Jump specialist Trevor Laak works with a skater to fix a change of edge problem on the lutz (or double lutz). In the lesson, Trevor uses back power pulls and specific timing to try to help the skater get the feeling of picking during the active outside edge. If a skater can perform the pulls with the free leg extended behind on the first two pulls (outside and inside edges) and then scissor the feet together on the final pull (active edge) without breaking the timing or rhythm of the pulls, the skater has a dramatically improved chance of staying on the outside edge. Huge numbers of elite skaters prepare for a lutz on a shallow to relatively deep inside edge, so the power pulls also help simulate that kind of entrance.
Typically, most skaters with a flutz problem (undesired change of edge) who are working on double lutz have very strong muscle memory of what they think a proper lutz feels like. But if they are changing edge, that feeling is wrong. In order to allow the mind to accept the new feeling more easily, Trevor has the skater give a creative name to the movement that is actually correct (a correct lutz, which does not feel like a lutz to the skater).
Trevor takes the skater to the wall to work on the picking movement. The pick should go into the ice very close to the skating foot and both feet should be turned inward. Next, Trevor has the skater continue the motion of the skating foot (what Nick Perna calls the “flick”) by asking them to use the bottom toe pick to continue drawing the circle of the outside edge.
Throughout the lesson, Trevor focuses more on the timing and pick placement than on jump rotation. For skaters who flutz, a real lutz is essentially a new skill. Taking the time to focus on the details of execution is very important.
All skaters and coaches who are working on this particular issue, should watch the Nick Perna lutz series (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3) as well as the Chris Conte presentation on lutz timing.
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