National level coach Debbie Warne-Jacobsen continues a series of videos covering a lesson for an adult skater who is working on her USFS Senior Free Skating test. In the first part of this lesson, the focus was on the double salchow-Euler-double salchow combination jump. In the second part of this lesson, they are worked on a double loop double loop combination jump. This video focuses on exercises leading to double lutz.
Debbie begins with a drill at the wall as a way to improve the outside take-off edge. This drill has the skater standing next to the wall, placing the toe pick on the ice, and repeatedly gliding the non-axis skate back and forth on the outside edge. After a couple of these gliding only drills, the skater glides the non-axis foot past the pick and pivots into the h-position take-off. Debbie wants a strong acceleration for this movement, ensuring the non-axis foot glides past and continues up into the jump take-off. She also mentions the “scrape of the [non-axis] toe pick up off of the ice” as it moves through. The final version of this exercise at the wall is a half-lutz, gliding forward on landing at a diagonal to the wall.
Next Debbie explains the “power pull drill” which is basically the same drill as at the wall but preceded by power pulls. This a way for the skater to again feel the outside take-off edge (from the power pulls) but begin moving the jump in space on the ice. Debbie likes this drill done repeatedly around the rink, as a way to get in lots of quality repetitions. On one side of the rink, she has the skater do the power pull drill with half lutzes and on the other side, full lutzes.
In preparation for the double lutz attempts, Debbie has the skater do single lutz, twizzle (pirouette/backspin), single loop. Before having the skater attempt the double, Debbie explains that she really just wants skaters who are attempting new jumps like this to focus on the up, rather than the rotation or the landing. She makes this the focus since without the height the jump won’t have the chance to fully rotate or land anyway. She also explains the double take-off should look like the single, and she shouldn’t be able to tell it’s a double until the skater is in the air. The skater popped open the double attempt into a “one and a half” and Debbie notes that sometimes she uses the one-and-a-half as a helpful drill for teaching lift and rotation without the risk of falls or worry about full rotation and landing.
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