Top Rated
Figure Skating Videos
of 2020
These figure skating videos were voted the top videos at iCoachSkating in 2020. These videos represent some of the best figure skating tips from some of the top coaches in the world.
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#1 – Kate Charbonneau shares a helpful exercise to develop stopping skills (on both feet), knee action and rhythm, and upper body control. This is Part 3 of a 6 part (so far) series where Kate builds a 20 minute on-ice warm-up with a wide variety of skating exercises and drills. |

#2 – Nick Perna discusses the print left on the ice by a double or triple toe loop. This is Part 6 of a 9 part series discussing practical and theoretical details of the prints left on the ice by all 6 primary jumps. |

#3 – Jeremy Allen discusses the importance of head anchoring during jump take-offs and offers exercises to develop good habits. Head anchoring is critical for creating proper jump axis and quickly reaching an efficient air position, and it helps many skaters “feel” the take-off movements. |

#4 – Chris Conte explains how figure skating jumps are similar in movement and time to the golf swing. This is Part 1 of a 2 part series explaining Chris’ discovery, which offers insights into the creation of rotational energy. |

#5 – Nick Perna teaches jump landing exercises in remote off-ice jump lesson. This is Part 6 of a 10 part series covering every aspect of an off-ice jump lesson from warm-up through off-ice axel attempts. |

#6 – Kim Ryan gives a thorough tutorial on how to use a spinboard for off-ice spin practice. This is Part 1 of a 3 part series where Kim is sharing important spinboard training information with US coach Diane Miller. |