Chris Conte continues his multi-part series on air turns or the Russian Twist. In Part 1, he introduced the overall concept. In Part 2 he explained the first turn and discussed how it relates to snizzles and the d-position. In this video, Chris provides more explanation and some nice demonstrations of the concept.
Chris begins this video by walking through a Russian Twist. He notes that he’s a “big fan of hand contact in the air” as are other top coaches (most notably, Michelle Leigh). Then he shows the moving progression he uses, starting on the line. He starts gliding backwards, turns to forward and pauses, then turns to backward with the hips while stopping the shoulders. Next he does the same exact drill with hops instead of on-ice turns. Then by speeding it up slightly, he create a full air turn in a straight line. The next phase is to put it onto a large circle, but Chris warns of getting sloppy and doing half loops.
He talks more about how to land, and the movements of the hips. He also shows big and small air turns as well as a series of quick repeating air turns. He also talks about head position and anchoring. See a couple air turns at the end of the video in slow-motion.
NOTE: The series of videos on air turns by Nick Perna that Chris mentions in this video can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
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