Figure Skating – Flying Spins
More Advanced Spins – Adding Difficulty (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a lesson with an advanced spinner. In the previous part of this lesson, Charyl worked on this skater’s jump within a spin, going from a forward camel to a flying sit spin. That… Continue reading →
Some Advanced Spins – Jump Within a Spin Options (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch works through a variety of change foot spins, focusing on the change from forward spins to back spins, including “jump within a spin” options. She begins with camel change camel, and Charyl explains the… Continue reading →
Beginning Death Drop (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see first part of lesson here and second part of lesson here) by teaching the beginning stages of a death drop. She begins with what she calls a “kick turn”… Continue reading →
Advanced Skater Spin Lesson – Part 2 (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson with an advanced skater. In Part 1 the focus was on foundational spins in preparation for the more advanced spins in this video. The video starts with the skater performing… Continue reading →
Flying Reverse Sit Spin (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches the flying reverse sit spin to a class of advanced skaters. She begins by having the skaters perform the basic movements at the wall. These movements start with a jump and a straight kick through… Continue reading →
Death Drop – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues working with an advanced class of skaters on the death drop. In Part 1 Kim taught the class a basic exercise at the wall to learn the necessary movements, as well as an illusion exercise… Continue reading →
Death Drop – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches an advanced class of skaters her approach to the death drop. Even though this a class of advanced skaters, Kim teaches the skill “from the beginning,” initially focusing on fundamentals and exercises. She explains… Continue reading →
Flying Camel – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her seminar class on flying camels (see Part 1 here and see Part 2 here). In this video, Kim troubleshoots some specific issues and offers some very helpful tips. After watching some attempts, Kim focuses… Continue reading →
Flying Camel – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her seminar class on flying camels (see Part 1 here). She continues with the walk-through at the wall that she introduced briefly in Part 1. This is one of the best ways to learn to… Continue reading →
Advanced Spin Examples and Program Strategy (Rohene Ward, Kori Ade)
Coach and choreographer Rohene Ward (with insights from coach Kori Ade) gives an advanced skater a spin lesson, focusing on the spins in the skater’s program. Rohene makes some comments during the spins, and there are technical details to be… Continue reading →
Flying Camel – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches flying camel spin in a class at a seminar. She begins by explaining that a skater really needs to have a good camel spin and a good back camel spin before they’ll create a good… Continue reading →
How to Practice Spinning (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan explains how to practice spinning, including how much to practice. Kim recommends training spins 15 minutes during every 45 minute to 1 hour on-ice practice. The 15 minutes should be focused and continuous, and not just… Continue reading →
Champion Cords for Various Camel Spins (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating specialist coach and Champion Cords inventor Sheila Thelen demonstrates the benefits and uses of Champion Cords for 4 different camel spins: the regular forward camel, the back camel, the flying camel, and an inside camel. The Champion Cord… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin Lesson – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a flying sit spin lesson with a skater who is familiar with the element but not proficient. In Part 1, Kim covered the entrance and initial fly, including arms and the leg tuck.… Continue reading →
Polishing Spins for Competition (Kori Ade)
In this short video, World and Olympic coach Kori Ade reviews her skater’s program spins and offers insights and suggestions. This is a continuation of a previous video on program improvement. The first spin is a spin in one position.… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin Lesson – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Figure skating spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a flying sit spin lesson to a skater who is familiar with the element but not proficient. After having the skater attempt one as a baseline for the lesson, Kim has the skater… Continue reading →
Spin Tips – Big Toe, Little Toe, and Toe Pick (Charyl Brusch)
In this short video, spin specialist Charyl Brusch talks about a variety of toe concepts for spins. She begins the video by addressing where to step into a backspin from a forward spin and noting that she does not typically… Continue reading →
More Butterfly Details (Amy Brolsma)
Coach Amy Brolsma continues her discussion of the butterfly. In the first part of this discussion, Amy shared a detailed step by step approach to learning/teaching the butterfly. In this video, she offers more insights, covering a wide range of… Continue reading →
Butterfly Spin Entrance – Step by Step (Amy Brolsma)
Coach Amy Brolsma shares a process for teaching and learning the butterfly flying spin entrance. This step-by-step guide starts assuming the skater has no knowledge or experience with the butterfly, and by the end a skater should be able to… Continue reading →
Fixing a Flying Sit Spin Take-Off and Tuck (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire shares insights about how to fix a flying sit spin that spins too much at take-off so the skater cannot get proper lift. It is very common for skaters to either create too much… Continue reading →
