International coach and jump specialist Chris Conte continues an on-ice jump class. In Part 1 he introduced power swizzles and in Part 2 he shared swizzle hops and a variety of insights about power on the ice. In this video he takes this progression to the next step with swizzle hop air turns.
Chris begins this class by teaching the skaters to do backward swizzles with the shoulders turned toward the axis side. This position represents the starting shoulder position for the swizzle hop air turn, and the shoulders should be turned about 90 degrees from the neutral position. He then has the class do the moving air turns by starting with a basic backward power swizzle followed by another power swizzle but this time in the twisted core position and then a final swizzle into the air turn jump. Even though this has rotation, Chris still wants the skaters to come off two inside edges, and he wants to avoid the toe picks both at take-off and landing. He also notes that head anchoring is important for doing this exercise well.
After bringing the class in for a discussion, Chris explains that he does not focus on arms but rather on core and shoulders. He says, “Turn your ribs against that (axis) hip.” When in this position while bending for the swizzle, the body naturally wants to rotate back to the neutral shoulder/core position which creates rotation automatically. He describes a good jump as feeling like it’s “scooping right up your ribcage.” He then has the class try the exercise again, initially having them relax their arms.
At the very end, Chris explains how this relates to the loop jump. He says, “The biggest problem people have on loop jumps is not holding this moment (shoulder/core preparation) and having the jump come up this way (releasing the core at the right moment). They move too much (shoulders rotate early or tip outside circle).”
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