Quad Toe Loop With Jordan Moeller (Vincent Restencourt)

Coach and former French competitive skater Vincent Restencourt gives a quad toe loop lesson to International skater Jordan Moeller (2nd place, 2017 Challenge Cup) a number of years ago. At the time this video was taken, Jordan had not yet landed a clean quad. It is uncommon for skaters and coaches at this level to share such an intimate look at a typical quad lesson, so this video is extraordinary. Notice there isn’t a lot of detailed discussion or in-depth analysis, but very simple concepts and just a few words or gestures to make a change.

After an intial attempt, Vincent asks Jordan to be “more aggressive.” He describes the failed jump as “too nice” which is his way of saying it needs more acceleration through the take-off. After a 2nd attempt, Vincent does a little hands-on coaching as Jordan walks through the setup and take-off. Vincent then moves Jordan’s arms quickly to help him understand the timing and quickness required. Vincent says, “That (non-axis arm) is your control/direction, that (axis arm) is your power. Boom boom.” The next quad attempt at 0:50 is probably the best one in the lesson.

On the next attempt, Jordan pulls back with the body during take-off and Vincent demonstrates this for us. You can see the effect as the jump slowly tips over backward in the air. After a pop, Vincent reminds Jordan, “Remember on a quad you have no other way than 100 percent.” Vincent also explains that you simply cannot do a quad while keeping the non-axis arm checked. It has to move, and it may have to move more aggressively than the shoulder itself.

Another mind-hack that Vincent uses is describing the quad toe take-off as just a triple axel, which Jordan was already landing. Although not exactly true, this comparison can be really helpful in terms of “feeling” and building confidence. It is also a way of trying to get more pivot on the ice, rather than “taking off too soon.”

After another attempt, Vincent wants Jordan to focus on landing on one foot. His pep talk is simply, “It’s how bad you want it.” The next attempt at 4:40 is solid and on one foot, but underrotated. After more attempts Vincent explains that it’s a process and it takes time.


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