Kori Ade continues with the third part of a multi-part series on off-ice training. In Part 1, Kori introduced her demonstrators, went through a short warm-up, and proceeded to dynamic stretching, and in Part 2, Kori focused on a few challenging strength development exercises. In this video, Kori addresses the importance of hydration and continues with strength and balance work.
In terms of hydration, note that Kori regularly reminds her skaters to hydtrate. [For those interested, the coconut-water-based electrolyte drink Kori mentions is Greater Than and you can get it directly from Amazon.com. Trevor tried it and gives it two thumbs up!]
The first exercise in this video is squats on a soccer ball to develop core strength and stability. This is a very challenging exercise. Kori notes that most athletes need to use a balancing aid at first. The next exercise is a variation of the table-top plank. Kori uses the ball to destabilize the plank which draws on more core development. This drill also involves coordination development that is valuable for figure skaters (mind to foot coordination). The next variation of this drill is killer, with one hand and one foot in the air.
If you’re a skater, can you do these drills? If you’re a coach, can your skaters do these drills? Again, these exercises are very hard but give you some idea of the training used by top coaches and top athletes.
Check out the other videos in this series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
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