iCoachSkating founder Trevor Laak encourages all skaters to buy a spinboard from spin specialist Kim Ryan. Kim has pioneered the use of spinboards for off-ice spin training, and she has been using these tools regularly with skaters from all over the world. The purpose of this video is to show you what is possible with this great training aid, and show how valuable it is during this coronavirus lockdown period.
You can buy your Spinergy Spinboard here. They only cost $30 each and come in 4 colors. They also come with a carrying bag. Watch the video to see a variety of skaters using the board to decide if you want one. Upcoming off-ice training videos on iCoachSkating will include videos by Kim explaining how to use the spinboards and how to learn to spin properly using this tool.
If you have questions, you can reach out to Kim directly at 360-631-1919 or via the contact form on her KimSpinergy.com website. You can purchase remote video spin lessons with Kim on her website as well.
You can buy your Spinergy Spinboard at KimSpinergy.com.