VOTE for Best Figure Skating Videos of 2024


Background: Every year we select the top rated videos published at iCoachSkating during the entire year. And then we publicly share these videos for no cost with paying subscribers and non-paying visitors alike. It’s our way of getting in the holiday spirit and sharing with the entire skating community.  It also helps us get more visibility for the work we do here at iCoachSkating.

The countdown is valuable for you as a subscriber as it allows you to review the best videos of the year with a fresh set of eyes. It also allows you to see what other subscribers think are the best videos.

To select the best videos of the year, we rely heavily on your input. Your votes and nominations are the primary tool for selecting the winners.


All participants who leave their name and email in the survey will be entered in a drawing for a free month of full access to iCoachSkating!

Voting will remain open until 11:59pm on Saturday, December 21, 2024.  The countdown will begin on Thursday, December 26.

Please click the link below and cast your votes!




To help you remember, here’s the complete list of iCoachSkating figure skating videos published in 2024.  The list starts with the first video published in January and ends with the last video published in December (to date).


Toe Loop as Second Jump in Combination – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his presentation (see Part 1 here) on the toe loop as a second jump (toe loop in combination), both with clarifications on ideas in the previous video as well as helpful information for… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 4 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. In Part 1 he discussed the take-off and the need for edge… Continue reading
Head Anchoring for Jumps (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek discusses the important of head anchoring on jumps, as well as a great way to describe it to skaters. He begins by saying, “If your head is not anchored over your jumping side it’s… Continue reading
New Lutz Insights and Exercises – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna begins a series of videos covering new insights and exercises for the lutz jump. He begins by acknowledging the added importance today of having the correct take-off edge on lutz in IJS competitions,… Continue reading
Sets of Jumps to Begin Program Integration (Debbie Warne-Jacobsen)
National level coach Debbie Warne-Jacobsen continues a series of videos covering a lesson for an adult skater who is working on her USFS Senior Free Skating test. In the first part of this lesson, the focus was on the double… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 4 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Toe Loop as Second Jump in Combination – Part 3 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his presentation (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) on the toe loop as a second jump (toe loop in combination). He begins here by explaining that even if the first jump… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 1 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan teaches a class opposite direction spins. She begins by explaining the new concept of spin gateways in IJS and notes that opposite direction is a gateway. [Editor’s note: We do not in general have videos detailing… Continue reading
Miscellaneous Off-Ice Training Ideas (Audrey Weisiger)
In this very short video, World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger covers a few different off-ice exercise options. Many skaters jump rope as a way to warm up the body for skating, but they rarely focus on anything specific or… Continue reading
All About Eulers – Part 1 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau begins a presentation on the Euler. Historically, the Euler has been called a “half loop” in the USA and elsewhere, but with it’s renewed significance as a result of it’s value in jump combinations in competitive IJS… Continue reading
Foundations of Great Skating (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh talks about a variety of concepts that combine to create great skating (and coaching). He begins by saying, “The foundation of skating period is how well can you skate – edge quality, the power,… Continue reading
Camel Sit Lesson (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a lesson with a skater, focusing on the camel sit position change. Prior to this, Charyl worked on this skater’s camel spin and sit spin independently. On the first attempt for the camel… Continue reading
Introducing Double Jumps, Double Loop Details (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek shares thoughts on the most fundamental or foundational jump in skating, the double loop. Tom begins by by saying, “It is an important jump, number one to learn properly, and number two to learn… Continue reading
New Lutz Insights and Exercises – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues a series of videos covering new insights and exercises for the lutz jump. In Part 1, Nick shared the Pigeon Toe Walk exercise to maintain the body in the correct position to… Continue reading
Axel Insights and Drills – Part 5 (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen continues a multi-part series on the axel, with an emphasis on the importance of edge pressure and how to generate it. In Part 1 he discussed the take-off and the need for edge… Continue reading
Observations on Double Lutz Technique (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak analyzes a double lutz, discussing details related to jump timing and rhythm, the active take-off edge, toe pick placement, arm and shoulder timing, and more. The repeating power pull entrance for the lutz can be very helpful for… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 5 Jump Landings (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
