Olympic coach Kori Ade works with one of her skaters learning a triple toe loop. This stage of the triple toe is a common plateau, so many will benefit from the ideas shared here.
Kori begins by explaining that she prefers when skaters stop the rotation of the shoulders (check the rotation) on the entry, but this skater needs some of this motion to continue the movement with rhythm and timing. Kori calls it “freedom in the shoulders.”
Kori also acknowledges that she has some skaters do straight line triple toes and some do them on a curve. She likes the curve for skaters that have a hard time pivoting through the take-off. As she explains, this helps keep the right leg moving toward the jump target.
In the jump attempts, Kori makes a number of corrections. First she addresses the left leg swinging around behind the skater before being placed in the ice. Instead she wants the skater to think of keeping the left foot directly behind the left “butt cheek” to keep the core square. For this to happen, the shoulders and hips must rotate while the skater is still on the ice. Kori mentions “how late” the skater should put the toe in the ice, well after some rotation has occurred. She says, “She’s going to put that toe in the ice so late that she’s actually already practically forward, and then we don’t have an issue at all. She’s going to put the toe in the ice as the right foot is already coming to it. If she picks late enough there really isn’t a stab and drag and get stuck moment. There’s more of a toe in the ice mazurka feel.” (This will be a novel idea to many coaches!)
On one of the better attempts, Kori notes the skater isn’t making an effort at the one foot landing. Notice how the errors change as the focus of the lesson changes. Kori asks the skater to fix one thing and something else goes wrong. This is common and this section of the lesson is a reminder to all coaches and skaters (and skating parents) that this process is normal. Top coaches rarely ask skaters to multi-task, although there’s a point where a skater must try to make more than one correction at once. Notice the focus on hip position at the end of the video. This is an extremely common issue for skaters learning the triple toe.
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