International coach Chris Conte continues his description of the physical processes of jumping, especially for toe jumps (although the concepts also apply to edge jumps). In the previous videos, Chris discussed the theory of how skaters create lift and how they create rotation and some specifics of flip jump theory. In this video, Chris focuses on how to move beyond doubles to triples and eventually quads.
He begins by demonstrating what he means by “rotation is free” with a skate guard sliding across the ice. This helps explain why higher entry speeds can create more rotational energy and higher rotation speeds in jumps (typically triples and quads). Going on Chris says, “The thing to understand about doing triples from your doubles… once your doubles are able to lift enough it’s all about rotation rate and keeping the axis.” He observes that narrow arm movements on jump take-offs are typically beneficial because is helps accelerate the pivot and initial rotation rate up into a jump. Also, focusing on “lightening up” the take-off by using correct timing and narrow and less tense arms can create both more lift and more rotation.
In terms of readiness for triples, Chris explains the need to work towards the quickness needed for the triple in the double attempts. Obviously skaters also need to work toward enough jump height or air time, so a significant part of the training process for triples can happen without even trying any triples. The goal is to get really fast rotational acceleration up an into the first turn of the jump, without compromising jump height.