A couple years ago we published our first “blooper” reel, showing some of the fun and funny stuff that happens during a typical iCoachSkating video session. You can see the original blooper reel here. The presenting coaches who you’ve come to know and love are very professional, of course, but it doesn’t mean they don’t make mistakes or they don’t have a sense of humor.
Most of the video you see on iCoachSkating is shot by Founder Trevor Laak, and it remains one of his favorite parts about running the website. These video sessions are obviously a great chance to learn and interact with amazing instructors. But they’re also a chance to hear off-the-record stories and goof off a bit. This process, in conjunction with the “stress” of trying to correctly convey important information, often leads to some funny video that usually gets edited out.
This is a chance to see the personalities of some of our presenters shine through. Remember, what they are doing is not easy and it’s a privilege to work with them and learn from them. Enjoy.