Figure Skating Education: Magic Three Turns (Chris Conte)

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Chris Conte discusses “3 turn magic” which is a system for developing walk-throughs of all the jumps. In this video, Chris shares important tips by working directly with a skater. The references to “cat and mouse” and “baby bear” will be more clear after future videos.
These drills are outstanding for developing skater alignment, stability and control.
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Aleem Chris, you and Nick must read from the same script. Is that because you know what you are talking about .... absolutely!
Chris G Hi Chris, My name is christophe and my soon to be wife tiffany Sfikas had tell me how good you are, but i now know it for sure. One of my student struggled with axel (who doesn t)... He could actually do a double better than a single. Over rotating and "free leg" open being the problem, i found your video and thought What a clear way to get him to understand Buttom line is: He lands them now properly! Thanks for sharing this genius exercise, hope to meet you one day...
Nancy G. Love it Chris! You rock!! Thank you so much!
skatermdb1 Very helpful. Again, I will use it.
Sheila Chris - awesome lesson! I love the way, you talk to skaters! Excellent drills! You're a genius!
Traci THis is great! I can't wait for more!
Lauri B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
cheryl Can't wait to see more about the cat, mouse and baby bear!
faye exellent!
Tiba I like the fact you start from the basic and develop, something that most of the time is ignored.
Brigitte Laskowski These are exactly the drills I need. I bookmarked the page and will show my coach Vern Taylor these drill, which I desperately need to be doing once I am back on the ice from having to heal my broken left foot in April. That's right no competing at Adult Canadians this year in Oakville Ontario.