World and Olympic coach Robert Tebby continues his discussion of the flip jump. This video is a continuation of the class Robert is teaching in this video. Here he covers the same information in more detail and he also clarifies some aspects of the technique. There is a complete review of the “touch, toe, turn” method plus more information about pick placement, head control and positioning, and details about the non-picking leg movement as the skater lifts up into the jump.
[Editor’s note: Robert promotes a touch of the hands or wrists and a relatively closed hand and arm position at the moment of take-off. Few if any elite skaters actually do the jump this way, but the concepts and drills help developing skaters create the correct timing for the jump. When he says, “If we’re in the air and our arms are open it’s too late. We should have our arms well on the way to being in before leaving this ice.” Video analysis, however, shows that a large percentage of elite skaters are relatively open at take-off and many have their arms wide open as they leave the ice. This is particularly true of male skaters and also true for female skaters with good jump height.]
Robert makes an important observation regarding all toe jumps and that is the tendency for skaters to since down further when the toe pick hits the ice. As he notes, there is no need to load the picking leg in this fashion as it destroys the timing of the jump. The jump should already be going up when the toe pick touches the ice under the picking hip. He says, “When your toe hits, there’s nothing but up.” The description of how to use the legs for the jump is excellent and should be understood by all skaters and coaches.
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