-part off-ice jump class by Kori Ade. In Part 1, Kori had the class do heel clicks and air turn variations. In Part 2, Kori has the class do exercises for… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jump Air Position – Backspin Errors (Frank Carroll)
Olympic Coach Frank Carroll continues his previous discussion about jump air position with a description of the backspin and common air position or backspin errors. Even though Frank is talking about the backspin in this video, he’s really discussing… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Off ice class – Part 2 (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of a multi-part off-ice jump class by Kori Ade. In Part 1, Kori had the class do heel clicks and air turn variations. In this part, the class focuses again on quickness… Continue reading
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Off ice jump class – Part 1 (Kori Ade)
In this video, we get to sit in on an off-ice jump class held by Kori Ade for her skaters. This is part 1 of a multi-part series. In this video, Kori introduces the class and notes she… Continue reading
Toe Loop Combination Jumps – Toe Axel Error (Audrey Weisiger)
Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues her discussion of toe-loop combination jumps with a short discussion of the “toe axel” error. Audrey begins by explaining what a “toe axel” is. Then she describes what a… Continue reading
Off Ice Figure Skating Training Tips: Part 1.3 (Grace Lee)
Grace Lee continues to share the warm-up routine that she created for her skaters. This video is the third and final portion of the "first" warm-up routine Grace uses.
Off Ice Jump Training: Walkthroughs (Tom Hickey)
Tom describes and Taylor demonstrates off-ice drills and walkthroughs for lutz/flip, toe loop, and salchow. Tom is a strong advocate for off-ice jump drills and these drills have helped make his skaters successful. Notice how precisely the walkthroughs should be executed.
Off Ice Figure Skating Jumps – Axel Training – Part 7 (Nick Perna)
This is the final installment of Nick Perna's off-ice jump class.
Off Ice Figure Skating Jumps – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
Nick Perna teaches an off-ice jump class. This is the first part of a multi-part video series. Most top skaters implement an off-ice jumping routine in their training.
Figure Skating Off Ice Training Part 1.1 (Grace Lee)
Grace Lee introduces herself and allows us to watch her skaters do their daily off-ice warm-up. This video is just the first portion of the first part of the overall warm-up. The warm-up consists of 3 parts which take between 50 and 60 minutes to complete.