Sit to Up Camel – More Tips (Kim Ryan)

Spin specialist Kim Ryan continues a spin class (see Part 1 here and Part 2 here) with more advanced spinners, with the emphasis on the sit to up camel difficult transition (worth a level!). In the previous parts of the class Kim explained how to do this difficult transition, and this video offers more insights into performance and troubleshooting details. Kim explains she wants her own skaters to become proficient (10 revolutions) at simply doing a catch camel without an actual catch. Once a skater masters that position and can get to that position comfortably from a regular camel spin entrance, it’s easier to learn from the sit spin.

A common problem is pulling back on the free side while transitioning to the camel spin, which blocks the rotation. Instead Kim recommends keeping the hands together from the end of the sit all the way through the initial up camel position. This ensures the free side “comes to the party.” Keep both hands together and in front until “you’re standing up on that leg.”

Next Kim has the class do sit to up camel then catch foot camel. Notice how the skaters in the class become too focused on the catch and therefore don’t really take the time to do a good up camel. As Kim works with individual skaters in the class, she offers more tips like keeping the hands from dropping during the transition from the sit to the up camel, and keeping the head up too. The final skater she works with is comfortable bending the free leg for the up camel, but she struggles with allowing the hips to release into the camel. Kim says, “She’s staying pretty upright” and “she needs to tip her hips and get her (skating) foot forward.” She then shows what she wants by holding the skater up and manipulating her into the right positions.


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