Chris Conte continues with Part 11 of a multi-part series on jump development exercises. In this series, Chris provides a set of warm-up exercises with a variety of drills embedded in them to develop important jumping skills associated with axis, air position, head control, and strong powerful landings. The drills are general and apply to all multi-rotation jumps and are not focused on specific-jump take-off methods or technique. In Part 1, Chris introduced the “snizzle” which is a combination of “snap drill” and “twizzle.” In Part 2, he showed some basic warm-up drills including the backward jump snizzle. In Part 3, he covered a warm-up drill and a landing drill. In Part 4 he revisited snizzles with his demonstrator. And in Part 5 he introduced the “hop around.” Part 6 focused on building an inside axel from the snizzle and Part 7 was about building the axel. Part 8 covered salchow development and Part 9 focused on axel and double salchow. Part 10 was all about the lutz and building a double lutz.
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 1 – The Snizzle
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 2 – Warm-Up
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 3 – Flow and Landing Drill
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 4 – Single Snizzle
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 5 – Hop Arounds
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 6 – Inside Axels
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 7 – Building the Axel
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 8 – Salchow Development
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 9 – Axel and Double Salchow
- Jump Development Exercises Pt 10 – Lutz, Double Lutz
In this video, Chris focuses on adding energy for triple jump development. He introduces us to what he calls the “Ting Fling” since the skater’s name is Ting and he’s adding a little energy to the entry which skaters often feel as a “fling.” Chris demonstrates the Ting Fling on salchow, toe loop, and flip in this video (primary jumps with 3-turn entrances). He explains what he is doing and where he’s pulling and pushing in terms of direction and timing. The key is to pull in the direction of the jump, adding a little rotation through the turn, but then helping the skater check the turn thoroughly (as most skaters have more problems checking the turn when traveling faster!).
Chris talks a little about using the pole harness for developing triples. And although he does not use the pole in this segment and he talks about the advantages of using the “fling,” he also admits to putting Ting on the pole for triples every few days. The key is that Chris recognizes that Ting is not physically ready to land the jump off the pole and so the focus is on developing the necessary air time (jump height) by building more energy into the double. About Ting’s double salchow Chris says, “I’m pretty happy with it. It doesn’t produce enough energy on its own to quite get around the triple fully.” Chris doesn’t like to spend too much time using the pole at this stage. He calls it giving the skater a “pole ride.” He uses the pole harness to have “her feel the rotation and stay there tighter for when she is physically ready.”
One of the advantages of developing the jumps using the methods that Chris has shared in this series is the skater’s jumps become “pattern independent.” The skater feels comfortable doing the jump in any direction and location. Chris also uses multiple entrances for each jump (shows a drill) and he varies the entry speeds, helping the skater build complete mastery of the jump. This is not only great for general consistency, but it makes a skater incredibly versatile in terms choreography (remember Chris is an International Choreographer!).
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