Fun With Advanced Layback Spins (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire talks about using the layback spin to maximize IJS points and simply to have fun with. At the beginning, Bobbe discusses trying to get a level 4 call for a layback as a spin… Continue reading →
Building a Butterfly – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his presentation on how he teaches a butterfly flying spin entrance. In Part 1, Robert shared a detailed, step-by-step process to learn the butterfly. Here in Part 2, Robert addresses two of the… Continue reading →
Building a Butterfly – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shows how he teaches a butterfly flying spin entrance to a group of skaters. This is an excellent presentation that offers a large number of tips that allow a skater to learn this difficult… Continue reading →
The Butterfly Spin Entrance – Part 2 (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues her presentation on the butterfly spin entrance. This video clarifies some of the concepts covered in Part 1. Charyl discusses leg fanning, second leg timing (starts up before second leg drops), a strong back, the… Continue reading →
Illusion Into Flying Sit Spin – Part 2 (Sheila Thelen)
Figure skating coach Sheila Thelen continues her lesson with a skater on an advanced spin that the skater wants to get Level 4, but it’s getting called as Level 3. In Part 1, Sheila focused on the spin entry… Continue reading →
The Butterfly Spin Entrance – Part 1 (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a step-by-step process for teaching and learning a butterfly. The butterfly is a relatively complicated skill to learn, so it’s hugely beneficial to see a presentation like this. The demonstrator in the video knows the… Continue reading →
Using a Jump Rope to Train for Skating (Michelle Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues a multi-part series on off-ice jumping and training. In Part 1 she focused on some basics and the axel. In Part 2, she discussed the salchow and some drills to… Continue reading →
How to Improve a Flying Camel (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan gives a flying camel lesson. She begins by sharing a standstill drill that helps a skater develop an understanding of the proper movement of the hips and legs. She starts by having the… Continue reading →
Flying Spin Lesson – Death Drop Drills, Flying Camel Insights (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a skater a lesson on death drops and flying camels. Although this skater is challenged by these skills, this video offers insights into some of the drills Charyl uses to correct these problems. … Continue reading →
Butterfly Flying Spin Lesson – Common Problem (Kim Ryan)
In this figure skating spin video, spin specialist Kim Ryan is working with a skater to improve her butterfly. If you are looking for information about the basics of a butterfly, check out these two videos: … Continue reading →
Teaching Methods and Learning Methods (Bobbe Shire)
In this video, figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire discusses teaching and learning methods in the context of skaters trying jumps within spins. In particular, Bobbe has her demonstrators attempt forward sit, jump into back sit. Notice that… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin: The Tuck – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues teaching a class the flying sit spin. In Part 1 he focused entirely on “the fly” or the jump. In this part he talks mostly about the tuck and the rest… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin: The Fly – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby teaches a class the first part of a flying sit spin. He begins by explaining that the element happens just the like the name implies. He says, “You have to fly first,… Continue reading →
Back Camel, Jump to Forward Sit Spin (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire teaches 3 skaters the back camel, jump to forward sit spin. None of the skaters had attempted this before this lesson so you get to see the typical learning process. Bobbe calls… Continue reading →
Death Drop (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby teaches a class the death drop flying spin entrance. As Robert notes, a good death drop briefly gives the illusion that the skater is in danger of falling on her/his head. In… Continue reading →
Jumps Within Spins (Bobbe Shire)
Figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire explains how she teaches the camel spin jump into flying sit spin combination. A jump within a spin can add an IJS level to a spin and Bobbe shares her favorite way of… Continue reading →
Strategy for Maximizing IJS Spin Points (Bobbe Shire)
In this video, figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire offers many insights for maximizing IJS points for spins. This is a long video with lots of ideas. The specific rules and point values may have changed by the… Continue reading →
How to Spin Fast – Figure Skating Spin Speed (Bobbe Shire)
Spin specialist Bobbe Shire answers the age-old question about “how to spin fast.” This is one of the most common questions we receive here at, especially by adult skaters and young coaches. Right off the bat, Bobbe notes… Continue reading →
Flying Back Sit Spin from Forward Inside Edge (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a lesson on the flying back sit spin from a forward inside edge take-off to a skater who has never attempted one. This spin entry has only recently become somewhat popular as… Continue reading →
Flying Reverse Sit Spin, Also Known as the Axel Sit (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives a lesson on the flying reverse sit spin to a skater who has never attempted one. The flying reverse sit spin is sometimes called an axel sit spin. It is characterized… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin – Part 2 (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues her discussion of the flying sit spin. In this video, she works with another skater and shares additional insights to help those teaching and learning this advanced figure skating spin. Here… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin – Part 1 (Charyl Brusch)