Head Anchoring And Head Position in Jumps (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby discusses the position and movement of the head in jumps and jump development. Robert says, “Everyone has come to the conclusion that keeping your head straight (on take-offs) is a good thing, and something… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 2 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique. In this video, Kim teaches an exercise that… Continue reading
How Does an Elite Skater Train? (Audrey Weisiger)
In this fascinating video from a few years ago we get some insights into how an elite skater trains. World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger leads an off-ice seminar class, but this video is mostly Olympian and World Competitor Danny… Continue reading
All About Eulers – Part 2 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues her presentation on the Euler or “half loop.” In Part 1 she introduced the topic and offered a number of exercises she uses to teach the skill. She begins Part 2 by emphasizing the need to… Continue reading
Loop Jump Insights (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh shares thoughts and exercises about the loop jump. He begins by discussing jump landings in general, showing an exercise at the wall that simulates air position and checking the rotation at landing. He begins… Continue reading
Advanced Skater Spin Lesson – Part 1 (Charyl Brusch)
In this short video, figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch begins a spin lesson with an advanced skater. All of the spins in this video are relatively basic spins which this skater has already mastered so we don’t get too… Continue reading
New Lutz Insights and Exercises – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues a series of videos covering new insights and exercises for the lutz jump. In Part 1, Nick shared the Pigeon Toe Walk exercise to maintain the body in the correct position to… Continue reading
Insights About Cheated Jump Landings (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen discusses cheated jump landings, including causes and solutions as well as thoughts about the “benefits” of initially learning jumps with cheated landings. He begins with the attention grabbing statement, “Special news flash! Cheating… Continue reading
Double Axel Development – Part 1 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek begins a series of videos discussing some of the drills and exercises he uses when developing a double or triple axel. There are a ton of insights about the axel (and double and triple)… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 6 Jump Landings (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 3 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique, and in Part 2 she taught an exercise… Continue reading
Fixing Edge Change on Flip (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger works with a skater who is struggling with achieving the correct edge on a double and triple flip jump take-off. The primary solutions that Audrey is using here include a back inside edge skid… Continue reading
Learning to Hydroplane (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau explains and demonstrates how to learn to hydroplane. Sometimes a hydroplane is referred to as a hydroblade, and this skill is a “fun show trick” that isn’t particularly difficult but requires practice. Kate begins by explaining how… Continue reading
Popping Jumps, Positive Coaching (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh briefly discusses the concept of popping jumps and how he prefers to interact with his skaters to create positive changes. He begins, “I talk about something I never like talking about… popping jumps. I… Continue reading
Jump Landings (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains and demonstrates important fundamental concepts for jump landings. He begins by noting that our understanding of jump landings continues to evolve, which means our teaching methods also need to change and improve. As… Continue reading
Advanced Skater Spin Lesson – Part 2 (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson with an advanced skater. In Part 1 the focus was on foundational spins in preparation for the more advanced spins in this video. The video starts with the skater performing… Continue reading
Drill for More Height on Loop, Flip, Lutz (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna shares a drill he uses to help skaters properly lift into the air on the loop, flip, and lutz jumps. He begins by noting that many skaters struggle to achieve an h-position or… Continue reading
Euler Demonstrations and Insights (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen demonstrates the two primary ways of performing an Euler and he discusses the differences as well as insights about under-rotations. He begins by noting that an Euler is also called a half loop.… Continue reading
Double Axel Development – Part 2 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek continues his discussion of the drills and exercises he uses when developing a double or triple axel. In Part 1 he taught a “progression exercise” in detail. This video begins with one of his… Continue reading
Off-Ice Seminar Class – Part 7 Pirouette (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an off-ice jump class for skaters at a seminar. In Part 1 Chris taught some basic walking and skipping drills which served both as a warm-up and as an introduction to… Continue reading
