Moves in the field expert Karen Heng Olson continues her presentation on the Forward Outside Twizzles for the USFS Intermediate Moves in the Field pattern. In the first video of the series, Karen introduced some basics. In this video, she starts to build the forward outside twizzle pattern. After the skater does the basic pattern, Karen notes the importance of mastering the cross strokes from the Juvenile MIF test. She also shows an exercise for working on the cross strokes that helps with alignment and power generation. She does not want toe pushes!
Karen explains the basic concept of a twizzle, which is quickly rotating multiple turns in roughly the same spot on the blade, without any down/up motion with the knees. She also reminds us, “You initiate the edge first, and then create the spin.” With the demonstrator, Karen wants the skater to finish the cross stroke on the proper edge before the next twizzle.
Next Karen has the skater do an exercise to improve the twizzle itself, where the skater simply continues twizzling for many turns in an effort to get used to the feeling of turning in one spot on the blade without using the knees. Skaters who have strong knee action on 3-turns may find this exercise helpful to reduce the knee action on their twizzles.
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