On-Ice Warm Up – Part 4 (Ryan Jahnke and Ben Agosto)

National medalist Ryan Jahnke and World and Olympic medalist Ben Agosto continue presenting on-ice warm up exercises at a summer camp. You can see the earlier videos in this series here: Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3. Ryan and Ben return to exercises shared in Part 2 but here the class is at a lower skating level and they offer more detail and advice. Ryan is wearing the microphone.

The first exercise is repeating forward outside edges, focusing on controlling rotation from a fully stretched start position through a final collected upright position prior to the step to the next outside edge. Ryan explains that the toe of the free foot should be lined up with the heel of the skating foot in the stretch position as well as the collected upright position. This addresses the common error of having the free leg outside the circle (“to the side”). Notice how these skaters struggle with creating enough shoulder rotation to control the position and movement. Ryan also demonstrates how many of the skaters are breaking their alignment, especially as they move the free leg from the stretch position to the collected position. Ryan describes this as “out of control” and “soggy on the hip.”

The second exercise is repeating forward outside three turns down the ice. The initial push position has the front arm raised and the free leg and arm fully stretched behind. The skater then collects the free leg (under control), then performs the three turn into a stretch on the back inside edge. Prior to stepping forward for the next lobe, the skater collects the feet again, heel to heel. Notice how Ryan and Ben demonstrate this exercise by gliding in the collected positions before the three turn and again before the forward step. They do not just move through these positions, but control them with a pause. Ryan says, “The slow you go with your timing, the harder it is.” Ben notes that this kind of control is necessary for a quad toe loop.


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