More Insights on Jump Landings (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his discussion of jump landings (see previous video here). Robert says this about landings, “We want to separate what’s technically correct and what’s going to help us actually land a jump, and then… Continue reading
IJS Spin Gateways – Opposite Direction – Part 4 (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues her presentation on opposite direction spins. In Part 1 she explained the concept of spin gateways in IJS and worked with the class on basic spinning technique, and in Part 2 she taught an exercise… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a skater a lesson on triple salchow. The lesson begins with a double salchow Euler (half loop) double salchow  sequence, and Audrey explains the purpose is to feel the rhythm of repeatedly… Continue reading
Double Lutz Follow-Up and Drills (Trevor Laak)
Trevor Laak provides a follow-up analysis video to a double lutz video published previously discussing details related to jump timing and rhythm, the active take-off edge, toe pick placement, arm and shoulder timing, and more. This video shows the skater’s… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warmup – Part 1: 5 minute low level (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau begins a series of videos explaining and demonstrating how skaters can and should warm up off the ice for an upcoming on-ice session. She begins by acknowledging that some skaters have as little as 4-5 minutes to… Continue reading
Coaching Philosophy – Bubble Edges to Quads (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh offers insights into his philosophy of coaching. He discusses quite a few things in this video, but it all boils down to starting with solid fundamentals and being a good person and mentor. To… Continue reading
Spin Lesson – Basic Positions With Emphasis on Camel (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch begins a new spin lesson with a skater. This video focuses on “warm-up” spins for this skater which are the basic positions including upright forward and back spins, forward and backward sit spins, and… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna works with a class of young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts necessary for axel development. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work on the axel,… Continue reading
Arms Up Over the Head for Jumps (Jeremy Allen)
International coach and jump specialist Jeremy Allen teaches and demonstrates how to jump with the arms up over the head. This is a follow-up and clarification video to Jeremy’s very first video on iCoachSkating which you should also watch to… Continue reading
Boots and Lacing Reminders (Chris Conte)
Before an on-ice seminar class International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte checks the skates of the skaters in the class. This video is a reminder to coaches to periodically check their skater’s boots and blades, and make sure… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Lesson – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby is giving a lesson on the triple salchow. He begins by asking for a double salchow and filling us in on the work they’ve been doing prior to this video. He notes that many… Continue reading
Spin Class – Sit Forward, Cannonball (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan begins a spin class with more advanced spinners, with the focus on the sit forward “cannonball” or “Fratianne” position. She begins the class with a basic forward upright scratch spin, going from spin entry to the… Continue reading
Exercise and Insights for Double and Triple Loop (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek shares an exercise intended to help skaters “understand the hairpin turn moment on a triple loop.” Tom notes that the exercise is also helpful for double loop combos too. The speed and timing of… Continue reading
Triple Toe Loop in Combination Lesson (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger gives a lesson to a skater who is working on triple triple jump combinations, and in particular, triple toe loop as the second jump. Audrey begins the lesson with a double toe loop “with… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warmup – Part 2: Range of Motion Exercises (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues a series of videos explaining and demonstrating how skaters can and should warm up off the ice for an upcoming on-ice session. (See part 1 here.) This video focuses on range of motion exercises from head… Continue reading
Building Skater Understanding and Confidence (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh discusses how coaches can help build skater confidence and create the desired changes in their skating. He begins by showing a technique that can be used on nearly any edge. By placing the skater’s… Continue reading
Spin Lesson With Emphasis on Upright Forward Position (Charyl Brusch)
In this short video, figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see earlier part of lesson here) by improving a combination spin which includes an upright forward variation (which Charyl calls a “shotgun” position). After one attempt… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues an axel development class for young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts as they relate to waltz jump. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work… Continue reading
Exercise and Insights for Double and Triple Loop – Part 2 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek continues his discussion of the double and triple loop, including more detail on the exercise and movements discussed in Part 1. Here he begins by addressing probably the most common problem skaters face on… Continue reading
