Spin specialist Bobbe Shire talks about the sit spin and the sit spin variation she calls the clam (sit back on forward foot). On the clam she likes to have the skaters turn their heads to the side because it helps keep the skaters head flat and the hips lower and it elongates the “line” of the position. Bobbe makes the point that even though the position doesn’t change once the skater gets to it, the position should have tension and upward pressure on the free leg. She also makes a point that this spin looks very different on skaters with different body types, even though they can do the spin well. (See the demonstration) Bobbe makes it clear that sometimes the positions cannot be made to be “pretty” no matter what and it’s just a function of body type, dimensions, and structure.
Next, Bobbe has three of her skaters show us a sit spin so we can see the different positions they attain based on their body types. She offers some insights during these demonstrations. (For those coaches whose skaters don’t hold jump landings or spin exits, consider Bobbe’s comment. She says her skaters often don’t hold their exits because “I’m hyper and I start talking too soon.”) Also notice the focus on keeping the shoulders down in a sit spin and the idea of leaning back to come up.
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