Figure skating jump specialist Charlie Tickner continues his discussion of the lutz jump. In Part 1, he talked about fundamentals of edge control and alignment and how he begins building the jump without rotation. In this video, he begins by adding rotation. He primarily uses the motion of the right arm and the limited motion of the right shoulder to create rotational energy. As he explained in Part 1, he leaves the left arm stationary and brings the right arm to it. He prefers to have skaters initially think about it as an air turn with the feet rotating side-by-side in the air. The way he teaches it, “on a single lutz we don’t cross our feet.” [Editor’s note: Some coaches teach technique that allows the feet to cross even on a single lutz. This depends largely on teaching methods and the actual technique used by the skater.]
Using Charlie’s technique, the skater must learn to get their weight over the landing side after rotating with the feet side-by-side. Notice that Charlie also does not like the shoulders to leave early. As he puts it, “We don’t want a lot of cranking around.” [Editor’s note: This is a somewhat controversial topic in skating as many top skaters have strong shoulder pre-rotation. Charlie teaches a very “blocked” version of the lutz. This old-school lutz technique focuses on maintaining the correct edge and getting full height. Traditionally very little discussion or instruction was offered regarding HOW to create the necessary rotational energy.]
To build a double lutz, Charlie’s primary advice is to increase the entry speed. If a correct take-off is used, the added speed will increase both jump height and the rotational energy for the jump. But Charlie notes, most skaters speed up the timing of the jump too much when they are entering it at a higher speed. So he says, “When you go faster into a jump everything you’re doing has to slow down because we tend to speed everything up.”
Charlie takes a moment to address the idea that until you feel a jump successfully, you really don’t know what to expect. After you experience it, it becomes easier to duplicate in a process Charlie calls “physicalization.”
At the very end of the video, Charlie recommends one particular drill for helping correct a change of edge. This outside edge hopping drill is very effective for maintaining alignment over the skating side on the entry.
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