Figure Skating – Salchow Jump
Power Angle Concept for Jumps – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna begins an important discussion of the concept of power angle and how it relates to good jumping. Power angle as a concept is closely tied to need to “vault” properly up into each… Continue reading
Good Jumps are Actually Vaults – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his important and overlooked discussion that good figure skating jumps are actually vaults. In Part 1 he introduced the basic concept of vaulting and explained how a good loop jump vaults up… Continue reading
Good Jumps are Actually Vaults – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his important and overlooked discussion that good figure skating jumps are actually vaults. In Part 1 he introduced the basic concept of vaulting and explained how a good loop jump vaults up… Continue reading
All About Eulers – Part 2 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues her presentation on the Euler or “half loop.” In Part 1 she introduced the topic and offered a number of exercises she uses to teach the skill. She begins Part 2 by emphasizing the need to… Continue reading
Salchow-Euler-Salchow Combination (Debbie Warne-Jacobsen)
National level coach Debbie Warne-Jacobsen begins a series of videos covering a lesson for an adult skater who is working on her USFS Senior Free Skating test. The focus in this video is on the double salchow-Euler-double salchow combination jump.… Continue reading
Using a Balloon for Jump Training – Part 3 (Lorie Charbonneau)
International coach Lorie Charbonneau continues her presentation on using a simple air-filled balloon as a jump training aid. In Part 1 she introduced the concept and had her skaters demonstrate single jumps as well as axel and double salchow with… Continue reading
Some Jump Drills (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna gives a jump lesson, beginning with waltz jump drills. The first drill is a waltz jump, “land forward” on one foot, then snap into twizzle rotation prior to a strong landing position. For… Continue reading
Improving Beginner Skills – Part 2 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues a general lesson with a beginner level skater, using program elements as a roadmap for the lesson. Part 1 focused on footwork and spins, while this video focuses on jumps. After observing a waltz jump and… Continue reading
Pivot Jump Drill Development (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte takes some time during a jump lesson to work on the forward pivot jump drill. He begins by simply having the skater do a forward pivot and then spin in a “forward” h-position.… Continue reading
Valuable Jump Exercises (Denise Myers)
World and Olympic coach Denise Myers shares a number of valuable jump exercises and other insights related to jumping. She begins with one-foot axels as a way to “snap the thighs together” on double axel. Similarly, the one-foot salchow can… Continue reading
How to Jump Higher (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses how to increase jump air time, which is the same as jumping higher. Sufficient jump height is critical in order to have enough air time to finish the desired rotation prior to landing.… Continue reading
Jump Tracings – Part 3 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a video series discussing the tracings left on the ice by the 6 major jumps. By understanding what the tracings should look like, it helps get a clearer picture of proper technique and… Continue reading
Jump Tracings – Part 1 (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins a video series discussing the tracings left on the ice by the 6 major jumps. By understanding what the tracings should look like, it helps get a clearer picture of proper technique and… Continue reading
Exercise to Increase Jump Height and Distance (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna shares a fun and effective exercise to help skaters learn to jump higher and farther. Initially used primarily with waltz jump, this exercise is also good for salchow (and even axel). First Nick draws the take-off… Continue reading
Grapevine Variations and the Salchow (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues his presentation on his “grapevine” exercise. In the first video he demonstrated how to perform the grapevine and how to teach it in sections. In this video, he explains how to create useful variations by… Continue reading
Toe Loop (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen shares many insights and teaching tips for the toe loop jump. He begins by acknowledging that the toe loop is one of the hardest jumps to teach properly today, as there are wide… Continue reading
Comparing Salchow Take-Off Techniques (Nick Perna)
Figure skating jump specialist Nick Perna compares 2 common but very different types of take-offs we see for the salchow jump. In the video he is comparing a triple salchow by Olympic Champion Yuna Kim and one by US Ladies… Continue reading
Salchow (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen shares many insights related to the salchow jump and how to teach it effectively. He notes right from the beginning that there are several ways to do a salchow, and coaches will naturally… Continue reading
Advanced Salchow Concepts – Part 2 (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues her advanced salchow concepts class for high level skaters during a seminar/workshop. In Part 1, Kori focused almost entirely on the idea of using a “guiding foot” for salchow. In this video, the… Continue reading
Advanced Salchow Concepts – Part 1 (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade teaches advanced salchow concepts to a class of high level skaters during a seminar/workshop. Kori begins by discussing the concept of using a “guiding foot into salchow.” This is when the skater sets the… Continue reading
Salchow Lesson Part 2 – Magic Circle (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte continues a double salchow lesson. In Part 1 of this lesson, Chris focused on control of the entry and then the timing and rhythm of the take-off movements. In this video, Chris discusses the arms in… Continue reading
Rhythm, Tempo, and Control on Double Salchow (Chris Conte)