In this figure skating spin video, spin specialist Charyl Brusch teaches a flying sit spin from the ground up. To start the lesson, Charyl has the skater perform an upright flying spin from a standstill. This approach ensures… Continue reading →
Figure Skating Off-ice Training: Flying Spins (Kori Ade)
This video is a continuation of a multi-part off-ice jump class by Kori Ade. In Part 1, Kori had the class do heel clicks and air turn variations. In Part 2, Kori has the class do exercises for… Continue reading →
Figure Skating Flying Spin – The Butterfly (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches a butterfly. This discussion contains further details from Charyl on this spin as she already discussed the butterfly here. The butterfly is often confused with an Arabian. Charyl explains… Continue reading →
Figure Skating Flying Spin – Death Drop Details (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch answers a broad array of questions regarding the death drop flying spin. This video is a continuation of Charyl’s previous video on introducing the death drop. The death drop has become one of the most… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin Development, Figure Skating Spins – Part 2 (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade continues her demonstration of how she introduces the flying sit spin. In the previous video, Kori used one-foot waltz jumps, one-foot waltz jumps with a tuck and a walk-through exercise into a back shoot-the-duck to prepare the skater… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin – Creative Introduction to This Flying Spin (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade shows the process she uses to introduce a flying sit spin to a young skater. This is a creative approach to teaching this element and builds the flying sit up using familiar concepts and easy drills. … Continue reading →
Flying Camel Landing Tips (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues her explanation of how she teaches a flying camel. In her introduction to the flying camel, she worked directly with a skater on the basics of learning the spin. In the second video… Continue reading →
Flying Camel Key Positions (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues her explanation of how she teaches a flying camel. In her introduction to the flying camel, she worked directly with a skater on the basics of learning the spin. In the second video… Continue reading →
Flying Camel Improvements (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues her explanation of how she teaches a flying camel. In the previous video in this series, she worked directly with a skater on the basics of learning the spin.… Continue reading →
Flying Camel Building Blocks (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues her explanation of how she teaches a flying camel by working with a skater and discussing common problems and their solutions. There’s actually a huge amount of information in this… Continue reading →
Figure Skating Advanced Spins Tips – Introducing A Death Drop (Kori Ade)
Kori Ade demonstrates how she initially teaches a death drop. Kori starts with a flying camel and wants the skater to keep her chin up as a pre-requisite for starting death drop. Kori says, “So I describe… Continue reading →
Death Drop Figure Skating Spin (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch gives an excellent presentation on the death drop. When introducing the death drop, Charyl starts with a drill she calls the “kick turn.” Notice the drawing on the ice to encourage the… Continue reading →
Flying Camel Spin Video Tip (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches a flying camel. She always has the skater start on the wall in a T-position. The wall drill she shows is a pretty common way of introducing the… Continue reading →
Figure Skating Spin: Butterfly Entrance (Charyl Brusch)
Spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she introduces the butterfly spin entrance. Many coaches don’t teach this spin entrance at all as it is challenging to get the correct positions and timing. Charyl and her demonstrators do a… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin Video Tip (Page Lipe)
Page Lipe explains how she introduces and teaches a flying sit spin. At the beginning, Page just tells her skaters that it’s just a sit spin, but “you’re going to jump that three-turn from forward to backward.” She… Continue reading →
Flying Sit Spin Tips (Sheila Thelen)
Sheila Thelen offers some insights into the flying sit spin. Sheila offers a great tip regarding the knees to help develop the feeling of the tuck. She also notes that many skaters don’t take off with enough rotational… Continue reading →
Flying Camel Spin Tips Video (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire discusses the flying camel spin and comments on some demonstrations. As Bobbe notes at the beginning of the video, please review Audrey Weisiger’s Flying Camel video. This video is relatively short as Bobbe did not want… Continue reading →
Figure Skating Spins Video: Death Drop (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire shares her knowledge of the Death Drop.
Figure Skating Spins Video: Flying Sit Spin (Bobbe Shire)
Bobbe Shire gives a thorough explanation of the flying sit spin. The flying sit has been a challenging spin for skaters and coaches for years.
Flying Camel Spin: Amazing Figure Skating Spin Tips (Audrey Weisiger)
Audrey Weisiger describes how to teach a flying camel. She discusses the most common problems and some of her countless drills and solutions.
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