Nick Perna explains how he teaches a lutz jump to avoid the dreaded flutz problem. As you’ll see in the video, Nick is very passionate about the lutz coming off a back outside edge. This is a great introductory video for lutz and Nick talks about how the lutz relates to a power pull or “cut.” He also talks about “The Flick” and the pigeon-toe position seen on all good lutzes. He even explains how a lutz is similar in feeling to a counter. This is one of the best treatments of the lutz I’ve EVER seen…and this is only part one!!
(To see the second part of this video, check out Nick Perna’s Lutz Part 2.)

venkataraju It is very excellent witch way you explained. I learned so much from you thankyou.
Lorna Brown absolutely correct...
Patti This was so well explained and shown that I have learned so much from this. Keep these wonderful techniques coming.
Beth Excellent, clear break down and presentation! Thank you for sharing your technique.
Paula Trujillo Very much appreciate the break down from power pull to lutz, this was a great presentation. Thank you
chris conte Nick, I have learned so much from you. This is way too logical! CC
Nancy G. Thanks Nick!! I am so happy to see something to help my students with their flutzes. I have tried a couple of other suggestions, but have never seen it taught this way. I know this will help them! Thanks for your time!!
skatermdb1 I thought this was actually the most helpful video I've seen, (out of many good ones). Fabulously interesting.. very clear. It really helped me understand.
Sheila Thelen Wow - I love the "flick" description! Great drills! I can't wait to see PART TWO! THANKS NICK & TREVOR! Very good.
lsussman This was a fabulous explanation of how to build the proper technique for the lutz. Thank you so much!
LMK NOW it makes sense! Thank you, great detailed explanation.
Peter Very interesting.. thanks