Coach Kate Charbonneau continues her presentation on the Euler or “half loop.” In Part 1 she introduced the topic and offered a number of exercises she uses to teach the skill. She begins Part 2 by emphasizing the need to check the positions and be patient when adding speed. She says, “As they add speed on the circle it’s going to be really important that the skater push up into their rotating position with everything firmly on the right [axis] side of their body even though they’re landing on the left [non-axis] foot, to keep the right [axis] side back properly.” Kate then discusses the need to “keep the head on top of the body” during and Euler and she notes that she is not concerned with more excessive head anchoring methods for this jump.
Next, Kate introduces the idea of “landing in a triangle” where the arms are straight and come together at the hands, creating a triangle with the shoulders. The hands are held down and to the axis side over the axis knee “as strong as they can.” On the Euler, the hands are “just to the inside of the left [non-axis] knee.” Kate demonstrates this landing both on the Euler alone and on the Euler salchow jump combination. She uses this landing as a teaching tool on all jumps, not just Euler as it helps skaters check the rotation and land strongly over the axis side.
When learning to use the Euler in combinations with a jump before it, Kate always starts with a simple waltz jump. She lands the waltz jump with the free foot in front in this example, and demonstrates the waltz jump Euler salchow. For more advanced skaters, Kate recommends learning an Euler where the free leg starts behind rather than in front. A triple jump/Euler/triple jump combination is typically much easier if the skater lands the initial triple jump with the free leg back in the traditional checked landing position, meaning the Euler starts with the free leg back as though the skater is going to do a toe loop rather than a loop. This approach helps maintain flow and rotational control.
For the Euler flip combination, Kate wants her skaters to be “very patient.” The key is to still get a “full reach” on the Euler landing and flip preparation prior to drawing in to the tap on the way up into the flip. Kate demonstrates a waltz jump Euler single flip.
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