Trevor Laak analyzes a double lutz, discussing details related to jump timing and rhythm, the active take-off edge, toe pick placement, arm and shoulder timing, and more. The repeating power pull entrance for the lutz can be very helpful for skaters to feel the desired timing of the jump and stay on an active outside edge through the take-off. The idea of a blurb is important in skating, and especially for the lutz jump. The inside pull prior to the active outside take-off edge in this case functions as the blurb.
It is possible to bend too much when loading a jump, and this often leads to sluggish take-offs. Also, it is important for the skater to be coming out of the skating knee before the toe pick enters the ice, so it is a true “toe assisted” jump. This helps keep the jump light and quick. Placing the toe pick into the ice too far back also causes problems with timing and toe pick placement. A good lutz has a very close lateral pick placement from the take-off edge, usually a blade length or less.
Shoulder and arm timing is also critical on a good lutz, as the axis side hand needs to be in front of the plane of the body as the pick enters the ice to prevent blocking the rotation. As a general rule the body should be square or already turning past square and into the rotation as the toe pick enters the ice. Minimum air time for a double lutz is 0.35 seconds, but attempts that do not pivot all the way forward as they leave the ice need additional air time to complete the rotation.