Strategy for Maximizing IJS Spin Points (Bobbe Shire)

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In this video, figure skating spin specialist Bobbe Shire offers many insights for maximizing IJS points for spins. This is a long video with lots of ideas. The specific rules and point values may have changed by the time you are reading this and watching this video. The video was recorded in December 2013 but most of the rules discussed have not changed as of summer of 2015.
The real value in this video is understanding Bobbe’s process. Here are some key insights:
- Do not sacrifice GOE for spin levels. A lower level spin with a high GOE usually beats a high level spin with low GOE.
- Understand the rules in terms of what can and cannot be repeated.
- Know the point values for each spin and level. Some spins have higher base values and these should be the focus unless the skater is not capable of doing them. For example, Bobbe recommends combination spins with a change of foot over combination spins without a change of foot (when applicable) to get a higher base value.
- Create a theoretical set of spins that maximize spin levels, but again, do not sacrifice GOE. If a skater struggles with a variation needed to get another level, it is better to give up the level and maintain a high GOE.
- Create a list of spin entries and variations that a skater can do. From this “laundry list” build a set of spins that maximizes points. This will require some trial and error.
- Always have a back-up and train the backup as part of the program. As competition gets near, it may be necessary to switch out the more aggressive spin for a lower level spin with higher GOE.
- Don’t rely on the “increase in speed” feature to add a level as it is so subjective, it may never be given.
- Above all, focus on basic spin quality. All skaters should have solid spin fundamentals and this should be apparent in all competition spins.
This is a long video and there’s tons of information here. This should be very helpful to coaches and skaters and skating parents interested in the process of maximizing IJS points.
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