Chris Conte continues his multi-part series on air turns or the Russian Twist.
- In Part 1, he introduced the overall concept.
- In Part 2 he explained the first turn and discussed how it relates to snizzles and the d-position.
- In Part 3 he offered more details and some Russian twist demonstrations.
- In Part 4 he showed a progression of development drills and focused on proper air position and landings.
In this video, Chris relates the Russian Twist setup and take-off to the various standard jumps, salchow, toe loop, loop, and flip. He stresses the need to master the Russian Twist so skaters “start to feel all their take-offs as if they’re Russian twists.” Chris also talks about anchoring the head and closing the hips in the air.
Throughout the rest of the video Chris relates the Russian Twist to the standard jumps of skating. He provides some great demonstrations and some very helpful tips and observations.
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