Coaches Stephanie Bass and Tiffany McNeil of The Strategic Method offer an overview of the IJS protocol sheet that is generated for every performance in an International Judging System (IJS) event.
NOTE: IJS information is always changing. This information is provided in good faith by iCoachSkating and The Strategic Method in early 2020, and IJS may have changed (significantly) at the time you are watching this video. Please visit The Strategic Method page on iCoachSkating for the most recent videos on IJS.
Tiffany and Stephanie describe the sections of the protocol sheet. As they note, technical specialists call what they see the skater perform and that shows up under executed elements. Each element has a Base Value which can be found in the Scale of Values published by the ISU or a national skating federation such as USFS (under Technical Information). Each executed element receives GOE or Grade of Execution from each judge on the panel. GOE ranges from -5 to +5 and the highest and lowest values are dropped and the remaining scores averaged. Final GOE score calculations are somewhat complex and will be discussed in future videos. Panel Scores are calculated by adding up base value and GOE for each element. The Total Element Score is calculated by adding all the element Panel Scores together.
Skaters also receive component scores. Program Component categories and calculations are different at different skating levels and in different countries. The Factor for each component changes depending on level, as a way to emphasize certain components at those levels. To get the Panel Scores for each component, the high and low judges’ scores are dropped and the remaining values are averaged. The Component Panel Scores are then multiplied by the Factor to give the Factored Component Scores which are then added together to give the Total Factored Component Score.
Adding the Total Factored Component Score to the Total Element Score gives the final Total Segment Score which is the total score for the event.
Stephanie and Tiffany then discuss the meaning of some of the special characters such as < (under-rotated), << (downgraded), x (time bonus), – (no value), * (no credit, violation of rules), +REP (repeated), ! (edge attention), and e (edge). Stay tuned for the next video in this series.
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