Lutz Edge Class – Part 1 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte gives a lutz edge class at a seminar. After breaking the class up into smaller groups, he watches the class perform single lutz jumps. He then relates a story about a skater who… Continue reading
Triple Salchow Lesson – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues a lesson on the triple salchow (see Part 1 here). For the first attempt in this video, Robert asks for just keeping the non-axis arm low on the entry as discussed in Part… Continue reading
Spin Class – Sit to Up Camel Difficult Transition (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). She begins with the basic camel spin, and she shares… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warmup – Part 3: Jumps (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues a series of videos explaining and demonstrating how skaters can and should warm up off the ice for an upcoming on-ice session. (See part 1 here and see part 2 here.) This video focuses off-ice jumps… Continue reading
Beginning Death Drop (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a spin lesson (see first part of lesson here and second part of lesson here) by teaching the beginning stages of a death drop. She begins with what she calls a “kick turn”… Continue reading
Mental Toughness is Learned (Doug Leigh)
World and Olympic coach Doug Leigh shares his 9 Rules of Mental Toughness. He calls it the “Inner Strength that makes the ultimate difference, because for me everything starts and ends with me.” Here are Doug’s 9 Rules: Self-Motivated and… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 3 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues an axel development class for young skaters at a camp, introducing the early concepts as they relate to waltz jump. A significant percentage of this class is not really ready to work… Continue reading
On-Ice Warm-Up for Jumping – Part 1 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek shares some on-ice exercises he uses with his skaters as a warm-up for jumping. This entire warm-up takes roughly 10 minutes, and a major goal is to activate the skaters’ posterior chain which is… Continue reading
Lutz Edge Class – Part 2 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues a lutz edge class at a seminar (see Part 1 here). He begins this video with skate balance and sliding drills. The first he refers to as a version of “walking or… Continue reading
Waltz Jump (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares some thoughts on how to teach a good waltz jump. Although a waltz jump is a basic and easy jump to learn, Robert says “There’s a few things you want to try to… Continue reading
Sit to Up Camel – More Tips (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). In the previous parts of the… Continue reading
Off-Ice Warmup – Part 4: Extras (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach Kate Charbonneau continues a series of videos explaining and demonstrating how skaters can and should warm up off the ice for an upcoming on-ice session. (See part 1 here and see part 2 here and see part 3 here.)… Continue reading
Back Spin to Forward Spin Transition (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch explains how she teaches the backspin to forward spin change of foot transition. This discussion results from a skater missing this transition on a repeating front sit to back sit to front sit spin.… Continue reading
Introduction to Beginner Axel – Part 4 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues an axel development series for young skaters at a camp. In the previous parts of the series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Nick worked with a class on early axel concepts… Continue reading
On-Ice Warm-Up for Jumping – Part 2 (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek continues his presentation of some on-ice exercises he uses with his skaters as a warm-up for jumping. In Part 1 he introduced the concept and shared exercises such as “heel clicks,” “edge ups,” and… Continue reading
Axel Exercise (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger works with a class of high level skaters on improving their step into double axel. The drills shared here can help skaters improve single axel (and triple!) as well. The purpose of this exercise… Continue reading
Lutz Edge Class – Part 3 (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues a lutz edge class at a seminar (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here). He begins this video by demonstrating a poor lutz entry with a big free leg raise and… Continue reading
Axel Development – Part 1 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains and demonstrates how he begins developing the axel. He starts this video by noting that he draws on the ice and has very clear instructions and targets for the skater. Learning an axel… Continue reading
Sit to Up Camel – Why? IJS Considerations (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here and Part 3 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). In the… Continue reading
Low Level Choreography Lesson – Part 1 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach and choreographer Kate Charbonneau begins a choreography session with a young skater to build a new program. A very large percentage of coaches work with skaters at this level, so many will benefit from seeing how Kate approaches this… Continue reading
Some Advanced Spins – Jump Within a Spin Options (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch works through a variety of change foot spins, focusing on the change from forward spins to back spins, including “jump within a spin” options. She begins with camel change camel, and Charyl explains the… Continue reading
