Nick Perna continues his development of the lutz jump and talks at length about how to correct a flutz problem. You’ve got to see this video to understand Nick’s views on the “reach back” that gets so much attention. He even draws the proper traces on the ice and he gives precise estimates for the desired distance between the toe pick and the edge on a good lutz. He then compares it to flip.
Nick’s suggests that a skater with a flutz problem is really a beginner when it comes to learning a lutz and that explains his approach to working with any skater on this element. He also says any skater that has a true flutz problem usually cannot even do a half lutz correctly.
As I said for part 1, this is one of the best treatments of the lutz I’ve EVER seen.
(To see the first part of this video, check out Nick Perna’s Lutz Part 1.)

Cc Superb analysis. A great video to refer back to in future.
Lisa I can't wait to try these technques out!!! This was really helpful information....Thank you!!!
Debi I can hardly wait to get to my students to get them corrected. Thanks!
Nathalie Minime, a regular permanent marker works just great on the ice. Can't wait to try this progression on my skater.
Tim G I loved it! I learned from it!
minime Excellent use of progression to get to the end product. Thanks! Anyone know where to buy one of those pens for the ice?.....I've been searching for ages on the net
Michelle Leigh Great explanation of why the toe placement is different distance to the appropriate edge on the flip vs lutz! thanks Nick.
Sheila Thelen THANKS NICK! Loved the lesson! I've never thought about the blade distance in relation to the leg/knee position. You're a genius!
Nancy G. Nick, you cannot imagine how much this has already helped! I watched your first video Thursday and had a lesson with one of my students (who had a big flutz) yesterday. The first time she tried your technique, (after working on the power pull exercise for awhile) it was fixed!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Jan Thank you! I had no idea about any of this. I was told to pick way back and jump off an outside edge. I can't wait to try these exercises.
AnyaSaretzky This fixed my flutz in 15 minutes this morning! Thank you! I had no idea It was supposed to go off the toe.