World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby explains how to correctly perform off-ice axels and off-ice double axels. This video was provided by Robert during the coronavirus pandemic, and it offers lots of examples and insights about this important skill.
The first skater gives a nice explanation of the walkthrough she uses. Notice the landing, and the variations in speed and tempo of the exercise. She recommends at least 10 repetitions (of each version of the walkthrough).
The next skater performs a single off-ice axel (in slow motion). The setup she uses helps create some natural rotation which would normally be created by the edge on the ice. The entrance “uses a right foot inside hop with the left foot crossing over which really helps establish the right position on the step.” The positions in this slow motion video are excellent, and demonstrate how the free hip is behind the jumping hip on the step.
Next, there is some grainy video of a couple skaters performing off-ice double axels using the same entrance. And finally, Robert includes a couple examples of on-ice double axels to show how similar the off-ice double axels are to the on-ice version.
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