Coaches Stephanie Bass and Tiffany McNeil of The Strategic Method continue their discussion of the IJS protocol sheet. In Part 1 of this series, they offered an overview of the IJS protocol sheet. In this video, they talk at length about GOE or Grade of Execution, including what it means and how it’s calculated.
NOTE: IJS information is always changing. This information is provided in good faith by iCoachSkating and The Strategic Method in early 2020, and IJS may have changed (significantly) at the time you are watching this video. Please visit The Strategic Method page on iCoachSkating for their most recent videos on IJS.
Tiffany and Stephanie explain that GOE is based on a +5 to -5 scale and it’s calculated using a “trimmed mean” method that drops the highest and lowest judge’s scores for that element before averaging. The GOE scores given by judges simply represent a specific positive or negative percentage of the element’s base value. For example, +1 adds 10% of the base value, -3 subtracts 30% from the base value. They show how the GOE was calculated for an example CCoSp4 (change foot combo spin level 4). Calculating the GOE on spins is relatively straightforward.
Next, they look at a double axel double toe loop jump combination. Calculating GOE for jumps is more difficult than spins in many cases due to all the special characters (coming in a later video), bonuses (coming in a later video) and details about how the calculation is performed (what base value is used, the current Scale of Values, and Custom Scale of Values for individual skating federations). The panel score for an element is simply the base value plus the final GOE calculation for that element.
The next element they discuss from the example protocol sheet for this US Intermediate lady is a triple salchow attempt. The attempt is underrotated and the GOE calculation is complicated by the carrot (<) and the bonus (b1). Underrotated jumps receive 70% of the base value, but the skater receives a bonus in Intermediate for trying the triple.
The next jump attempt is an underrotated triple loop with a fall. Falls result in -5 GOE from each judge (by rule) and the underrotation reduces the base value by 30%. There’s also a fall deduction, but there is a +1.00 bonus in the US for Intermediate ladies attempting triple loops. Falls are brutal in terms of total point losses, as this example shows. The base value for the triple loop is 4.90 but this skater only received a panel score for the element of 2.34. Ouch. (For reference, a double loop with +3 GOE would be worth 2.21.)
NOTE: If you try to follow along with the calculations yourself, you’ll need to guess when this event actually happened (probably 2017 or 2018) to understand the exact rules and find the Scale of Values at that time. We’ll have a later video go through the actual calculations (at a given moment in time) as there are some details such as order of operations that are a bit complicated.
Next, Stephanie and Tiffany discuss the “Reduction of Errors Sheet” that explains what errors receive what GOE. It’s not random and it’s not completely up to the judges either. It’s also important to understand the “Guidelines for Marking GOE in Singles…” as the judges have it memorized and coaches and skaters should too. As they note in the video, skaters and coaches should focus on the first three bullet points for each element type, as skaters must satisfy the first three bullets before they are even eligible for the other bullets (making +4 and +5 GOE’s much more difficult to receive).
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