Skating skills and moves in the field specialist Karen Olson shares insights to improve the two Power Double Three Turns to Double Rocker patterns on the USFS Senior Moves Test. The ideas presented apply to both patterns.
Karen begins by acknowledging that edge quality on the double threes is a major challenge for many skaters. Skaters will typically enter the power double three on a good edge and exit on an OK edge, but the edge between the two turns is often either flat or has an actual edge change. Karen recommends isolating the double three turns and “really feel the edge in the middle.” Usually the problem is a “break in the waist” (loss of alignment), and practicing it with less speed initially to ensure the edge quality is usually helpful. Another hint for skaters is to “turn that foot all the way to forward before turning to backward.” This discussion applies to both the back inside and back outside double three turns of the two different patterns.
Another way to improve the double three turns is to go back to the Backward Double Three Turns pattern from the USFS Intermediate moves test. By increasing the speed on this pattern (“as big and fast as they can do it”) a skater can develop excellent edge quality for these turns. Karen recommends developing edge quality before working on speed.
Edge quality on the rockers is also a major issue for many skaters. Karen suggests the same approach of slowing down and isolating the turns and making absolutely certain they have all the correct edges. A great drill to work on this is to simply alternate lobes with a back crossover to the rocker rocker, ensuring that the lobes return to the axis at 90 degrees. Again, the idea is to start slow and add speed as the skater begins to feel comfortable with it.
Another issue that Karen sees with this move is many skaters struggle with continuing the upper body movements through the three turns and properly using the upper body against the lower body. Notice the aggressive twist that Karen demonstrates. She suggests using a hula hoop with skaters to help them feel the twist and “reverse back” as required to set up the rockers and the double threes.
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