The Waltz Jump (Robert Tebby)

World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby teaches a class some important details about the waltz jump, particularly as it relates to axel and double axel.  Robert starts with a discussion of the setup and he encourages getting stable on 2 feet on the back outside edge setup.  From back crossovers, he moves to a set position with both feet on the ice on the same tracing.  The waltz jump “step” foot (left foot for most skaters) should be behind the other foot (right foot for most skaters).  Notice that the arms still face into the circle in this set position.  Next, Robert switches the arms and head while remaining on 2 feet, and then he picks up the back foot to prepare for the step.

The final movement is to gather the arms in front of the torso.  Each position and movement requires stillness and control.  To perfect the final arm movement, the skater should practice gathering the arms and putting them back, over and over without moving the body.  For the step forward, Robert wants the skating side to stay strongly forward and the free side shoulder to stay back.

Robert also takes a moment to discuss the landing.  He particularly focuses on turning the head strongly to the landing side for the landing.  He notes that in the air on a multi-rotation jump the head will tend to turn toward the rotational direction, but it must be stopped for landing.  So getting used to this movement right away on waltz jump is important.  Turning the head to the landing side not only checks the rotation, it also improves landing alignment which adds further to the control of the jump.


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