International coach Chris Conte gives a double salchow lesson. To start the lesson, he focuses on the forward outside three turn entry, and in particular, getting the free foot either on or even outside the tracing (but not inside) to… Continue reading
Double and Triple Salchow Prints – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues a presentation on the print left on the ice by a good double or triple salchow. In Part 1 of this presentation, Nick talked at length about the print and the salchow technique needed to… Continue reading
Double and Triple Salchow Prints (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna discusses the print left on the ice by a good double or triple salchow. This video is related to Nick’s other presentations on jump prints such as axel prints and landing prints. In this video, he… Continue reading
More Salchow Tips – Basic Salchow Continued (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe continues her discussion of the salchow. In the previous video, she discussed free leg and skating leg movements, as well as where the skater’s center of mass needs to be relative to the skating… Continue reading
Basic Salchow Tips (Page Lipe)
International figure skating coach Page Lipe offers some tips and insights for salchow jump development. One very common problem with the salchow is when skaters balance on the backward entry/take-off edge with their head outside the circle or tracing the… Continue reading
Salchow Concepts (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares some ideas regarding position and timing for the salchow jump. He begins on two feet with the axis arm up and to the side and the non-axis arm in front. The movement begins… Continue reading
Turning Double Salchow Into Triple – Part 2 (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak continues his lesson with a skater who is working on the triple salchow. The skater has a solid double but lacks consistently high enough air times to land the triple. In the first part of this… Continue reading
Turning Double Salchow Into Triple – More Air Time (Trevor Laak)
Jump specialist Trevor Laak gives a lesson to a skater who is working on the triple salchow. The skater has a solid double but lacks consistently high enough air times to land the triple. This video is closely related to… Continue reading
Salchow Theory – Creating Rotational Energy and Height (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh explains one of the most important concepts related to doing good salchows. To create the rotational energy and jump height necessary to do triples and quads, skaters must generate large rotational and vertical forces… Continue reading
Learning Double Jumps (Ryan Bradley)
2011 US Men’s Champion Ryan Bradley gives a skater a lesson on axel and double salchow. The value in sharing this video is in seeing how a coach like Ryan patiently demands more control from the skater. There are many… Continue reading
Double Salchow Development (Michelle Leigh)
In this figure skating video, World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh is working with a skater to improve a relatively new double salchow. The focus is on control and timing. The skater is using a forward inside three turn entrance… Continue reading
The Stomping Drill, Part 2: The Jumps (Nick Perna)
International coach Nick Perna continues his discussion of the stomping drill. In Part 1, he introduced the drill and showed how to use it with a variety of skating elements. In this video, he focuses on the jumps and how… Continue reading
Cleaning Up Single Jumps (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh begins a lesson with a young male skater by reviewing his single jumps. This is a great chance to see what an elite coach like Michelle looks for on single jumps after a skater… Continue reading
Developmental Jump Drill for Young Skaters (Laurent Depouilly)
World and Olympic coach Laurent Depouilly offers a great jump setup drill for young skaters that allows for many repetitions in a short time and small space. The drill consists of a forward outside three turn with a back… Continue reading
Jump Patterns and Setup Tips, Part 3: Toe Loop (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues a multi-part series on jump setup patterns and jump teaching tips. In Part 1, Kori discussed patterns and setups for the axel and in Part 2 she tackled the salchow. The… Continue reading
Deepening Edges for Skating (Douglas Webster)
Professional choreographer Douglas Webster gives a skater a lesson on the concept of deepening edges. The concept is explained in the context of a three-turn and also in the context of back inside edges (salchow). When performing three turns, most… Continue reading
Dragon Tail Exercise – Setup for Jumps (Laurent Depouilly)
World and Olympic coach Laurent Depouilly shares a jump setup drill he calls the “dragon tail” that he uses for all the major jumps except waltz jump/axel (but it can be used for that too). He primarily uses the exercise… Continue reading
Jump Patterns and Setup Tips, Part 2: Salchow (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues a multi-part series on jump setup patterns. In Part 1, Kori discussed patterns and setups for the axel. The demonstrator for this series is Jordan Moeller and his jumps are definitely… Continue reading
The Russian Twist, Part 5 – Various Jump Take-Offs (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues his multi-part series on air turns or the Russian Twist. In Part 1, he introduced the overall concept. In Part 2 he explained the first turn and discussed how it relates to snizzles and… Continue reading
Off-Ice Jumps – Part 2: Salchow and Landing Tips (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a multi-part series on off-ice jumping. In Part 1 she focused on some basics and the axel. In this video, she discusses the salchow and some drills to improve landings.… Continue reading
Box Drill – Concept for Weight Transfer Jumps (Page Lipe)
International coach Page Lipe explains and demonstrates the take-offs for the weight transfer jumps, axel, salchow, and toe loop using drawings on the ice. These drawings help skaters (and coaches) understand how to create a take-off with flow and… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Concepts (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses some key concepts associated with the triple salchow. She likes having skaters use a “crosscut” entrance. In the USA this is more commonly called a salchow from “back crossovers” or from an “undercut.”… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 11 – Prepping for Triples (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 11 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises. In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Pivots – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
