Professional choreographer Douglas Webster works with a skater to improve the step sequence in her program. The focus is on deepening her edges, generating more power, moving smoothly from one movement to the next, improving the look of turns, and using the eyes to project to the audience.
Doug makes a point of addressing the shoulder position on the loop early in the sequence. He wants the skater to feel her back “backing into the loop.” Also, Doug repeats throughout the video that “every bend becomes a push.” Also throughout the video, he makes a point of asking the skater to raise the eyes and project up and out, especially on her rockers.
To create power throughout a step sequence, Doug says, “Every time I step onto an outside edge or an inside edge, the second part of that bend becomes a power pull or a push.” He offers excellent demonstrations of this for the skater (and us).
At the end, Doug also talks about arms and shoulders. During step sequences it is a very common error for skaters to raise the shoulders and allow the arms to raise or float. Doug also mentions that it’s also very common that skaters simply “go through the motions” during steps instead of doing all the turns and steps with “the proper bends and the proper pushes.”
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