Chris Conte continues with Part 9 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises. In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with axis, air position, head control, and strong powerful landings. The drills are general and apply to all multi-rotation jumps and are not focused on specific-jump take-off methods or technique. In Part 1, Chris introduced the “snizzle” which is a combination of “snap drill” and “twizzle.” In Part 2, he showed some basic warm-up drills including the backward jump snizzle. In Part 3, he covered a warm-up drill and a landing drill. In Part 4 he revisited snizzles with his demonstrator. And in Part 5 he introduced the “hop around.” Part 6 focused on building an inside axel from the snizzle and Part 7 was about building the axel. Part 8 covered salchow development.
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 1 – The Snizzle
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 2 – Warm-Up
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 3 – Flow and Landing Drill
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 4 – Single Snizzle
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 5 – Hop Arounds
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 6 – Inside Axels
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 7 – Building the Axel
In this video, Chris builds on the previous videos and shows the exercises for double toe loop and double loop, before returning to single axel and double salchow. The focus is on the drills and proper take-offs and air positions. There are some nice demonstrations, including a slow motion double salchow. This is a great video for those skaters and coaches who have started to master these jumps and need a way to maintain their precision and accuracy. Chris calls 3 repeats of a single jump “threesies.”
Chris makes observations about curvy landings, duration of drills with only singles, head stillness, adding speed and power, still landings, rotating on the way up rather than on the way down (on axel), consistency of doing these drills, and the idea of “transferring the weight.” Another great video in a great series.
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