World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby shares his approach to teaching the lutz jump. This is a relatively traditional approach to the lutz, and those that teach this jump from a shallow outside edge setup will find much to use in this video. Robert doesn’t like “gimmicks” for trying to get on the outside edge. He says, “I need to be balanced on my outside edge.” He teaches a standstill drill for aligning over the outside edge. He notes, “If we’re not over the outside edge, we’re going to change edges.” Robert says it can take a lot of practice to get comfortable on the outside edge.
He again uses the “touch, toe, turn” concept that he introduced on the flip jump. He also talks about the “flick” of the toe pick on a good lutz. He says, “The edge goes back and because of the torque from the core to the hips as the leg releases the bottom toe pick is the last thing to leave the ice.” He shows an exercise at the wall to develop this feeling.
Another great drill Robert shares is what he calls the “jump back counter.” It’s essentially a backward outside counter with a jump where the turn occurs for the forward outside edge on the same skate. This approach to lutz has a strong shoulder pre-rotation that many coaches avoid. Yet a significant percentage of elite skaters do the jump just this way.
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