Spin specialist Kim Ryan begins a group class on layback spins. Not surprisingly, the focus in this video is entirely on proper entrance and spin centering, so Kim only teaches details of the forward upright spin here. She begins with a discussion of centering which she calls “centeration.” Centering a spin is incredibly important for not only increasing GOE but also for maintaining the spin speed and duration needed for hitting variation positions. Skaters need to learn to center their spin within 1 blade length of their spin hook three turn for maximum GOE.
When working with elite skaters, Kim notes that she spends most of her time helping them improve their spin GOE, often with the main focus being on centering. This highlights the benefit of teaching developmental skaters early in their skating careers to center spins so it’s not an issue later on. So even though this is a layback class, the entire focus is initially on centering a basic forward upright scratch spin.
Kim then describes how she teaches a forward spin entrance, with special emphasis on the “skinny V” which she has covered in many videos on iCoachSkating. Notice the concepts of thumbs up (to open the shoulders), three quarters of a circle entry with stepping back into the circle, strength of position in the skinny-V, and keeping the elbows down when pulling in. The goal is to center within two initial rotations. Kim also notes that skaters can destroy their GOE on any good spin by spinning too long and waiting until the spin speed is too low to make a strong, powerful exit. She says, “When you exit a spin, don’t wait until you slow down. Don’t wait to die a slow, miserable death.” A good goal is to “finish faster than you started.”
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