Axel Figure Skating: Dartfish With Slow Motion (Page Lipe)

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Computer Video Analysis of Single Axel
Play the top video first to see the jump being analyzed.
Then play the second video to the see the analysis by Page Lipe. Trevor Laak is sitting in with Page and he makes some observations and asks questions. This video also includes some tips by Page to fix the problems she sees. (This video was created in the pro room of the Parade Ice Garden.) Enjoy!

RAJU good exercises very helpful.
judy thanks for some very good exercises...............could not hear you two.
Nancy Great info! I did have a little difficulty hearing you two. Maybe it is my laptop? (or my ears...). Thanks so much Trevor and Page!
Trude Renwick Interesting way to focus on the hips!
Daniel Thanks for the upload - Looks useful... perhaps could get the exercises emonstrated on ice? I'm so greedy for content ^_^
Meg Thanks! Those exercises look very helpful.
Tracey Fantastic!! I was headed over today to go look for some tips to help a skater who is developing her axle, and the issues I thought maybe were happening were EXACTLY what is going on this video! The skater I'm working with hasn't landed hers, and it's a power and quickness issue, so I'm excited to implement those drills Paige suggested! Thanks Trevor and Paige!! This is great!