In this figure skating video, Olympic coach Michelle Leigh continues her lesson with two young skaters. The first part of the lesson focused on a series of warm-up drills prior to jump training. In the second video, Michelle had the skaters do waltz jumps and single salchows. In this part of the lesson, the skaters are working on the loop jump.
Michelle begins by working on a “scoop” entry for the jump. There are a number of reasons for using this kind of entry with young skaters. It gets them used to more complex entry patterns earlier in their skating experience. It also keeps the jump on the hockey lines and makes the jump more repeatable. The changing lobes and “scooping” motion exaggerate the shoulder twist and body alignment needed for a good loop, as well as emphasizing the edge quality of the jump.
Michelle offers two versions of this drill. One is slightly more advanced. Notice the focus on getting the skaters to a good “starting position” prior to the jump with the skating arm pulled back strongly and the free arm across the body. Michelle uses the fun concept of putting the free hand in the skating “pocket” (which helps prevent the shoulders from opening up on the take-off movement). If the skater is wearing a jacket with pockets, the skater can simply grab the pocket opening on the skating side with the free hand. If the skater is not wearing something with pockets, they can try to grab any clothing material where the pocket would normally be. It works best with something to grab, but this “pocket” concept also works when skaters simply place their free hand in this location against the body and try to hold it there. (Note: This “pocket” drill works with skaters of EVERY level. It’s very effective for skaters working on doubles and even triples.)
Michelle talks a little about arms and free leg motion. Notice the focus on creating a “4” instead of an “h” as this more compact position makes collecting everything on doubles (and triples) easier. The idea of teaching technique to skaters at this level to make double and triple jumps easy in the future is a classic approach of elite coaches who have the end goal clearly in mind. Again, please note Michelle’s focus on air position with a flexed landing foot. This usually forces the landing leg straight which is an important characteristic of most triple and quad jumps.
Check out the other videos in this series:
1. On-Ice Figure Skating Jump Warm-Up (Michelle Leigh)
2. Figure Skating Jumps – Waltz Jump and Single Salchow (Michelle Leigh)
3. Figure Skating Jumps – Loop Jump (Michelle Leigh) – This video!
4. Figure Skating Jumps – Lutz Jump for Young Skaters (Michelle Leigh)
5. Figure Skating Jumps – Video Axel Lesson with Young Skaters (Michelle Leigh)
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