Figure skating coach Nick Perna continues his explanation of pivots. You can see Part 1 of his presentation here. In this video, Nick begins by noting there are 8 different pivots in total. These are forward inside, back… Continue reading
Beginning Double Loops and Double Toe In Combo (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her lesson with a young male skater in Part 3 of a 3-part series on jumps. In the first part of the lesson, Michelle focused on the lutz. In the second video, Michelle… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 9 – Axel, Double Toe, Double Salchow (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 9 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises. In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Lesson (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh works with a skater in a 3-part series on jumps leading to triple salchow and triple toe. This is the final part of this lesson. In the first part, Michelle worked on 3-jump combinations… Continue reading
Jump Lesson – Double Salchow (Kori Ade)
Olympic coach Kori Ade gives a young skater a lesson on the double salchow. The video starts with the skater doing a single salchow that Kori likes well-enough to ask for a double attempt (“with crossed feet on the… Continue reading
Jump Development Exercises Pt 8 – Salchow and Ball Drill (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte continues with Part 8 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises. In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps – Video Axel Lesson with Young Skaters (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her lesson with two young skaters. The first part of the lesson focused on a series of warm-up drills prior to jump training. In the second video, Michelle had the skaters do waltz… Continue reading
Figure Skating Jumps – Waltz Jump and Single Salchow (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her lesson with two young skaters. The first part of the lesson focused on a series of warm-up drills prior to jump training. In this video, Michelle has the skaters do waltz jumps… Continue reading
Salchow Class – Part 2 (Ryan Bradley)
US National Champion Ryan Bradley teaches a salchow class at the G2C Supercamp in the summer of 2013. This is the second and final part of this class. In Part 1, Ryan focused on controlling the preparation edges… Continue reading
Salchow Class – Part 1 (Ryan Bradley)
US National Champion Ryan Bradley teaches a salchow class at the G2C Supercamp in the summer of 2013. The energy level at the start of the class was due to the fact that the class was first thing in… Continue reading
Salchow Take-Off Details – Triple Salchow Arms (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh discusses details of the salchow, particularly as it relates to the triple salchow for the demonstrating skater. Michelle discusses the issues the demonstrator is working through and she shows the drills and walk-throughs she uses… Continue reading
Double Salchow Tips (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade gives a double salchow lesson. Kori’s skater in this video is having a difficult time kicking the foot through properly on the double. Kori begins the lesson with some work on the single salchow, particularly… Continue reading
Tips for Figure Skating Jumps Moment Of Take-Off: Axel – Salchow – Toe Loop – Part 2 (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak shares the results of the second part of a survey of subscribers on the details at the moment of take-off for the axel, salchow, and toe loop jumps. Here are the survey questions covered in… Continue reading
Tips for Figure Skating Jumps Moment Of Take-Off: Axel – Salchow – Toe Loop – Part 1 (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak shares the results of the first part of a survey of subscribers on the details at the moment of take-off for the axel, salchow, and toe loop jumps. Here is a copy of the quiz… Continue reading
Figure Skating Slow Motion Video: Double Salchow Attempt (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Off Ice Jump Training: Walkthroughs (Tom Hickey)
Tom describes and Taylor demonstrates off-ice drills and walkthroughs for lutz/flip, toe loop, and salchow. Tom is a strong advocate for off-ice jump drills and these drills have helped make his skaters successful. Notice how precisely the walkthroughs should be executed.
Salchow Jump Technique (Page Lipe)
Page Lipe shows how she develops the salchow. In this video she starts at the beginning and works her way up to the double.
Figure Skating Video Analysis: Double-Triple Salchow (Chris Conte)
This video is a continuation of a previous Chris Conte double salchow analysis.
This clip stands on it's own aside from a few references to that previous video.
Skating Tips: Developing Double Salchow (Chris Conte)
Chris Conte demonstrates and describes a full development program for teaching the double salchow.
Computer Video Analysis Skating Jump: Triple Salchow With Pole Harness (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Computer Video Analysis Figure Skating: Triple Salchow (Chris Conte)
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Learn To Ice Skate For Kids: Basic Jumping – Part 5 (Sheila Thelen)
This is the fifth and final video of Sheila Thelen teaching a young skater in a private lesson. Sheila's skater is a 6 year old boy named Milan.
Learn To Ice Skate Video: Double Salchow (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her discussion of salchow.
Ice Skating Tips For Beginners: Salchow – Stomach Ache Drill (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh shares a great exercise for improving the salchow.
Learn To Ice Skate Video: Salchow Jump (Michelle Leigh)
Olympic coach Michelle Leigh explains her approach to teaching the salchow. This video is packed with very important information that is easy to overlook.