International coach and jump specialist Nick Perna continues his series of videos discussing and explaining the prints left on the ice for various jumps. In this video he discusses the double and triple loop jump print.
Other videos in this series:
Axel Prints Part 1
Axel Prints Part 2
Salchow Prints Part 1
Salchow Prints Part 2
Landing Prints
Toe Loop Prints
As with the other major jumps (except axel), Nick teaches a loop jump on a straight line. He uses a forward inside mohawk to get to the setup position (mohawk direction is opposite to jump direction to help set a strong shoulder position on the setup), but any entry can be used to get the skater skating backward. For the ready position, Nick puts the skater on two feet, with the feet crossed and most of the weight on the axis foot. The axis foot is basically on a flat (slight outside edge) and the non-axis foot has light pressure on a clear outside edge. Nick mentions his basic crossed-foot 2-foot drills to get comfortable with gliding in this position as well as more advanced versions of these drills.
From the straight line entrance, Nick draws a “question mark pattern” print on the ice. From the straight line, the skater must “blurb” or kick out the heel of the axis foot to create the active outside take-off edge without significantly moving the skater’s center of mass off the straight entry line. Nick mentions the “Ace of Spades Drill” (which you can watch here) and describes it here as a “kick-out and cut.”
At the moment of take-off the skater is facing forward, and is leaving the ice from the bottom toe pick on the axis foot. Note the small three turn on the ice and the toe pick mark placement that Nick shows. He clarifies that the skaters weight remains on the straight entry line and the foot is going “around” the body. If done correctly the entry, take-off, and landing will all line up (showing the straight line movement of the skater’s center of mass).
Next Nick addresses the most common error on loop jump and that’s when skaters don’t blurb or kick out, so when they “cut” they end up bringing the jump “around the corner” and the print looks like a candy cane. He tells his skaters, “There’s only question marks on jump take-offs. There’s no candy canes.” Another very common error is when skaters do everything correct during the setup but release the free side shoulder during the cut and pivot. This creates a “spinny” jump that has little or no distance. He says, “You have to make sure the skater is launching the jump forward and up.”
For more information about how Nick teaches the loop jump, see these videos:
Loop Jump Development – Part 1 (Nick Perna)
Loop Jump Development – Part 2 (Nick Perna)
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