On-Ice Warm-Up for Jumping – Part 3 The Zhou Jump (Tom Zakrajsek)
World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek continues his presentation of some on-ice exercises he uses with his skaters as a warm-up for jumping. In Part 1 he introduced the concept and shared exercises such as “heel clicks,” “edge ups,” and… Continue reading
Good Jumps are Actually Vaults – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna discusses the incredibly important and overlooked concept in figure skating that good jumps are actually vaults. He begins by noting that this topic is “vastly misunderstood” and “not talked about much at all.”… Continue reading
More Axel Exercises (Audrey Weisiger)
World and Olympic coach Audrey Weisiger continues to work with a class of high level skaters on improving their step into double axel (see the first part of the class here). The drills shared here can help skaters improve single… Continue reading
Short Double Axel Class (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte shares insights about double axel development with a seminar class. He begins the class by having them do a single axel and then a walkthrough of a double axel. Next he has them… Continue reading
Axel Development – Part 2 (Robert Tebby)
World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his discussion of single axel development. Part 1 offered a ton of detail, from the overall process Robert uses to the specifics of that process. In this video, he begins by noting some… Continue reading
Double Toe Loop Lesson (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade gives a skater a lesson at a camp. Although this lesson starts with discussion of triple toe loop, this is really an opportunity for Kori to address basic jumping issues with axels and double… Continue reading
Off Ice Spin Class – Part 1, Basics (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan begins a class on off-ice spin training. This video focuses on how to get started with upright forward spins and upright backspins. Kim begins by explaining how to place the foot on the spinboard that she… Continue reading
On-Ice Jump Class, Part 1 – Backward Power Swizzles (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte begins an on-ice jump class by doing simple knee bounces on two feet with the body remaining vertical. He spends some time explaining the need to be back on the blade, as so… Continue reading
On-Ice Jump Class, Part 2 – Swizzle Hops (Chris Conte)
International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an on-ice jump class. In Part 1 he introduced power swizzles, and in this video he shares swizzle hops and a variety of insights about power on the ice. Chris begins by… Continue reading
Low Level Choreography Lesson – Part 2 (Kate Charbonneau)
Coach and choreographer Kate Charbonneau continues a choreography session with a young skater to build a new program. In Part 1 Kate got to know the skater a bit and challenged the skater with some new movements. In this video,… Continue reading
Off-Ice Loop and Double Loop – Part 1 (Mirai Nagasu)
Olympic Team medalist and coach Mirai Nagasu teaches an off-ice seminar jump class focusing on the loop and double loop. She starts by observing the class attempting off-ice double loops and then shows the class a video of a triple… Continue reading
Off-Ice Loop and Double Loop – Part 2 (Mirai Nagasu)
Olympic Team medalist and coach Mirai Nagasu continues an off-ice seminar jump class focusing on the loop and double loop. In Part 1 she discussed alignment over the axis side and taught a hopping and rotating exercise to develop position… Continue reading
Big Muscle Backspin – More (Tom Zakrajsek)
In this short video, World and Olympic coach Tom Zakrajsek returns to his discussion of the “big muscle backspin” as a tool for improving jump air position. In a previous video, Tom introduced the concept and shared his ideas about… Continue reading
More Advanced Spins – Adding Difficulty (Charyl Brusch)
Figure skating spin specialist Charyl Brusch continues a lesson with an advanced spinner. In the previous part of this lesson, Charyl worked on this skater’s jump within a spin, going from a forward camel to a flying sit spin. That… Continue reading
Good Jumps are Actually Vaults – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his important and overlooked discussion that good figure skating jumps are actually vaults. In Part 1 he introduced the basic concept of vaulting and explained how a good loop jump vaults up… Continue reading
Double Toe Loop Lesson – Part 2 (Kori Ade)
World and Olympic coach Kori Ade continues a double toe loop lesson at a camp. As noted in Part 1, this lesson started with a discussion of working on the triple toe, and although this skater isn’t really ready to… Continue reading
Off Ice Spin Class – Part 2, Upright Spins and Building Confidence (Kim Ryan)
Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a class on off-ice spin training. In Part 1 Kim explained and demonstrated in detail how to get started spinning off the ice in a repeatable and safe way. In this video, the class continues… Continue reading
On-Ice Warm Up – Part 1 (Ryan Jahnke and Ben Agosto)
National medalist Ryan Jahnke and World and Olympic medalist Ben Agosto team teach an on-ice warm up class at a summer camp. Ryan is wearing the microphone. Ryan begins the class with side lunges on lobes and specific arms with… Continue reading
On-Ice Warm Up – Part 2 (Ryan Jahnke and Ben Agosto)
National medalist Ryan Jahnke and World and Olympic medalist Ben Agosto continue an on-ice warm up class at a summer camp. Ryan is wearing the microphone. In Part 1 the class learned several exercises as well as ankle control and… Continue reading
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